
12/26/2016 22:25 – Facebook Post

David by Michel Angelo..
He wrote something on my Time Line which did the impossible now…
it moved my heart…
He offered the Words… “I Trust You”

Pi Phi (Golden Ratio) Fibonnaci…Eulers Number…

P. P G F…E. N…S.A.O

I have always seen patterns..
In fact Pattern sequence numbers, natural cause and effect…
Always, and thus I could read, identify the sequence and order of things naturally..
Right to its Expression to its Cause Effect… Outcome.

Which is where I had the confidence as a 23 year old man to write to the Silence, declaring that I could prove Harmony existed here…
Even through the Human Perception of Consciousness…
Through Sound of dna…to Sight.. to Human Expression…
And to Historical Cause and Effect..
Seeing the patterns naturally which I myself secreted..
All I had to do was look back through my Reflections and Trail I left behind during the Day of what I did, who I met, where I went…
Which is why I always knew where I was…
And what to do…

The greatest shame, I believe is that a Lover of Life Beauty and Boogie could be moved away from his true nature by forces to prove How I saw these patterns, and then to teach it to a world which does not even pay attention to such an extraordinary offering of the Evolutionary pathway laid bear…

But enough of that….

Here is the post… for H.C.E….

I post because for the moment, I am literally cornered

6:08 p.m.

Yes my David was born 1968…11;22…
And he had the evidence not only of evolved memory as Nnamdi my brother, but the far sight of the See and Cee..
He saw me when my Energy landed on Earth..
And the proof was, is I did a Self Portrait in France of my Emerging from a Sky the Earth and a Full Circle…
The One as a Sky Being had wings..
David had the Skeletal Structure which he revealed to me…
Which by a few unlocking of places around his chest…
the Arms and Chest just incredibly spread out to a perfect expression of the Wings…

Just like the movie Transformers… I have never seen anything like it..
And he prepared me for the fact that it would happen to me, since he knew we were the same person…
Chukwuemeka David… C.D. 34=7…G.ode
Chukwuemeka Nnamdi David… Dawn… C.N..3.14 at Delta…17=Q
Emeka Nnamdi…E.N… Steven….S.A.O…Steven, See the hat I am wearing now from Delta Manor… 115OA..

7 17 1O…
G.Q..S.O.A…. Geoffrey Quintin Steven Oscar Alexander… @ Delta. David Dawn…
Night and Dawn…
Nnamdi A.N.D David…Alexander…. A.N.D..
7 17 1 O…
is a… 7:09 p.m…
79…Sacred Portal “Blue Print of Existence”
That seed planted in both Being and Body of Evolution…
Unlocking the Keys to this Existence, also correspondingly unlocks the Body…
7 17 1…O 1
115 O 1.. My Hat…
Thus 7 17 1 formula is expected to be completed..
Which I am doing now…
7 17 1 is an equation but must be seen as a Circle which joins…
1 7 17…1 to 7 Sounds… Dna…(And) bring us to Ti..Purple.. Gold..Golden Ratio…

* “Pi, Phi and Fibonacci
May 15, 2012 by Gary Meisner… ( G.M…T)

Phi (?) and pi (?) and Fibonacci numbers can be related in several ways:

The Pi-Phi Product and its derivation through limits

The product of phi and pi,

1.618033988… X 3.141592654…, or 5.083203692,

is found in golden geometries:

Golden Circle Golden Ellipse…”

The Golden Circle and the Golden Ellipse ..
77 C.E…. Not F.G.C.E… My Alma Mata.. Class of 82 ( A.M )

But 77 Where we are now in… 77 14 5 O… The Literal Code..
Not really the Year we moved to Nigeria.. Over 39 years aho…

The Code here at Star Bucks.. 13 85 Metropolitan Avenue
(K.A.R.T..M.A. K. ART M.A…Michel Angelo, Ali Mohsin TRAK..)
the Bathroom is 145O….N.E.O…
Yes, the only place I found I could get any Privacy these long years, to ascend to my consciousness was the Bathroom…
Which I found was a code as to what was expected of me and what I was forced to do by the NRI… Clean up other peoples Shit, Shitty Expressions.. Basically cursed to be used as a Public Toilet… P.T..

