
12/14/2016 20:34 – Facebook Post

5:38 p.m.


The Play has Ended….

At 815 Face Book Friends….

815… H.O…

Time code E.C.H…

Date- Time Code… (D.T.C..)….


Numeric Code… 5 3 8 8 O…. O=15th Letter… 1+5=6…6th Sense to F…Fact.

And date… 12-14- T.P…C.F…I….
( 14+12= 26…Z….T.P.C.F…I…
I Full Circle Perfect Timing Z…Zorro Ziena Z ion….Z x3…26x 3…78…
M.W 78../87…)

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y…

Y having been achieved a few days ago by a loan given to me 5 days and 3 days back by Kerwyn Vincent and Emanual “My G”
Supreme line of Titans…
They Lived Before Adam… T.L…B.A…..
Code T=20, L=12… 1 2….
2012… 32… Bed 3002…5. Emeka V…. Room B.A- A.B…21/12…

Their two names Kerywn and Emanuel create the code K.E…
Which aligns Anamla Qayin message

“AUG 1ST, 10:25AM

Anamla Qayin…

“May I ask your assistance?
A code of sorts has been brought to me.. one someone saw in a dream, perhaps a memory of me from long ago. A complete stranger. Found me of his own will
I do not understand the code he saw fully.. perhaps you may?

Emeka Kolo

AUG 1ST, 11:38AM
Omg…”It is a message for me… Incredible. .”

Please note the “Date Time”
August 1st… 10;25 am…. 8-1…:H.A…J” A.O. Y…. Sent by Q.A..
August 1st… 11;38 am… 8 1….K.C.H…
Note the Time of this post 5;38 p.m.

Harmony Perfect Timing….

Kolo Chukwuemeka Harmony…
Emeka Consciousness Harmony…

D.M.I.C.. T.P/K…115..A.G.E….
Delta Manor I.C…True Point Kolo …K.E..(Kerwyn Emmanuel) A.G.E…1 7 5….175….85…13…4….Q.E…H.E….M.D…
A.G.E = M.D=/D.M…I.C/C.I…T.P/P/T..115-511 AGE-EGA…
Full Circle..


The number 57 is on my computer world Icon….

Not one person responded to the “Suggestion’ of send a Donation Contribution… (D.C…4 3… Sacred Portal 43…Eternal True life…
Not one person…Out of 815 Face Book Friends…
Which I knew was strange…but so telling…
Despite my giving evidence that I do not NEED your money, which would make it obvious that I have never asked publicly for Donations to help me in completing this play….
Despite my being aware by the many people I had interacted with with on Face Book are generous and warm..
But since this play began, from Istanbul to London ( and the Book by Ian Banks about a contest between Man and the Machine) and then the people who opened up their doors of their homes to me, over 50…
And their leading me step by step to to reach this portal at Delta Manor…. And the work I did with each and what each gave in return was all Programmed.
I was aware of their truest selves which I activated and then, how each person would rise… And there was my Family!
Then they would disappear…
I was first so befuddled, Hurt and dismayed until I began to realize that something was suspiciously wrong…
Most where not aware when they literally became someone totally different,or why I suddenly changed my attitude towards them…
One moment, they felt my Eternal Love for them and the next, I was calling them out even threatening them with Non Existence…
And I meant it,because they were no longer themselves..
They were literal Viruses of a computer, hurting others and themselves…
They could not see it though, that they had transformed into Machina…
Deus Ex Machina…..D.E,M….M.E.D..USA…. D.M..Delta Manor…
D.M..Divine Manifestation….

Let us pause to look at the meaning….

*Merriam Webster Dictionary…

: a god introduced by means of a crane in ancient Greek and Roman drama to decide the final outcome
: a person or thing (as in fiction or drama) that appears or is introduced suddenly and unexpectedly and provides a contrived solution to an apparently insoluble difficulty

The New Latin term deus ex machina is a translation of a Greek phrase and means literally “a god from a machine.” “Machine,” in this case, refers to the crane that held a god over the stage in ancient Greek and Roman drama. The practice of introducing a god at the end of a play to unravel and resolve the plot dates from at least the 5th century B.C.; Euripides (circa 484-406 B.C.) was one playwright who made frequent use of the device. Since the late 1600s, “deus ex machina” has been applied in English to unlikely saviors and improbable events that bring order out of chaos in sudden and surprising ways.


