
11/26/2016 21:36 – Facebook Post

6:36 p.m…

F-C-F… Full Circle First Contact…




A-Z…”Kolo”- Tipi (Ti! Pi) Circle Filled by I.

I just read this code as I write it, and I am so irritated, that the American Indian Spirit, play which I already knew I was passing through, since the evidence and “Sign Posts” were everywhere…
Had manifested as a route home, despite my focus on the 5th World.
But my cubicle mate made a comment, *he is part native america, african and East Indian- yes, exactly as sacred portal “121- Where my Brothers elevated E-Spirit is telling talking to me”


Kolo ZI..

“Meaning of name Zi
Etymology : China: graceful, beautiful”


My Cubicle mate saw Four Djinn hovering over me,
He first told the Room that he saw them moving about the Room..
And then told me, how they were hovering over his head.

He said this while, I saw a watched with my mouth dropped open as my phone called Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka as I was posting something.
I told him that it was not me…
But took the hint.. when I saw it was 112 secs..
Yes, See both sacred portals 112 A and B in my Albums.


Jinn (Arabic: ??????, al-jinn), also romanized as djinn or anglicized as genies (with the more broad meaning of demons),[1] are supernatural creatures in early Arabian and later Islamic mythology and theology. An individual member of the jinn is known as a jinni, djinni, or genie (?????, al-jinn?). They are mentioned frequently in the Quran (the 72nd sura is titled S?rat al-Jinn) and other Islamic texts. The Quran says that the jinn were created from a smokeless and “scorching fire”,[2] but are also physical in nature, being able to interact in a tactile manner with people and objects and likewise be acted upon. The jinn, humans, and angels make up the three known sapient creations of God. Like human beings, the jinn can be good, evil, or neutrally benevolent and hence have free will like humans.[3] The shaytan jinn are akin to demons in Christian tradition, but the jinn are not demons and the Quran draws a clear distinction between the two creations. The Quran states in S?rat al-Kahf (The Cave), Ayah 50,[4] that Iblis (Azazel) is one of the jinn.

Jinn is an Arabic collective noun deriving from the Semitic root jnn (Arabic: ???? / ??????, jann), whose primary meaning is “to hide”. Some authors interpret the word to mean, literally, “beings that are concealed from the senses”.[5] Cognates include the Arabic majn?n (“possessed”, or generally “insane”), jannah (“garden”), and jan?n (“embryo”).[6] Jinn is properly treated as a plural, with the singular being jinni.

The anglicized form genie is a borrowing of the French génie, from the Latin genius, a guardian spirit of people and places in Roman religion. It first appeared[7] in 18th-century translations of the Thousand and One Nights from the French,[8] where it had been used owing to its rough similarity in sound and sense.

In Islamic theology jinn are said to be creatures with free will, made from smokeless fire by God (Arabic: Allah) as humans were made of clay, among other things.[13] According to the Quran, jinn have free will, and Ibl?s abused this freedom in front of God by refusing to bow to Adam when God ordered angels and jinn to do so. For disobeying God, Ibl?s was expelled from Paradise and called “Shayt?n” (Satan). Jinn are frequently mentioned in the Quran: Surah 72 (named S?rat al-Jinn) is named after the jinn, and has a passage about them. Another surah (S?rat al-N?s) mentions jinn in the last verse.[14] The Quran also mentions that Muhammad was sent as a prophet to both “humanity and the jinn”, and that prophets and messengers were sent to both communities.[15][16]

Like humans, jinn will also be judged on the Day of Judgment and will be sent to Paradise or Hell according to their deeds
Everything are being manipulated”

Emeka Kolo

‘I just saw the time code of the call… 112…..
I just shared that Sacred Portal…
No it was the Higher world and it came through me.
I have already conquered this world tech and Super Computer..
No.. It means I have succeeded in bringing the Prodigal Child home.
That is the reason why you had to give the last gift. Why I am in your bed.
They used me to bring you “the Human Akpa Ogu home..
1:21 pm
My God…

*(Notice the time it completed Sacred portal 121.. “Native American, African and Indian “Proto-Indu-European” Human Spirit”
My God

Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka

So true
I was never fighting for nothing though
Was that the meaning of those bunch of keys handed to me ?”

Emeka Kolo

“I am so tired.
No you did know.
Portal keys..”

Flor Elena Medina-

“My friend i dreamed today something very very powerful i would say. Because i do not find another name to describe. I got through this dream-vision a glimpse of real Matrix and it was horror. Now i know how you must feel.
I feel so useless and with no power to change this nightmare and i am crying right now”

AT 2:58 pm she sent me Pleiadian Express called “HOME”
Sirus Pleiades S.P… Sacred Portal -HOME.

She is not, but her sentiment of understanding has illicited the same response as Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka who tells me when understood and truly saw what I was living he weeps….

7:04 p/m.

