
8:03 p.m.

8:03 p.m.


11-12- 2016… 36… 9…

K..L. T.P….


K.L…I. G.H.T….. 9 7 8 20….

See end of Part One…. 8 0 2..82…

Double 00…OO…

K.O.LO….. I.. Individuality.. is Pi.. Individuals always surprise us because they never repeat themselves… they say the same thig in an Infinite variety of Ways…

Kolo means O Kolo..

Prince Manly Warrior Round Symmetrical Being (not body) Torus

Sreenivasa Rao Boppana… S.R.B….




LO.O.K….I…. Infinity….

8:10 p.m.

Face Book Equation Play Complete

Jack Baxter J.B… 007…. Pls Recall yesterdays play with Sreenivasa Rao Boppana… S.R.B….

*Sky Fall (S.F..Code)…. 19 6… 25..7….G…And 106..1O6…16..P…

7..G… 77.. 14… 1+4=5.. E…Evolution of Being and Body…

B.B… 2 2 4 (6)…. 2 2 +R…Robert Bright Famous Shinning De White Light in the Darkness… Bringing D.B..Beloved Dawn…

As the Collective Sixth Sense Moves to perceive with the 5 Senses that their Sixth Sense- and Sensei (M.O.I..M.E…Me..Emme-Emmy) has awakened their Bodies to Evolution and their Being to Da. Vinci-Vincent, Victorious Inconquerable V.I…Unconquerable V.U..

V.I.E..And V.U.E….

Life and View of the E..

Of The ..O.T./T.O.

Evolved Realm E.R

Through Natural Expression… T.N.E….. 20 14…34.. 7…Is 5…



Emeka Praise as the Alchemic Transformation ( A.T… Anthony Turtle) of the Gold and the Golden Dawn of Zeina Beauty Z-ION.

Johnny misses you. But more importantly Johnny misses Johnny. He loves you. He loves Sarah.

He told me great deals about you when I saw him 10 days ago. Then he vanished.

You’re the first person to post on his wall since he disappeared

Emeka Kolo

I love that dick head, really as in known him since Eternity…. He is of my consciousness.. Tell him to call me, I have an idea why he disappeared… I just completed the codes of Grace of the Dark Lords Frequency of Johnnies like and the l-ark in… Lifess completion of the Ark is IN.. I.N… Thus it would release all his line from this matrix, meaning wake them back up…. Which is why I had to go that deep into a Mental Health Shelter to prove that the so called most deepest undercover members of that Consciousness’ perception of reality are not insane… Sigh.. Tell him to fuckin call me He senses that the Awakening is imminent… 1 917 569 6544..

If I find him. He wasn’t well. Pleased to meet you though.

Oh and you are one of them too but more my line.. my locker number (a code made so obvious to remind that I play,) was 007… Just before I got here a few months ago….. James Bond… J.B… Of course, the real code is JA..C.K…B.A X..T E.R…Based on the places I landed on in this ‘Quiji Chess Board Simulation:.. J.B… James Bond.. J.B… 102…. 12….3… See the sacred portal posted two days on my pages with the comments… That signalled the Activation of your consciousness- which is why you are writing me in perfect timing… Johnny Larkin… J.L.. 1012… 22… V.. Victor my english name… And Vincent- they guy here I had to find linked to the line of Kerwyn R Vincent… Who is commented Lift off’ on that portal called Transparency- Rocket Fuel..Honesty…

Two of the words you used.. Meaning that your evolved E-Spirit, who is my line is indicating to me that how aware you its Avatar Descendant are….. And thus, how to address you…. Jack, you will find in the play and Ja! Fire C.K… ( My full Intials- Linking to the Bean Cafe- which links to the Bean shaped Mitochondria Dna- Pitituary Gland and Jack in the Bean Stalk… And the reall reason that my body is stretching and elongating- being Ascension of the physical Body through Energy Generated by the Cells- where the Energy is generated.. As Evolved beings- we are explaining ( and I am putting into Words) that we can explain everything even the process of humans physical body- evolving… And how we are Sane and the world is quietly insane… This last section of our conversation I would like to have your permission to share with the public.. I said things here which articulate in a much clearer way what is happening.. Johnny I met in 2004, when I literally remembered the First Ten..

