
9;00 p.m.

9;00 p.m.

I. OO.

Evening the Score…

The Music Score of Existence Manifest World.. M.W..

Metropolitan Woods… M.W…

Linked and Aligned to Milky Way M.W 69… 99 66…

M.W Nasa Classification M.W. 87…. M.W 78/87

Ashfak Ukkli

Joelle Holly Hardin

Inger Chase McWilliams


And on the 11th Yesterday…

Louise Barbara Smith

Jean Ann Dortch

Bess Ray Dillon…

Jack Baxter

Suzi Sue

Never Got to complete these codes… 10- 11-12

They were 8 and are now 7 who remain in the three day span….

In 3 Days… 10-12… ( Code Johnny Larkin J.L… 10 12… 22.. 1O 12…13… 4… J.L.V…M.D…..Jupiter LOVE…. Manifest Destiny)

78… Jack Baxter Code 9.. ( 9 pm this posts began) 13… Code Johnny Larkin and my brother Nnamdi.. the Past (Passed age 13 Full Circle and a Day from Birth.. O.A… 78

M.W 87…

Really Milky Way 78/87….


L.B.S…. Linked to Dewight Smith….J.A.D… B.R.D…


Its a code.. read up down, left to right and in name meanings….

And of course Perfect Timing…. P.T/ T.P…

I will have to stop this Work of decoding…

It is impractical after this much evidence being displayed that I should be in Mental Health Housing Shelter…

When I am not a Citizen and thus, can not get any Housing without at least I.D and an intention to become an American Citizen…

And because of all the problems it has caused me, being so out of place doing the decoding the riddles of Existence in a Shelter…

The Limitations and Constraints are absurd.

And because to do this with no source of Income, and no one suggesting anything to help me sponsor and live and eat during all this time…

I had to rely on Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka and Dean Dunkwu and Patrick Okolo… for the last 3 months…

Which is something of an insult that I will never ever forgive or ever get over…

I lived so frugally and have lost so much weight from the exertions of this play…

53 people sent comments of best wishes but not one person sent me a care package or even some contribution despite the play calling my contribution to human evolution Anthony Priceless and of inestimable value….

I have continued only because Dean Dunkwu who is a family man, and is helping me procure my Birth Certificate… I have not heard from, no doubt because he is busy…

Which when he does, it signals that Everything I have stated is a lie..

Because there is no Harmony… in my having to use a Birth Certificate as my I.D..

Which is a tool of this World…

And not the Beautiful Truth…

There is a part of me which wonders, How could you sit back, watch and profit from such a terrible play imposed on another Human… do you hate me so much.. ?

And then all those Birthday Wishes, and then messages 53 out of over 800 Face Book friends…

But instead, I look at your Harmony and know that this is the E.Play- because I already broke the Money Code with the TEN Dollar Bill..

Two 55’s exchanged for the 10 USD which Kwame gave me….

I have also proven that it is not Delta Manor who is negligent, or any shelter or even organization or government or even terrorist group…

Each had or has their reason for acting the way they did..

Even if it brings the Illusion of Chaos….

Rather it is the same Conclusion I came to in the Piece The Elegant Nomad.. as well in the piece To The Silence One More Time

That the system in must evolve.

It is corrupted beyond belief, set in the current Human Consciousness so diseased- Virus,

And the other piece

which I realized in hindsight contained the Cure for Schizophrenia…

And yes, Energetic Expression has been proven to cure all Disease..

And Lyrical Conversation can move reality…After all that is What the Milky Way is… And the Planets and its Logos is the Music manifested to Meaning Fact….

And I have brought and proven Existential Death is now real…

And that through Alexis and Marina- the Two persons E.M.F Current I first entered Delta Manor with… A.M…

Proves what I came here to do…. Reach D..

A.M… Dawn… Which is the name of my neigh-bour ( Cauda Equine Horse and Man.. Saggitarius…)

A.M..Beloved Dawn…


Which is why I contacted Marina Burini today…

We have not really spoken or seen each in 5-6 years…

Oh.. gotta go… Curefew

9:33 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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