
12/20/2016 21:26 – Facebook Post

DNA is Sound….

About Last Night…

The post and the Voodun Shaman “Dibia” Medicine Man
last play….

Dna is Sound, “Modern”Science now tells us- and that Sound can effect and warp Dna…”

What Flows through Humanity is Delta- 4th Dimension Natures Awareness… but as the Origins as Africa…
And thus, those who are able to exist in the Spirit Realm…S.R..
And have the Knowledge of the true “A-lien Science”, A.S…
Which is the Knowledge of the Human Song Lines..
Migrational Patterns from the “Arrival of the Species”
Birth in this World… And Out of Africa “All About Eve” are this able to influence All Humanity by influencing the Trails-Pathways of indented History, Migratory Patterns as well as the recorded history and movement of their Descendants….
Ancestral Science….
Which Modern Science is only beginning to catch up with…
Using Sound to influence reality, people especially the Brain…

A Scientist testified to me, him and other scientists, awareness of the Superiority of the Ancient Scientists whom are called Shamans Dibias Medicine Men, Witch Doctors, Alchemists, Magicians Sorcerers.. Witches…

And I testified for many years, right to the war I went through epitomized in my incredulous discovery of what they were Doing to me who was aware… and others who are ignorant, while residing at Marina Burini home and then in seclusion in Tom Truman’s Loft.
With Marina Burini, who contacted me today for the first time in 5-6 years, in perfect Harmony as I wrote my comment about the Awakening and that Lone Voice raised in Song of Remembrance…
The One designated to carry the Scar of This Existence about to pass away forever….

Many have called the 4th Dimension the Realm of Time and Space…
I have followed a more logical template called that of Nature…
Rainbow Spectrum.. where the 4th Dimension is the note of Fa! as Sound and the Colors Green in Rainbow…
Green of course, equating immediately to Photo Synthesis,
Oxygenation O2…Life Breath….
Yes.. Access to bring Death…. But not Life…

The Greatest Trick was the West giving the rest of the World the Idea of the Inferiority of Ancient and Natural Scientists….
The Truth is, even historically, they were afraid of them..
Hell, Everyone was afraid of them….
Which is why they were revered and respected…
But as the movie Dark Crystal…. D.C…
A Fore Runner of the movie “5th Element”
There were those who used their knowledge for Healing and others for Power…
And which is why even Ancient Kings and Queens to present day Presidents and powerful C.E.O’s still consult these Ancient Scientist of Nature…
The Powers behind the Throne, from antiquity to present…

Which means those Shamans, Dibias who Live in 4th Dimension represented by Green and Fa… and the 4th Energy Point meant to be the Heart and Balance…H.B…
Could interfer with affairs in the 3rd Dimension.. Yellow…
in R.S.. and the note designated in the West as “Mi”
Taking into consideration that the Milky Way is composed of Sound Vibration..Music Harmonies.. Universal Harmonics moving as W.A.V.E S..to a point….
The Dibia’s could not really change the Blue Print already established…
But they could affect the Human Consciousness linked still to Africa… And the Adam as “Red Earth” Frequency of “Do” the First or Last Note…
So. Considering that there are 8-9 planets in the Milky Way..
And Human Being are literal Universe, all carrying the Blue Print of the M.W…
These Beings.. many called Ascended Beings Ascended Masters, ot by the West Gods, Deities….could influence the Course and future of their Descendants by steering them Off course from thier natural Intended Course… or Life…
To use them as tools, by “De railing their Train” A.MTRAK…
Susan Train… to their Destination by using them to stop halt or influence a Cause and Effect.. And Outcome..

Yes Link Putin and Russia found to influencing and undermining the American Presidential Elections….