It is not that I require anyone to weep, or pity me…
But rather that, what I have been going through, alone- in front of an entire world… And anyone who really, really saw and knew, would weep. I wept, not because of self pity, but by the sheer horror of the experience of a person

7:06 p.m…

… Who told the truth.

For the first time, I let my rage finally erupt to my mother, it was quiet but it was forever..
It was not angry, but after 27 years, of explaining to her, to my siblings, uncle, bio, family, “friends’, every one who I was led to…
And no one truly seeing, understanding…
Fighting to rescue each persons beautiful truth…
And the truth that I have second sight, third, fourth. fifth even six, sight…
And what it it feels like to literally be from another world…
“Blue E.T” as Nikoma Rios saw me appear as, and to be in a battle so cosmic… which Kerwyn Vincent spoke about getting a brief glimpse one day as he and his friend walked through a graveyard drunk, and after stumbling, found themselves suddenly in a great battle…
He too wept.. when he understood what I had never really expressed the emotions, what it feels like…
The true disciplines, I practice each day, to discipline my mind and being as I face this nightmare, that I am living..
It is not the monsters, demons or Evil Spirits which scare me..
I riddle them out of Existence- and what a Battle that is…
No, that battle, though awful, I am a warrior as this face book mirror of face book friends name meanings has reflected back at me…

No, it is the human response and reaction…
It is the years, years, life time of Solitude and Isolation.
It is the incredulity that such a play could be allowed to go so,
it has been the complete indifference of people up until only recently.

It has been the Supreme and Ultimate Selfishness of people, right to Delta Manor, of what some people are living, and for their benefit- and not only peoples indifference but the taking from them and giving nothing back….

I told this to Dewight Smith, that this is play of Delta Manor is the World…
The 4th Word in Hopi Culture, and my wrath has been why it has been allowed to go on this long, that the Human Beings, are not Human, that they are not sub, sub human…

Because a even the Gods and Deities have wept for me, even the image of Christ on my Wall, as an 8 year old boy…
I have finally understood his expression, it was not pity..
He was simply weeping for me….

I have not been afford to Weep, but I have wept for the Emeka, the person who I watch enduring this..
I have watched his clever tricks, and brilliant ways he has found to control and master the reality of what he always knew was the true..
That he is experiencing the Existential Nightmare of Existence alone in a World whose cruelty, even they are not aware of…

I play games with myself each day, to deal with the fact that this experience given to one person to endure is actually real…
That he knows his true Identity as Manu- the First to Rise and in a way, the only one and he has been possessed, cursed. made to endure all the greatest torments of Human and Spirit ind and creation made to become so real…
Despite my being aware that they can not be, because as Pink Prince Panther testified, we come from the 5th World.
The Blue Kachine…And in that realm, the origin of all Existence, non of this terrors exist… That we know that this is not real… and never was.
And yet to be stuck in a battle, so epic, and becoming of my supreme self mastery, I am able to carry it, even to a Mental Health Shelter, with anyone realizing what I am carrying and doing the work there of bringing them home, alerting them, without their even being aware of what I am doing for them…
And the one who does representing the world…
Dewight Smith…

John Dudley represents the 4th Dimension… and has multiple scelrosis- but nothing comes close to the horror of his seeing with second sight…

“Emeka”, he said this evening.. “run… why don’t you pack your bags and run… run… run..!”

These people weep, because they have experienced a taste of this truth, literally….
And they Weep for the same reason, I weep for Emeka, the Youth, the Source.. but most of all for what was done to A Human Being.
Existence would not allow this…but it did.
And so I weep for not “Emeka” but that this could be done, that this is possible- that such a thing can be done to anyone, not just Emeka..
Right to Face Book, in front of the entire world, his once beloved to him bio family, his “Friends”- for a voice to weep out so heroically, in such a nightmare…
And to be left this long to such a fate….

Sacred Portal 147 A.-B…

That is how I know, who gets it…

And why they weep, for me, for that such a thing beyond any horror movie, can literally be true.
They weep because they understand.. finally that I told the truth and it is sinking in, the true implications of what it means to Stand Alone and fight, and fight, and fight and see yourself so beautiful, so heroic, acknowledged by the everything, even the Illusions and Monsters…
And see the most ugly, horrific truth of human beings..
Enough that I do not weep… I have shed no tear in years,
only the fire of the daily evidence of the depth of inhumanity seen right to this place no matter how much love, money grace, transparency you give…
They chose to not look at the true suffering of others, but chose to exploit it instead..
This is the source of my inhuman, rage beyond even the Blue Flame, for even beings such as Fritz Venneiq once beloved to me…
That cowardice and selfishness which has made me reach for a power within me (Which I have been secretly quietly of, which has made it so solid in my mind and being, that I..A.M… This Being, this First Born, this Beautiful one… A message I received yesterday night..”Most Beautiful M”- And I know, it.. finally free of concern for others, or what they may think or their feelings be hurt, or jealousy envy anger rising in themselves.
I embrace my Beautiful Truth, and all the accolades from the Face Book play of names reflecting me..
I am the B.T.. E.B.T…
Beautiful Truth… And I take my bragging rights..