Which Humanity inaccurrately define as the first 10 Human Archetypes… He was in the lone true representation of Darkness as Flesh Sensuality in a place where the definition of Darkness had been transformed into blindness and Evil- Corruption- Devil bla bla bla… The solving of the Physical Quantum Mechanics- which humanity have not correctly grasped and interpreted ( hence so many good intentioned doctors healers Psychiatrists especially in the West, where only the ‘Physical and material are given credence ad right to Exist or be acknowledged.. by them.. I Taught.. Truly, Who needs their permission and acknowledgment to Exist…? Silly… A tree does not ask humans if it can exist and grow and the same way my body does not ask permission acknowledgment and Acceptance by the Human consciousness at preset to Exist…. It just rises….. Thus, yes I know who we are and why Johnny feels the requirement and space to process…

We the Family of Elevated Consciousness came down undercover in the Flesh which people call death… To penetrate it with our frequency of Energy from the Source to re-Animate it… Bring it to life. It was really a teaching program of how we Energy created matter or’Death and the guy I found here Dewight S.. ( Rep Light of Eternal Law..D.S and Kerwyn R.Vincent who was born in house 302.. the very bed I was given here, before being moved after quite an elegant battle to complete all the beds =People occupying those beds was completed.. 3A the room representing of course Earth – the 3rd/ 7th planet from the Sun.. or from outside..beyond Pluto.. looking from beyond the 9 last plant-et… Being An World Story of the passed.. Past, had to be completed… Today and yesterday, I just completed the last of the people whose bed I had not completed… Bed 34…C.D..Occupied by a man called ‘Turtle…Anthony:…

And the Bed 312 which was next to Dewight of 31..312 is Dennis… And the name Dewight means Dennis -Dionisio God of Wine… Wine and Water… Transparency and Honesty… Water -Transparent.. (T.WO)… Wine makes people loosen their tongues- makes them ‘Honest Water and Blood… Spear of Destiny… Which as legend goes pierced Christs Side and Water and Wine came out.. This was a riddle…. I have already solved publicly.. But which even as I respond to your text 0 finding that very Energy generated in me by my Jack in the Bean Stalk -Fountain of Expression of the Akashic Records contained in the Flesh Dna (Sound whose origins is Expression which is also sixth sense… Is causing me to express much more than I intended in this text… Sigh.. But what Extraordinary Knowledge.. My Word! ) We are not Jack in the Box.. As I have proven by living outside of this reality, for 15.9 years in New York. from the Highest level to the very system, since I have lived 15.9 years without I.D. Social Security Family or a set saftey net or security not even money ( a hideous test, but I passed it… while still retaining the posture and stature which inspires admiration in others and jealousy in other- that desire to see you Fall… I am accused of walking walking around like a King, so tall as if I have solved all the problems in the world… Meanwhile I am in Shelter… and that pissed people off.. Sigh.. It is sad they can not see why I stand so tall…

And do not bow my head… or that I am solving the riddles of Human Existence from such a space.. such a limited space to exist and express… Or the true power of the Human Spirit which will not be Silenced when it has something to say.. Especially something as relevant as this… That we are Evolving! Here is the Evidence in a Language all speak, but because each has transformed meaning into something other than it really is.. It has become the tower of Babble… And here I am 27 years of climbing up that damn Spiral created thousands of years ago- which some poor sod, or group of people saw and inserted it as a code warning in the Bible Story- hoping some one would figure it out.. Sigh.. Water Wine… WW.. 23rd letter is it not W..Double U.. Letter 21 Twice is it not? 21 21.. 42… 46 is the number of Chromosomes in the Human Body… 22 And the XY…. Greek Alphabet 24… A.O… But how can that be when Latin is 26…