Link a T.V…A Radio, A Transmitter, being over taken, “Over Ride” by another Frequency…
Hacked into… We see that scenario often enough in our movies and real life…
And so here we have once more the “Mimic” and “Mirror” reflecting that which is Really going in in this Reality…

Those who have understood the Secrets and Science of Nature..
They usually live in Nature, most time as the Tarots “Hermit”
Anastassia of Russia and her Gardens which have captured the Russian and now worlds imagination…
She speaks of accessing the Grid..
That same Grid Mesh, Weave which Einstein spoke of and used to Illustrate his theories…
That weave of course being linked to the Weave in Dark Matter 96% but also the Human Dna Strands…

There is no really Dna strands… they are really Dne…
See the Lyrical Sequencing of numbers to letters in Logical Rhythmic Logos…. D.J.N.E…
D is really Balance of 8… Light Sound Full Circle make 8 notes…
8 is the Re-merging of Rainbow Spectrum… 18+19=37…C.G…=10..1O…A.O… C.G.A… ( C.E.G.A)
Thus Balance of the Body is would be 4 4 ….
Which links the significance of my old school mate Dean Dunkwu…
And thus, though they are not really influencing the Truth, they are able to influence the Illusion… The Flesh and the Idea of Humanities actions and though process…
By Overiding the Natural Expression of the Blue Print of Existence..
Basically “Fucking” with your Body and your Head…
Please note the Experiments conducted att Bellevue historically in Insane Patience.. Electric Shock Therapy…
The Experiments of the Nazi.. we must ask what happened to all teh results of this work..
What did they apply it for…
Lord Knows none of the findings of these “Monstrous Experiments’ were every made public…

And yet everyone is aware how sound effects us..
Right to my stay in Delta Manor, moved from a room-Dormitory because of my Bodies non stop Stimuli and the Sounds emerging from my mouth ( Most Rage and pent up, suppressed Rage and Fury of 28 years of being meddled with and then finding out the reason and no one taking me seriously, not even after I brought forth evidence…)

I demonstrated it non stop of Face Book, willing me expression through back to its Stream of Consciousness and Well of Zeem Zeem Well AH from the poison placed in the Well…
And illusion but if someone poisons your drinking water… even though it is an illusion- you will Die or be affected, if you CAN NOT PROVE that its an Illusion….

The Prove of what is being Done is where one finds the Cure…

When I spoke to Marina Burini today… M.B… Manifest Body..
I knew that
79… that the original Blue Print of the Human Dne had been retrieved….
See sacred portal 79… Blue Print of Existence…
It was her Computer and her code 7130 G.A.C.O… Which was on her Silver Mac… Which she gave me, and which I used in 2010..
Where I could not believe the Battle I had with the literal Computer which was Fighting Me!
Not allowing me to post my Findings…
And the Emails I stored and communicated were interrupted non stop as my own expression veered so far of course from what I was saying…
Often, I let it go on.. just to see where it was going…
But I had already experienced this when I found through Noel Trejo an Agent, for my 2004 Creation Story, but each time I sought to Edit a nicely compact 230-240 page manuscript it would grow with Expressions all from the Realm I knew as Nature… The Shaman realms…
And boy, they were pissed.. and though I could see many of their points, they could not seem to see the Evil that they themselves represented or how the World and their Avatars-Descendants they felt had betrayed the Ancient Ways, the Ancestors, that they were the ones who had perpetuated with it..
By influencing the life’s of their children, their free will..
Citing that it was for the benefit of the all…

Note how I am 824 Face Book Friends….
Harmony X… 1-24 is the Greek Alpha Bet “Alpha to Omega”
But more importantly it is One Day..1212….24 hrs..
Which is Day and Night…
And that is what they were really influencing…
The Outer World causing an seemingly imbalance of the Inner world..
Such as the Illusion of what is going on in my body…
Nothing is wrong with my Body… Nothing, I have stated this for years..
Doctors have checked and suggested it was neurological and then even Schizophrenia… Both diagnosis being correct in the purest definition of the Words…
My brain was being meddled with with “Mind Mapping” Behavioral Patterns… M.M..B.P… Which were not Natural..
And my own life time of Silence, bouts of Seclusion had refined my system to what the French publishing house “La! Font” had described as ‘Inouii.’. Meaning Out of this World…

So my Antenna and Homing device.. Radar Screen picked up any thing foreign in an instance..
And as the way White and Red blood cells fight of foreign entities…
By body and Being fought off these intruders…
Sending command signals to my body and being through the power if Impulse Stimuli… Suggestion…
And my defiance was to ask Why…
Was for my body to move and respond 24-7, I never stopped shifting moving my body so as to find the natural Comfort I adore in Being and Having A Body so aligned to my Way of Being…
And I knew I was in Balance, but the stimulation.. non stop was creating the illusion and moving my muscles, my “fils” Threads Weaves, template of Being out of its Comfort Zone fundamental to being in Existence…

I knew I was centered…
But this Horrible Violation which I could feel, which most have grown numb to, or sedated and medicated themselves from feeling…
The is over Stimulation over load.. down loading of data not necessary for us, but a program an alien program created by an outside influence with its own agenda…

Parents who have Gone Too Far in meddling with their Childrens Life..
That Old School mentality of “I brought you into this World and I can take you out..”