*Never will I understand such cruelty, such viscousness and such power to pronounce such a fate for anyone, and to enforce it to the end…

“Phi (?) and pi (?) and Fibonacci numbers can be related in several ways:

The Pi-Phi Product and its derivation through limits

The product of phi and pi,

1.618033988… X 3.141592654…, or 5.083203692,

is found in golden geometries:”

5.O-83-203-69 2″

E.O.H..C..T.C…F..I.B….. French Italian Brazil…not Iraq
Marina Burini “Persia” P…

E.H.C.W ( VV) F.I.B..P… 69 is Beautiful Pride…

“Ed Oberg and Jay A. Johnson have developed a unique expression for the pi-phi product (p?) as a function of the number 2 and an expression they call “The Biwabik Sum,”a function of phi, the set of all odd numbers and the set of all Fibonacci numbers, as follows:
Another interesting relationship between Pi and Phi is related to the geometry of the Great Pyramid of Giza. This relationship connects dimensions of the Great Pyramid to both Pi and Phi, but it is not known with certainty whether this was an intentional aspect of its design, whether its design was based on Pi or Phi but not both, or whether it is a simple coincidence. It relates to the fact that 4 divided by square root of phi is almost exactly equal to Pi:

The square root of Phi (1.6180339887…) = 1.2720196495…

4 divided by 1.2720196495… = 3.14460551103…

Pi = 3.14159265359…

The difference of these two numbers is less than a 10th of a percent.

*In mathematics, the Fibonacci numbers are the numbers in the following integer sequence, called the Fibonacci sequence, and characterized by the fact that every number after the first two is the sum of the two preceding ones:[1][2]

{displaystyle 1,;1,;2,;3,;5,;8,;13,;21,;34,;55,;89,;144,;ldots ;} 1,;1,;2,;3,;5,;8,;13,;21,;34,;55,;89,;144,;…
Often, especially in modern usage, the sequence is extended by one more initial term:

Meaning that 11;22 as C.D.. Are Literally One and the same Person…

“11 22..33….69…O.F… 15 6… 21..3….U C.E.H.I…..U.C.H.E.I
* U C Emeka Harmony to Infinity… UCHE means “Reflections Thoughts…Reflections” T.R.U.E…Of the Source E.I…

Merging the 3 to 2 and then to 1…
i.e….I Emeka…

26-12-2016…. 8-3-9…. H.C.I…

6 8… F.H…

At 8 35 Face Book Friends….


“With Foresight and Hindsight, see the Facts- Harmony Consciousness is the Expression of Infinity..
Harmony Consciousness Emeka C.E..The Point…
of the “Beloved.. Evolved from Being De-vine…
Linking Stream of Consciousness with both Hindsight and Foresight, and Fore Sight -Hindsights to prove the Pattern and Existence of Harmony to infinity in us…

the golden ratio =
1.61803398875 Code… A.F.A..R…O.C..C.I.. HH.G.E…

E.G..HH…I.C…C.O..R.A, F.A…

Edgar Guanzon HH….I.C…( Galaxy 1101 I.C) Cora…Fa…
Cora means “Kore Peresphone.. the Heart of a Maiden… The Core,
Seething Pool…

verb (used without object), seethed or (Obsolete) sod; seethed or (Obsolete) sodden or sod; seething. 1. to surge or foam as if boiling. 2. to be in a state of agitation or excitement.

Afa in OINri Igbo means “Name” R would be Robert..O.C Would mean “Oh Cee” ( The Full Circle of Consciousness).. C.I..”See I ( Chukwuemeka Ikemefuna. Consciousness Infinity…
I am Harmony H.U.G.E!…8 H
Harmonious Grace of Existence….
A FAR…Oh I Cee, C.I! H- Huge,
The Example of Rich Happy, Powerful blessed with the Spear,
passing the Hight Mountain Pass and the New Frontier, through the Tube, Pipeline and Managed Gracefully (Gray Mick G.M..T…Mt.)
to pass through the Spinal Chord 31 Vertebra- From the Caudal Equine C.E, base of the Spinal Chord to the Pineal Gland..
As a Being B’Eau Ti! Full, Quantum Quintessential Particle Patrician Graceful Golden Wave of VV.A.V.E..Supreme…”

This, is of course, my translation taking into consideration all the intel and combined it…
Recal Taun was the name of a Vietnamese Brother I met when I met with Jay… In 1996…A place in London called the Collection in 19 96…96% Dark Matter…

*KWAN means “Love and Respect” or “Extraordinary” So now you know – KWAN means
Guan also means
“The character for this name also means ‘tube’ or ‘pipe’ and ‘manage’.”

Golden Ration… G.R…

About the Golden Ratio.. Phi… P.H.I… 16 8 9….

“The golden ratio has been claimed to have held a special fascination for at least 2,400 years, though without reliable evidence.[11] According to Mario Livio:

Some of the greatest mathematical minds of all ages, from Pythagoras and Euclid in ancient Greece, through the medieval Italian mathematician Leonardo of Pisa and the Renaissance astronomer Johannes Kepler, to present-day scientific figures such as Oxford physicist Roger Penrose, have spent endless hours over this simple ratio and its properties. But the fascination with the Golden Ratio is not confined just to mathematicians. Biologists, artists, musicians, historians, architects, psychologists, and even mystics have pondered and debated the basis of its ubiquity and appeal. In fact, it is probably fair to say that the Golden Ratio has inspired thinkers of all disciplines like no other number in the history of mathematics.[12]