“In ancient Greek and Roman drama) a god introduced into a play to resolve the plot
any unlikely or artificial device serving this purpose
Word Origin
literally: god out of a machine, translating Greek theos ek m?khan?s

Urban Dictionary…

Dates from ancient Greek times, where “deus ex machina” (“god from the machine”) in a play referred to the act of lowering a god on stage using a cable device (therefore, a god from a machine) to decide in a dilemma and give fate a nudge, so to say.

These days, deus ex machina has the negative connotation of an utterly improbable, illogical or baseless plot twist that drastically alters the situation, as if the “deus ex machina” came down to give fate that little push.
I liked the movie, but the ending was total crap…they could’ve come up with a better way to beat the villain than the deus ex machina ending of that guy miraculously coming back to life..”

Recall Erek Eclass Mateo and his Ex Girl friend who father was an Master of the Martial Arts “White Crane”
Link Michael Crane… M.C/ C.M… E=C.M.e 4/3…

I recall Marina Burini who would wake up, and if anyone was the Herione of the story of the Human Beings it was her line…
M.B… Her Silver Computer Mac G4..linked to Donna O’Sullivan Mercedes Benz.. M.B.. then to D.S..Dewight Smith…
She would wake up, and the intel she gave me was the most relevant…
She spoke of it having to be sustained,she fought to to stay aware..
And investigated all my expression, invested a great deal to make sure I had all the comforts while I worked.
She spoke of seeing herself in an Abyss, a room in which the another her was in the other side…
All Linked back to A Santana and his Mother, who had passed away about 6 weeks before I had arrived..
Their birth years Mother and Son was 47/74…
And her name code was Lydia….
Butt few believed her…
I was led all the way through her portal to Alexis and Marina…
And Cassandra and Kelsey… A.M..C.K…

I had noticed this, in both England Canada, then Nigeria.. then more consciously when I came back to the West…
And was the real reason I did not trust Humanity…
And wrote about it in my Journals trying to figure it out..
That they were two people… The one I saw inside.. Beautiful amazing… and but outside they were totally different…
At first I said it was masks that they wore.. but it was deeper than that and so I began to write Investigate what was wrong with People…
That was in 1989… 48 49… 44 89…
And 27 years later, it led me here…

“You have to find a way for us to Sustain staying Awake Marina told me over and over again..
Tom Truman TT… Would arise but felt it was hopeless and urge me to adapt to this reality…
But I just could not.. would not…

And Marina and Tom- their awakened self who would appear sporadically would tell me,that I had to find a language…..

In the west it was the Deus Ex Machina… D.E.M….
In Nigeria Africa it was the Spirit world…. As if people were under a spell moved by Witchcraft…I would see them rise to a higher state then triggered by an outside influence they would retreat….and become.. My God…
And they would not remember….
And so in 1989…I consciously went down to that place they existed…
A Horror for me, the Filth of that Vibration and Consciousness, but as The legend of Thesis and Aridane
Ariane Oates… I wrote, and kept logs journals..
As in the movie “Memento: with G.P.. Guy Pierce…..
M.E M E…N.T..O…. Same N.T 14-20.. 34…7…O
O.T..N.E…M.E…M…. E…Pierce G.UY…

I used codes such as this, but people could not retain them, nor read them.. they were too distracted by Gossip Praise Money.. Security and Fear…

I saw I was alone, and that no matter what I said or did…
This reality was way too powerful…

People would Wake up and then go back to sleep…
and how they saw me when they went down… Gezzus…
Rape Kill. Torture Rage Hate….
And so, I did the work, and used a viel of expression, but could not fully express what I was really doing on Face Book…
Not simply Waking them you up, but deprogramming you and releasing you from the clutches of an Abomination of yourself not yourselves…

I contacted three people….

After I saw that no one had responded…
And I knew that despite it seeming like utter Hatred and Malice thrown at me…
I knew that something was wrong…
But my god… I am tired… have been tired of the sheer power of this Machine and more tired by the force which sets me up to yet another riddle… to fight one more day….

I contacted Dean Dunkwu Nada but the intel about the Birth Certificate… a once warm expression had been moved to coolness…
But the date of the Birth Certificate arriving was January!…
Just as the nearest date Cassandra my case manager had managed to secure for me to see the Immigration Specialist was Jan 2…A.B..
Meaning that just as I knew it, this force was not allowing me to give up…
Just as I knew that the Awakening happens in 2016… not 2017… and that this is it…
But the obstacles have been non stop every day.. 24-7…
Nothing was worth this to me, not even Evolution Awakening…
And that Humanity had incarnated such a depth of Cause and Effect to not even be Dead.. but to have incarnated Existential Death…

I contacted Marina Burini a few days ago.. Nada…
I contacted Joseph Carey.. nada..

