
Back From Death….

Back From Death….

A Dramatic Expression…?

Well, lets look at the Evidence..

and what the Universal Simulation of Life- of which I appear to be its Prime Specimen and Guinea Pig…

P.S. Before I could complete this post, I found myself responding to a test sent to me by Olisa Chukwuka… O.C..

Which took me back to what I did not wish to go back to…

I have loathed this play of Talking through people, who are are not aware that I am simply reading a 5th Dimensional Play and that each is simply representing an equation of Existence.

I have hated having to dance a fine line between the respect for their privacy, and the Truths, they are unaware of even representing.

I had tried very hard to make this clear, at it turned this presentation and journey into a Nightmare of people, not wishing to brought forth on my page and called out when in truth it really has nothing to do with each person, personally..

Just a riddle, an equation which I had to go through what each of you were representing, which by no means is your literal truth, it could be a truth you are incarnating temporarily in this play..

Or it could be what you are unconsciously representing, and the True Calling Out is would then simply serve to alert you to what you might not even be aware that you are projecting on the World Mirror… Ego..

I have endeavored today and yesterday to do the actions required to leave this play and Delta Manor- which as a Shelter has not only been in all sincerity good to me, and to many of the people it has sought to help and serve…

I got response this morning from Yolande Makha who wished to help advocate on my behalf…

And also found myself responding to that action.

I called her Friend, and instead it was she who responded…

I no longer feel it necessary to give detailed accounts of what should be personal accounts…

And thus saw, her contacting me as a code of the meaning of her name..Purple…

Or Yo.. Land E…

But She can’t, nor can anyone land E.. The E consciousness…

Especially if they do not understand why you are in such a situation….

We are Light which is the sum total of all colors of Rainbow, including Purple…

So, it made sense that since I live in this Story which I have proven is a Fact…

That the only persons you can trust, no matter their good intentions is some one who Truthfully Respects Understand Transparent Honesty…. Expressed

T.R.U.T.H…E….Story.. your Story, because it is the only way we can elegantly express of Truth without seeming so self centered in this reality….


If a person has no time to hear you Story…

That means they have no time for the meaning of your Existence and the Cause and Effect which brought you to such a place….

That of course, is a persons right…

But you have he discernment to know, that without the understanding of your Story…

They can not see you… and hence to them without knowing it,

they have sent you to Non Existence..

Or perhaps, in the end… themselves…

And on a level of the Sacred Portals and their imagery….

And I have no problem with my sexuality or admitting my attraction to a certain males line, called the 5th and 4th Dimension Evolved Male- but I can neither deny my Man of this Dimension as well as all other aligned to Ones- Sexual and physical compatibility with Women… To Wu-Man … Lady….

But there was no meeting ground for me,, nor attraction for men of this Dimension or World Consciousness, nor was there any emotional compatibility with what was considered the feminine principle….

There I made my stance clear, an Emphatic No.

Attraction turning into a sort of natural repulsion the more I interacted with both consciousness, that of the Bully Authority, and the other of the Ambitious Manipulative Women idea…

I understood where both where coming from of course, and their Raison detre (Why the came into this Existence)

That Search for meaning and purpose of Existence and existing…for the male principle, and Feminine Material Comfort and Security to Nest… Plant seed and bear fruit.

And Feminine Masculine is not Man Woman… they are principles which drive Existence and the First stage of evolution in the purely Physical Perception of Reality… Survive.

But I did not agree nor do agree with it because we have Already Survived..

You are here present are you not?… 🙂

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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