The Swiss architect Le Corbusier, famous for his contributions to the modern international style, centered his design philosophy on systems of harmony and proportion. Le Corbusier’s faith in the mathematical order of the universe was closely bound to the golden ratio and the Fibonacci series, which he described as “rhythms apparent to the eye and clear in their relations with one another. And these rhythms are at the very root of human activities. They resound in man by an organic inevitability, the same fine inevitability which causes the tracing out of the Golden Section by children, old men, savages and the learned.”[29]”

Vitruvian Man…
The Body as Living Art… my First collection started on Tee Shirts…

PI Golden Ration Fibonacci (F.I.B…ON 33 9…)
P.G.F… Praise/Patrician Geoffrey Gordon Frances Fritz…
16 7 6….Are themselves a Sequence.. a Pattern.. as is Dna as is Sound as is Seeing Patterns, as is the Silence from which is emerges through 6th sense as demonstrated here for 4.9 years in a constant strea of Expression which just moves out of me to become a stream of consciousness, the Flow of a river, which I not only recognize but literally know where it is headed to, the banks of the Marina to land in the Bank- Becca Knox, Book…of Paradise Bilal Khan ‘A Beautiful Song of Desire wet moist.. giving…waiting to be landed on…Home Paradise…H.P…

Core the Seething Dne Gene Pool of Universe Supreme,
now O.P.E.N..

See Peter Felicciti work on Pi Phi and E

Eulers Number..

*The number e is a mathematical constant that is the base of the natural logarithm: the unique number whose natural logarithm is equal to one. It is approximately equal to 2.71828,[1] and is the limit of (1 + 1/n)n as n approaches infinity, an expression that arises in the study of compound interest. It can also be calculated as the sum of the infinite series[2]”

2.7 18 28..18 28…45 90 45 2

Aprox at 878/323..

It requires a Square of -1 to solve this Equation…
Which is the realm of imaginary numbers, because the square of a number is never negative…
And thus in the domain of “Real numbers’ there is no solution..
It does not end….

“The first references to the constant were published in 1618 in the table of an appendix of a work on logarithms by John Napier.[5] However, this did not contain the constant itself, but simply a list of logarithms calculated from the constant. It is assumed that the table was written by William Oughtred. The discovery of the constant itself is credited to Jacob Bernoulli in 1683,[7][8] who attempted to find the value of the following expression (which is in fact e):

{displaystyle lim _{nto infty }left(1+{frac {1}{n}}right)^{n}.} lim _{nto infty }left(1+{frac {1}{n}}right)^{n}.
The first known use of the constant, represented by the letter b, was in correspondence from Gottfried Leibniz to Christiaan Huygens in 1690 and 1691. Leonhard Euler introduced the letter e as the base for natural logarithms, writing in a letter to Christian Goldbach of 25 November 1731.[9][10] Euler started to use the letter e for the constant in 1727 or 1728, in an unpublished paper on explosive forces in cannons,[11] and the first appearance of e in a publication was Euler’s Mechanica (1736).[12] While in the subsequent years some researchers used the letter c, e was more common and eventually became the standard.”


Please note the codes and numbers.. from 1618… when discovered… which is 1..1618… Golden Ratio…
By J.N…
16 83…J.B… G.L…C.H…1731…Q.31…
Euler started to use the letter e for the constant in 1727-1728…
E.M. 1736…

E =C Me 4/3….

All Humanity have existed on This Yellow Brick Road…
Some Rose to it… 7 Ti..B-Eau Ti Full… Enlightenment, Realizations, Golden Fibonacci…Eulers Number… E.N…

*”EA (1) m Near Eastern Mythology
Meaning unknown, perhaps from Sumerian meaning “house of water”. This was the Akkadian and Babylonian name of the Sumerian water god Enki.”


Akanga Beouncy Dilish Ogutu

Akanga is the name of a people of Kenya.. but also means “Helmeted Guinea Fowl” or Cock….
H.G.F…8 76…

Beouncy I found only the meaning as Beyonce… Which means “One who Beyond others”

Delish means “One who delights in giving pleasure, bringing delight, declious Happiness..

Ogotu… Means in Igbo “To go to war, become militant…


“A Helmeted Guinea Fowl or Cock of the Awakening Dawn, one who is beyond others, who delights in giving pleasure, bringing happiness and delicious sensational feelings of delight…”Sex God?” E.A…And who becomes militant, even goes to war to Awaken others to the dawn so that they may delight in the delicious sensation of that which seems Beyond their reach…”

O.K that sounds like it is describing me, or at least what I did, do.. and the person I always was.. and am”

Sacred Portal 76 is the Awakening….

And so the completion of 835 Face Book Friend…
Right to my Stay at Delta Manor….
Room 3 4 was yesterdays play… 34…43…
Which I completed today…
The Numbers…

Letters A.B..D.O….P.G..H…I. 16 7 8 9…O.A…5 11

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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