Really by whose law?

Just as the Twin headed sign of Modern Medicine is founded on the Twin Headed Serpent and the one Staff… they entwine..
Is this not Moses and the Pharohs story…
Ascelpius… Ochiuphus… Apollo Son…
Alpha Omega A… 1 O 1…
Chemistry Botany 1O1…
A O A…

7:04 p.m.

A O A.. A-A is a full Circle A-Z.A..
27… Sunshine State…
Meaning reaching Zion (Kerwyn Vincent)
Zeina Zion Zorror 26 26 26….78…60 +18… F.O.R…I..
“For I..E”
There is no other state or place other than the Sunshine State by Now..
M.W 78/87….
M.W. 69.. 99 66.. 12 3…
6=7… =8= 9= I.O…
All From Expression to the Heart at 44….Whose really Balance is
9.. 4.5.. in Body….54/45… N.E..O…I…E..
And as TEN…N.ET… 5 5..E.E…
To 11..K.. 5.5- 5.5…
To even 12-12.. 6 6…
56 is my B.P… 15 6…
Weight 193….
39 1… C.I.A….

And how it is linked to the death of D.J..Jean Guerreros…
D.J..Jinx Paul Guerreros…who passed at age 39..
Struck by a Car… At 4 am at the junction of Jamaica and Sheffield Avenues…
4 am 4=Delta…Age 39…C.I..
His Publicity shot shows him wearing a blue college varsity jacket with the code R.S…

Here is the public announcement..

*It is with great sorrow that the family of SBS New York announces the sudden and tragic death of one of our best announcers, the full weight, Jinx Paul. With its natural and contagious sympathy, Jinx Paul won the affection of all who we labored with him at mega 97.9 and 93.1 love from the first day I set foot in our home on 56th street in Manhattan”

S.B.S… 19 2 19…
Jinx…Paul Guerrero …J…P.G… A Jinx Curse on the P.G…/
God Particle….
Yes, Cursing the Evolution of the Human Being Particle (G) Wave…
Cursing Human Evolution…!!!…

Jean means :Grace Favors C… G.F.C… Grace Full Circle…
Paul means the “Little Ones the Children, just as Kerwyn means the the Little Black one.. Father of Children.. Human Beings in Illusion as Children… Until they become Youths.. Eternal Youth..My Line…
E.Y.O…Not Yoruba… but they did align.. at a great cost…
E.Y.O…/ O.Y.E…
Malije Okoye
Bruce Okoye… O.K..OYE…
Marina Burini
M.B..2O…20 is todays Date….. M.B.T….
Tom Benzian..M.
Tom Bocek… M

Manifests Beautiful Truth
But is really M.B.B.O…
Manifested Body and Being Full Circle in Symmetrical Perfection.
M. 2 2 O…Add 18..R…Robert Light Clarity…
2 2= 4..+18…( Twice Robert Rawles)
Manifested Victorious O.Eternity Twice! For Two Lines…
E.T…And E.F… E Family..
An Eternal Flame…
Manifest Victoriously O.E…
Manifest 5 O E..
The 5Oth State… Hawaii… Paradise State… and Sunshine State…
S.P…27 and 50… 77…

Guerrero Means Warrior

See Paul Gerald P.G.. Bed 3005… And the day he wished to Fight me, the Fury, which made me recall the Gun Shooting he had been sent to Prison for…
And my calling his name over and over “Paul whats wring with you, what is the matter with you” until he snapped out of it…
Telling me later that that it was that echo of “Paul Whats Wrong with you which followed him until he came back to his senses…”

Jean “D.J/J.D Paul Guerrero just happened to be used, chose a name which he literally could not live up, which something moved him to choose then set him up. and his life to be sacrificed to stop the unstoppable Fore of I AM… I A.M…

