
12/2/2016 20:41 – Facebook Post

7:14 p.m.


I returned to Delta Manor to be informed that I am being moved to the 4th Floor….
And despite my protests, that all was fine…
Ashely who was the one who I first met when I came to Delta Manor insisted…

So had Dewight Smith…

And that the move is scheduled for 8 p.m…
The date of my Birth…

3rd Floor to the 4th Floor… 34…C.D…/D.C…
3rd Chakra “Order Logic.. the Stomach region”

The 4th Chakra is the Heart…

And yes, I was and am fully aware that the play of late has been about not only the transformation of the Earth into a H.-EART.
H.E and its Expression being Love;s Consciousness..

…I also came back to see that I have two new Face book friends requests..
Hatim Ouadani H.Q…. Head Quarters… 8 17.. The Switch 17 8
Heather Dowling.. H.D…84… Yes the Switch from 48 Beautiful Death


But that my text to Dewight was at 6:31 p.m
Patrick Okolo 10 pm 10 p.m.. 6:31 a.m.

And that we are now at 806 Face Book Friends for the first time..
Which links to sacred portal 86…
“Victor….Will Desire What is Under your Helmet- the Meaning of Will..
And that 8 p.m is the time of my birth,
and that Sacred Portal 8 “Love Links Desire.. to Awaken from this Story”
And then at 7:08 p.m Dawn Piercy text me, asking where to send the 32 x 24 painting which depicts the same sacred portal 8..
Which Erik Ebright also acquired a painting of which showed the same image but instead of Rising from Death….
Dawns depicts, she is rising ascending through the Clouds…

I guess, I am still reeling from the Reality of this play…
And the true meaning of Everything taking place right now set up against such a backdrop.
Such a Play….
So alien to the E line Consciousness…
But which was now in the Control of an one who was part of I.E
but who became separate and Independent by this play of Evolution.
Thus, it was His-Her play….

Even my L.G phone switched from Black Font and White background to White Font and Black Background when I retrieved in from my pocket…

All because instead of choosing to be a Warrior, just this once..
I chose to be a gentleman..
Which is in the end my true nature.

I have conquered the Darkness in me- which served a purpose but now returns to its original Nature, along with the Earth and the World…


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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