
Welcome Liera Herreras Plandez…

Welcome Liera Herreras Plandez…


And Nnedi O’banye.. N.O…

From 814 F,B today… back to 813…

H.N…Harmony Nature… 8+14=22. V

back to

H.M…Harmony Manifested…. 8 13… 21… U.

21 cents in my Wallet


Plus see the last post…

My response to my being moved to post today- cornered and that Nature rising again to bring me here….

Is Nature Existence… Natural Existence Safe….

Despite knowing that it is…

Today I have seen the enactment gone so far that I fight no more and say NO…..

It is Not…

It is not Safe…..

because this play was possible of V… to R…

Nothing to do with R or a person… but a play…

9;16 p.m.

There was never anything to prove in the First and Last Place…

9;17 p.m


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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