J..is 10… 1O… P.G…16 7… Balance of 1010… 101..1O1…11.. K… A-A
Doppelgangers… Achieved… Miami Florida…
Entered Intake Center 3Oth Street..C.O..I entered d.o.b. 1967….
To complete the Mission of 76…
Everything was already aligned even before “They” used a World and Word “Jinx” Cursed…And though it may have seemed real..
It does not begin with the World…
It begins with the Initials…
Initialization… At the Initial Sequence…
Origins… Which is and was inside the See of Eternity…
The True Alpha Omega Alpha B.C.D.E.F..G….TO Z.. all have the E Sound in them…

Imagine the number of people this has driven insane…
Look at how Sound affects us in an everyday way..
and Electronics and now imagine on the Subliminal way.. the layers rising up from our Sub Conscious…were we as a species are the most Vulnerable….
O.P.E.N… But They could not access the E…
The code of the E DNE… planted in Humanity.. now matter how much they triied..
Which is why Everything was done to stop me from Expressing the E consciousness and everything was done to get me to Express it.
Because it is so powerful, because it is the Eternal Flame
A Eternal Flame… A.E.F… 1 5 6…
6 5 1… F.A..E.. The 4th Note is E… at Delta!
There is no Greek Delta… And I am not at the Mouth of a River,
nor in the Delta Region nor in the 4th Dimension or stuck in the Greek Story of Alpha Bet…
And I have completed the R… Roman Alphabet… the Roman – Novel.. Book.. K.B..- Bilal Khan B.K… And the Apple Khan…
Apple King… Apple in the Garden of Eden, the Tree of True Life…the Adam and Eve as the Twin Serpents and the One Serpent being the One who is Two… Who links the Fork in the Road to One Road… Home…
In the Big Apple… B.A… 21… Since 2001.. 3-20 When I arrived ..
The 5=E.. I already knew was me, I.. because I am aware that it is me who is expressing and no one else..
That these meddling interfering Vibrations is as the movies we see on T.V..The News….
7:56 p.m.

I filter it and I can shut it off…
With a Click of a Switch or Pressing a Button…
And I can leave in on as Dharma Santana and simply filter as I go along, taking pleasure in al that this wotld has to offer while cleaning up that which enters my Consciousness by aligning it to fact and separating the Lie from the Truth.. Essentially Truth… E.T..
And as for the Fiction… I leave that, since all Fiction Fantasy link to Fact.
8:00 pm.

5:37 p.m. Earlier on…


Code in name meaning…
Elizabeth Clarizio G
Emeka Chukwu Grace… is Clarity O…Full Circle Of Everything.




True Life… The Point.
Sacred Portals 43… 35… 147-156….

156 is what my Blood Pressure was measured at Yesterday….
15 6… 1 56…
1 56…

I sent Zion ( Kerwyn Vincent) a Gif…
He responded with the Truth as usual…
“Eternal Flame” E.F… 5 6…

1 56.. An Eternal Flame..
Awareness is the Eternal Flame…

See sacred Portal 56….

T.L..P.T… 20 12…20 16…
2012 to 2016…Delta…4 Years…

32.. 36…. Consciousness Beautiful… Conscious Fact…

See sacred Portal 32…36….Eros Kali… Circulation Currency…
Night and Dawn…


Exemplified A.S
Eternity Infinity…
By I.E.
I Emeka…
Ikemefuna Emeka

See the Codes again

*It is with great sorrow that the family of SBS New York announces the sudden and tragic death of one of our best announcers, the full weight, Jinx Paul. With its natural and contagious sympathy, Jinx Paul won the affection of all who we labored with him at mega 97.9 and 93.1 love from the first day I set foot in our home on 56th street in Manhattan”

93.1…Age 39…



Ellie Sasha Geiger…
Audrey Lydwine
Jamel White
Thunderbolt Ross


E.A…John Thomas… E.A.. Sacred Portal 51….”Sex God of Creation”
John Thomas.. ( John Shaw and Tom Truman Brothers)
Which is “Penis” O.PEN IS….:)
the Third Brother… Luke Shaw… L.S… SO.L…
The Light Bringer…
Orgasm OH!!!!! I.E…Sha!

That is the Origin of Light and ;Life and Laughter and E…
Ecstasy Extase Joy… to See Family Come at Last..
And to Truly Cum…

See sacred portal 27…

8:26 p.m..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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