Then Today I realized that in the Malicious state of the Machine Consciousness people are plugged into… unaware…
that it was saying “Ha!”…
We give you nothing.. you need us.. now you arrogant shit…

I contacted Dean Dunkwu then Ikem Patrick Okolo…

Now through out these 4.9 years and 15.9 years I always saw that a portal opened..not one I liked or wished for but a door would open to the next part of the Maze and Labyrinth I had descended in 1989…Saying I would prove Harmony… not ever dreaming that I would also have to wake up Everyone including Nnamdi G…
It was mission impossible in any level of my being even as full light… because people have Free Will…
But to do it as a Man.. Fighting a Malice the people are plugged into.. Such a Malice….

But the fact that only now… the source of income coming from Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka, Dean Dunkwu Ikem ( Patrick Okolo M.D) dried up…
There was is a logic to it… which I could read.. right to their Initials..
E.D.I…I.D.E… 9 45…The Curfew at Delta Manor is 10:00 But really 9:45 is the suggested time….

I.D.E…. D.I.E… E.D.I… My ID is Die… ?
No.. my ID is D.I…. NN AM D.I… IS…
But now, I am DIE… Existential Death.. ED… Emeka Kolo Dewight Smith linked… DIE… The LIE.. the False you…

I then contacted Claudio Fernandez….C.F…
Because I knew him and he had written me yesterday…


TUE 7:55PM.. 7 55… G.EE…Z..U.S!

hello Emeka, Marco our common friend told me you are a special person or being, i am curious for everything that can make me understand the fillaments of the universe, i read your last post, and i fell some conection with some of your dates, you are wonderfull by explaining at your own way your understanding of our surroundings, i felt the love power with out second intentions, i am learning how to listen the inner voice with out fear, maybe we can talk about our interests and learn a litle bit more with each other, lots of love to you ”
Emeka Kolo

Yes of course… To be honest I have an advantage over you because I know who your Essential self is… My Beloved Twin line Who I have waited… Well I just p


oh Emeka, you made me cry of joy, im still remenbering, you gave me too much info in one go, i will need time to assimilate all, i recognize some things that you wrote, you have a amazing hability to write and see through souls, like i told you, im a young soul learning and remembering, but with some fear that what i feel and felt is the true, i know im never alone, and i feel the presence of the creation when im in absolute silence, once i talk with it, and i was mesmarized with what i heard, i know the plan is going to show the awakening of not only me but all around me, i know some are already awaked, i just want and feel that i need to share the information or already knowledge that i already think that i understand, im a litle bit ashamed that i cant understand or see everything you write, but im thankfull for everything you wrote and made me feel, obrigado”

Emeka Kolo
Don”t be ashamed ever.. your role was to come undercover in Forgetfullness.. We are the new ones… etc…

Claudio F..

“yes, i think i understand when you say you turn the silence into sound, was ” I ” doing it with out knowing, my mind doesnt ever shut up, the questions came after another, i see through the invisible but i never believed it could be the thruth, sometimes like you said is overhelming”

And so I wrote him urging him to send a Donation Contribution.. D.C…4 3… Sacred Portal Eternal True Life…

Only to find after writing him, that he earlier on perhaps yesterday unfriended me!

Bring us back to the code 815 Face Book Friends..
My code I have stated for Years of the Big Bang as the Big OH..

And then I was told by Paul-G bed 35.. that my former room mate Egyptian Consciousness J.D..Jonn Delguidce.. Jonn Blackwell is being Transferred.. (Gossip.. etc..code poison)…. And so I knew what it meant and frantically sent him a message…

And just now sent it to Donna O’Sullivan after realizing that Dewight Smith contacted me twice today and is safe… he contacted me from he Library…!
Donna Line M.B.. Harmony…

I realized only today that the money is not for my benefit but Yours..
Why would it be at the very End.. At Z..Triple Z Milky Way…
Why was I compelled to not get up from the bed today to finally try and get some rest but instead found myself posting from my bed?
I am the Portal to Eternal Life…
Existential Death was completed 2015…!
Grove Armada…
French Independence Day… Franco… Free Man.. Free Woman!

Free Woman…

This is is the completion of the code of the Individual to move from the Collective …. the Borg.. that malice.. spite…
to do the Correct thing…
But first I had to rush out to Star Bucks and complete this code…

7:34 p.m…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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