And XY are the Prime determinants of Gender… 22 is Vincent bed number as well as the code of my Mother Cecilia and brother David Nnamdi… 11;22 is their birth code ( the Family gave each others codes to remember each other when we went into this Fleshy Consciousness called Earth Milky Way..) 22 22 is 44…DD…it is missing the 4 letters to align to the current universal 26 letter Alphabet…is it not… 22 +4… 22 is V…. Vincent Victor.. Double V…and I am in room 4..Delta… 44… 23 Chromosomes… is linked to me in this Play bed 302.. and a person called Paul Gerald P.G..Pitituary Gland ( Growth Hormone amongst other things) sold me me a pair of sneakers- moved by a higher awareness…I did not need them. but he needed money.. And I was moved by my heart- he was moved by another awareness.. And later I discovered the code 23 on it… Which I had been waiting without realizing for that acknowledgment from the Equation Play Quantum but the Evolved kind…. Alpha Omega my Derrier! Even 1-24…stops at X… 22 Chromosomes stops at 23..With the two 3 3.. being different from the 22 who are the same creating 44.. Balance 8…or better 16.. Since the body is the product of the ‘Passed; while only Expression is Present… Doing and Beng… D.B.. 42… That means Everything stops at W… Double U.. A Double of You..

A Double Vie.. Life.. Humanity perpetually Separate… One Under Cover, and the Other an actor in this reality.. And the Two never merging? Hog Wash!.. It must link to the Universal Lingua Franca of the A-Z… A-Z=A to make a full Circle where Sound.. Dna.. Which creates Vibrations.. Ripples on the Water.. Affecting the Body.. Creating motion.. Movement Sine; Action of the Moon on Water.. Effect of the ‘Moon The Symbol closest to Earth which mimics the Full Circle.. And is the true 1O…Twin of the Sun Also 1 O Full Circle… Thus 22 Chromosomes is Double V when linked to Language…the two extra then would be XY…but they have be Twins or at least Singularities… X is 24..Y=25… But where is V to W… Double U.. Double V…23/32 letter….See what I mean? The Body Dna is Language of Sound.. yet in this current Human Expression of English aligned to Bio Science- there is a Gap…

Arrested Development.. A.D.. Do you know that Song…? in the 90’S… Alpha Omega is not the beginning and the End.. Existence does not end with the Female X Chromosome being the determinant gene of a boy or Girl.. how can it when there is no Y represented only as a Symbol… Does this not Smack of the Ancient Rites which legend says Dionisio but an End to… You know the Rites where the Mother Cult rules the Ancient Primitive World becaue she was a symbol of Birth.. Where a Fool was chosen to be King for a Year… then ritually slaughtered- Torn to pieces.. and hisblood used to sprinkle on the Earth to Ensure a Harvest…. This is how it was in the West and is the Origin of mans split from the Mother Cult… With 22 Identitical chromosomes… VV… Double V as the french would be correct.. not Double you.. As in Double Agent for Good and Evil…

Jack Baxter


09. 13. 78

I am 007



And 78

Med love Emeka



We’re all mad here!

Emeka Kolo.. ( on a roll..)

No it would be Double V,,I.E… Two Victorious Examples of Life, as a Human and as an Evolved Energetic Expression… The One Source would then be that which merges the Two Lifes into One… VV… 22 22 44…Delta 4.. Delta D -B.. Body… 2 2 being bb… body being… XY is 24 25.. 49… Age code of mine and Vincent… And what it represents is D.I…49…13..4..M.D…Manifest Destiny… 17..Which moves to Q and Quantum Change…. Leap.. (This year is a leap year)…And hence Evolution to Z..Zion Zarathustra Zeina… All Beauty.. and from Z-ION..

To Zarathustra is ‘Golden Camel G.C..73…A Camel carries water in its body..A human being has 73% Water….See all Allegories.. Zoro means Hero of the Golden Dawn.. HOT..G.D…HOT G.D…HOT 4 7…11…2…1… Hot Sun…? No..H.O.T.G.D…./ D.G…T.O…H… A Code… 4 7…Delta at the 7.. Highest Note Sound.. Ti..Tee..T..E.A… or Do…backwards… TO… ( 20 15…35…C.E…8..) Harmony… Meaning ready for Transformation from the 1-7th Stage Sound Rainbow ( Yes a Rainbow is made up of Sound)…S.R… To merge the Double VV to 22 22… 44 8…Roman numerals 55… EE… Energy Expression Body Air.. B.A.. to merge into 8… 55…10..1O….1 Full Circle of B.A.. 2 1… 3…Consciousness 8 5 3…H.E..C…./C.E..Harmony Infinity… This 22 Chromosomes… 22 22 ARE 1…11 22…and then from V… merge by 4 and 5… 22 23… 4 5…V then Double VV…X Y Z A… X Y Z..A.B….22+5… a old acquaintance contacted me on the July 22 and the 27.. but missed me..he got me in Harmony, on Sept 1st 6:31….9-1…91/19…6;31