And I scoff now at the challengers, knowing that I am the Source of the Human Spirit, the Gods, the Deities, the Djinn… and you will answer for your arrogance by facing the Truth which you so many disowned and hid from, leaving one person to bear..
Not even entertaining for a moment, the facts, the evidence as to the implications of if this was true…
And as Johnny Larkin stated,” If Emeka proves all this true, it would makes us all look like Fools…” The Cruelest Fools…
Worthy of Extermination..

And that is the Hopi Prophecy, H.P… Being fulfilled on my H.P Galaxy Stream 200 USD computer…
That insult to the Beautiful Truth.. this experience given to me, by all of you of that line of Supreme Selfishness… that my mind can not accept it. but which my being has answered back…
With this will in me, now accomplished of Destroying this realm..

The Hopi legend says that as the Abraham Lot story, that I must find one Man or Woman who is clean..or the world is lost..

I am the purifier…
I have found not one,

But I have found those, who will go home to their true selves, because they did retain the E Truth, and because they wept…

See sacred portal 147… and 112.. and 111….

Line of Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka Kerwyn Vincent..Flor Elena Medina
E.F.. 5 6…..E..F.A,M..I.L..Y…G.H… Of L.I.G.H.T.

Nothing that has a Heart, which exists would not weep…
No one who understands Value and Worth would not have sent a contribution of money…to support me while I battled, fought and my God I fight Beautifully, beyond anything of any the 9 worlds…
I have watched myself fight for you, when none of you really understood or pretended to not understand what I was doing…

If this is not worth, value.. See the meaning of the name Anthony….
Anthony Bienke
Anthony Rosemary
Anthony Spencer
Anthony Pitts
Anthony John…

Anthony BIEN…K.E…115.. confirmed..

That is 5 A..’s

Goncalves António Mslucky Lack
Antonio Gonçalves Joaquim
Robledo Irigoyen Antonella

3 more…with A as 1st Middle and Last Name…

6 A… 2..1 A…

6 3… F.C… First Contact…

It means “Of Inestimable Value and Worth…Priceless”

And that is the person sleeping in the exact same bed as I in the other Extreme in the Dorm.

And so sacred portal 121..and all the truest Prophecies -Oracle have been Fulfilled…

Including the destruction of this World… now made evident.

8:00 p.m

And so that now that this is written,
I will move to the Evidence Confirmed of Javier Bardem play as my True Son, Father Twins… Daniel Craig, James Bond, Javier Bardem, Raoul De Silva….

Fiction to Fact… makes it Non Fiction… N.F…
Code Neil Furby…

See the codes.. 23, E.O.N. Films… M.I.16…(M.I..P…P.I.M…G.IM..DJINN), Release Date….23…
(My Sneakers), 14th Film to gross over 1 billion (9 Zeros)
7th Highest grossing film at the time…

*Skyfall is the 23rd James Bond film produced by Eon Productions and released in 2012
The story centres on Bond investigating an attack on MI6; the attack is part of a plot by former MI6 agent Raoul Silva to humiliate, discredit and kill M as revenge against her for betraying him.

Mendes was approached to direct the film after the release of Quantum of Solace in 2008
Filming began in November 2011 and primarily took place in the United Kingdom, with smaller portions shot in China and Turkey.

Plot..In Istanbul, MI6 agents James Bond and Eve Moneypenny chase a mercenary, Patrice, who has stolen a hard drive containing details of undercover agents. As Bond and Patrice fight atop a train, M, the head of MI6, orders Eve to shoot Patrice from long range. Eve misses and inadvertently hits Bond, who falls into a river. Bond is presumed dead and Patrice escapes.

It was the 14th film to gross over $1 billion worldwide, and the first Bond film to do so. It became the seventh-highest-grossing film at the time, the highest-grossing film in the UK, the highest-grossing film in the series, the highest-grossing film worldwide for both Sony Pictures and MGM, and the second-highest-grossing film of 2012. The film won several accolades, including two BAFTA Awards, two Academy Awards and two Grammys.

For the song by Adele, see Skyfall (song)
Skyfall premiered in London at the Royal Albert Hall on 23 October 2012 and was released in the United Kingdom on 26 October 2012 and the United States on 9 November 2012.”

A Song…by Adele- Sky Fall…
Adele and Oracle of Apollo…
At Adelphi…Forte Green… Filmed by John Shaw, Tom Truman, Luke Shaw, Marina Burini…2010…

It means Manifesting….
And “Noble Patrician.. of Good Humor… Patrick.. Yes Portal Patrick Okolo

Manifesting…. but not by itself… It requires an intermediary…

8:26 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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