
12/12/2016 22:36 – Facebook Post


From Sign your Name… T.T…D.A….

Send a Donation Contribution so that I will finish the last of the codes..

I have never asked anything of you before,
And I have given evidence that each of the handful of people who offered to send a Donation Contribution D.C… 4 3…
Through Western Union or Money Gram and even the Two ladies I asked but which only one arrived..

From Sarah Nkem Blackstock.. 55… 44 for myself and 11 for Dewight Smith
Are literal codes which are recorded in the Akashic Records of Existence.

At first I thought that it was simply already indented in certain people to a contribute….

But now, based on what this play has revealed,
I see it is a Donation Contribution now Recorded in the Records as Grace to be Given to each person- for having aided in a Great undertaking which had nothing to do with me…

Because I really am not of this World as my consciousness and manner of Being states…

I really have no Need of your Money’s or Contributions having come this far..
15.9 years in New York…

People in New York invited me into their homes, some for pure reasons, others because they had Needs.. and others out of a sense of Humanity which then transformed into a Need, they never realized they had..

I really am the Purifier..
I do it so lightly simply through expressions…
Which can be as the Breeze or the Mighty Wind Storm….
But it is always Cleansing especially when you look back in Hindsight..
Because I am proficient at it…
It is a Conversation… Tests posts…
But I am aware of Every Thing I am doing- having refined my technique since I was a child…
Some people require a Breezy Gentle Expression while others Colorful, other a Storm, Rain, or as graceful Autumn leaves, or a Thunderstorm.. a Flood… or Snow fall.. or knocks like Hail.. “Hello is any one home”
And the Blizzard when I am so cold…

That change in my expression from my initial warmth is a Temperature Barometer of what I am pointing out as the Transparent Mirror…
The Pool of Reflections which is so full of Love.. not the soppy love
But the Love which sees what perhaps even that which you can not see…

How Beautiful you are and can be…
For others see your potential if you are luckly..
But I see your potential made Kinetic Already Evolved and Beautiful
Dancing in my imagination until you are real and I am conversing with that you in my Solitude and Silence…
My secret Garden which never allowed me to be lonely despite spending my entire life Alone…

That is the secret treausre which warmed my Heart and the Secret of the Evolved you which I have not only proven Truth but Fact and who now rise defying the illusion of Gravity..

For I am Gravity Titan Electricity… Current…
And Their embodied twin reflection is Kerwyn Vincent

Send what you can and will to him through Western Union…
He is sanctified…

Once I am finished or get my birth Certificate and leave the States, you can stop.. You can send whatever.. it will be recorded posted and the code made public…
Which will give you the Evidence and a blue print and map where you are in the Story of getting out of the Matrix and the decoding unraveling untangling will lead you home…

Others got this Blessing for years but few so few testified or acknowledged…
And they shall reap what they sowed…
But you, each have a chance to find out for your self..

I am the money launderer….
Actually Zion is.. Kerwyn Vincent Laundry mat he met L.K.. Mother and Daughter…

Or perhaps, I will not leave the U.S.A this way, by some miracle out of the Blue… perhaps..:)

But for now, I must….

But If I do not, I will not be concerned with such thing as Money..
It will be used to re-build your world…
First by helping each other… It is sacred money so if you use it cruelly falsely it will kill you… literally..

But well… It will lead you to the path of Eternal Sunshine,…

All records will be accounted for publicly….

Each amount is a code and it is not really about the amount…
It is the energy behind it…

I was too Beautifully Proud to ask these last 4.8/9 years because I said why should I… I can earn my own money…

But my Fathers tell me that I have…
On Face Book..
In New York
In the West
And in My entire life 48-49 years worth..

So, I asked..

Help the Awakening Evolutions last part…
Be part of it and have yourself doing something that you can look back and be proud of..
Of not being deciIEved or Swindled…

But being part of The Beautiful Truth..
Of a Man who swore he never lied to you and proved it with hisvery life blood and with transparency…
Water and Wine…
To Cleanse and Intoxicate…

9:33 p.m..

Money Gram Pay Pal Checks… Ask Kerwyn Vincent… Text him…
I will do the code publicly until it is time for me to go..
Which I wish it to be now….
And it is very very soon because I wish to go away from this forever…
But others will take my place with stories like Kerwyn Vincent and more stories will rise…
From my having told you my Story… Which was never mind…
It was yours…

Good Night..

147… Sacred Portal 147 A and B.. “Emmy’

Emeka Kolo

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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