…Meaning that to reach me.. 31 had to be reached which is 22 Chromosomes + 9…. 333… 369…. And A-Z +5… I was first assigned Room A bed 519… 5..519… E- E.S… then I came down from Jupiter which is the same.. the 5th which ever point you look at it from… Thus the people at Delta Manor- the Staff and the system are being used to Demonstrate how the Being from the 5 Dimension went backwards from the present Balances as 5 went backwards in the illusion of Time called his recollections to the 4th and then 3rd Dimensions… To help show the way Home to the 5th Dimension on Balance 5 5… EE.. IN 1O… As I O E… O being the mathematical symbol of Eternity….And since I went to Bed 302… 32… 31.. it means that I am 6 .. 22 Chromosomes +10… The Elegant Nomad.. TEN.. Through the Milky Way and World.. But this world is not EARTH.. E-=5… It is a Matrix Simulation School….

E is 5… C which I went down to is really Consciousness .. This World is Consciousness – A School of Consciousness showing people how to C.. in 3 dimension 333….9….777… 21… Two Views.. which merge 9+21.. 30…3+7=10… From Beginning to the Point… 10=1O… I full Circle the 9=i…Infinity Individual…21=U..Universe.. 3O… C.O… Full Circle.. ChUkwuemeka O-KOLO…Consciousness Full Circle 1O..3O…/ 3O 1O… 13 OO…31OO…. 1331…44…in balance 8.. in Harmony to Infinity.. 4/4 in 1.. A…from the begining.. 22 + TEN/NET… Complete… and at 32… 26 +6 as Sixth sense already manifested as Fact… A Fact… Quantum Process O..Proton Electron Neutron by the true definition not humam science… as O.P.E.N…I.S!… I S.. 9 19…28….E.K..Born 11 28…66…77 88 99 .. ( 22 Chromosomes =11… Twins) After 2.. 33 26+ 7…33.. Which I completed… 26+8..34.. which I completed this equation .yesterday. Tto 26+ 9.. 35..C.E…. 26+ Ten.. 36….360… full circle… And on to Infinity.. balance is at 55… 66…77…88 99 ( 1 2 4 6 8…) 9 and Ten… Sept 1st… 9-1…9 1/1 9.. TEN… No matter what you do it completes at TEN… The Elegant Nomad….. T.EN.N.E.T…. johnny larkin.. j.l… 1012… john luke.. j.l… 1012.. 22…V….5..2=2=4… V.9..V.I…5 6….

Thanks old chap… for letting me write this to you… I just came out.. must be you as J.B… Will post it all… 9 13 78….I.M.G.H….And I am H.G.M.I…. Harmony G note of MI.. The Third Note… This World-and the Body Word. is a Note… MI… The 3rd 7th… 37.73… 1O 1O… 2 in 11…1…Harmony Grace Movement Infinite.. Mad Love to you Brother within you about to Rise… in your Avatar and True Descendant Code Jack Bean…S-Talk… Supreme Talk.. Expression which manifest.. Yes Beloved, I expressed all this not to pull your ear or show off.. but to when one expresses through Sound.. and beyond sound through Silence and a medium.. Computer-Words… It Manifest… Only thing so difficult was to find someone who could Listen and Hear… with DESIRE INTEREST.. D.I… I.D….E.. 5:06 pm.. 78.. 15..6…. 7×8.. 56… 11…2… but really.. 1/1= 1

Chat Conversation End


9 13 78… See sacred Portal 9…13… 78…

9 is the 2 Fairo and Son.. and the 9-O Elementals…

13 ‘Is Manipulation.. stop yourself from going too far….

78 Pearls… P- EAR.L.S Coming out of their Shells….

13 I will now align to .E Consciousness….

Beautiful Manipulation of Oysters and Clams Bring the Pearls out… Black and White.. All Beautiful… And stop yourself from going to far by using Force..

You may cut yourself..

Ask any professional Oyster and Clam Opener….

OC..Olisa Chukwuka


8:02 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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