
12/27/2016 22:16 – Facebook Post

7:59 p.m.



An Altered Planet…and Plan ET.

8:00 P.M


L-(A-A), B.G..T.P.


6th Sense La! A.B.G…( Room 3A to 4B…34=7…G)
True Point….

The Planet and the Plan-E.T..of Eternal Truth was distorted…
The foundation was secure, but the Dna of both Humanity and the Planet was distorted by Sound…
Human Expression not grounded in Facts and Truth.

Do you believe in Belief?”
Shari Sissoko suddenly asked me…

No, I responded… Beliefs are like Wishes.. Temporary Oasis but at some point those wishes have to be realized and those Beliefs have to be proven into fact.

I could not sleep a wink the entire night, not even really rest…

And before I go any further, let me state that I am not complaining, not has any of my expression EVER been a plea to you for compassion or to help me, or a call for sympathy….
I made it very clear that my expression is for the record, that I am stating Facts… Which I never wish forgotten or for myself to forget when I and the species Ascend Transform.

I recorded everything in as much detail as I can considering the limitation of my existence.
I wish the future to truly understand what happened, what I experienced each time I descended into this reality to rescue truth.

There is no intention of malice in my expression nor is their a heaviness attached to any of my words as is done here…
Which puts everyone in defense, ready to fight and defend and to take offense…

I wish everyone to know that when I wrote about Prince Panther inviting me for Christmas Dinner, then canceling it that there was no blame attached to her at all..
I thought I made this very clear…
When I stated that when she first invited me I was so sure I would ascend by then, and that I had suddenly realized the true depth of impossibility that this Evolution Awakening Enterprise had been plunged into, and the impossible power wielded…
To move through human dna, through sound, and to literally go as far as interfere with the Creators Design and original plan..
Negating it as non existent, over riding it.. and regulating the Creator to non Existence…
And then Insistent Denial of His- Her their I.D…

That is when, after the 13 then the 16th that they had been allowed to go to a point that it no longer even mattered.. Not even the Truth…
And as such nothing said or uttered by them through Human Avatars could be taken seriously…
Trust the Foundation has been irrevocably compromised until it had become Non Existent and Eternal Death.

I received a note from Prince Panther, in which she felt I had shamed her and blamed her publicly on line..
I had not slept all night..
Another had innocently asked me if I was a Nigerian scam artists taking money from people on line….

I had been so quietly stunned and the person even stopped speaking to me stating my response was to High up there…
After this person already had been part of the Equation Play…

I have been dealing with this everyday since I began posting on Line, everyday my words are pulverized crucified when in exceptionally clarity…

One moment I am this extraordinary being and in a blink of an eye, I am the person who scams others, and shames them publicly….

And here I am, Aristocratic by Nature- having voluntarily walked into the Jaws of Death, the Belly of the Beast to find each of these people and their beautiful truth.. and in a blink of an eye, just like that I am reduced to something that is the most vile of hypocrites…
Despite living in a constant state of poverty, despite non of these people thinking that perhaps I have feelings, and it would be nice to do something in return…
Despite presenting my Curriculum Vitae from here to Eternity Infinity…
Spending 4.9 years on Face Book awakening people and solving all their riddles of Existence.. not mine to solve.
Despite my body condition an ascension made so hellish so abominable that Death is a Reward.
Despite having no life and existence other than be compelled to bring forth this truth… The Beautiful Truth.. with Evidence and Facts for the benefit of others..
Despite being forced to descend into their Misery and Suffering consciousness…
Despite a life of which all the curses of Human Existence have been given to me to bear, including a Nightmare Existence of being in non Existence..
To Cassandra as the “Prophetess of Doom” being my case worker and transforming each “Negative’ connotation into its positive attribute..
Cassandra “Excel Shinning Man…” Robert…

Despite being compelled to 24-7 Awareness..
To having to appeal to people only once directly to send contributions and have not one person respond…
To be given constant Humiliation Shame, for trusting the Truth I know to be a fact.
To step up and not back down from defending The Beautiful Truth…

8:31 p.m

To be made so patient when all I want to do is give in to the provocation of my First moment in this Existence to the very last at Delta Manor…
My brother, sister, cousins do not speak to me..
Because I was compelled to play the role of the Purifier…

To bring evidence that each person must purify themselves because that is the role my Cee and consciousness gave me to play out…

I live in the Cesspool of Human Expression which creates Evil- the very Evil they complain about in their world is the very evil they create in their expressions, in their quick actions of un-friending me, no longer speaking to me.. living me in the streets to die.. or in a Homeless Shelter…
And who are given money codes to give me…
Five six people have sent me money and the codes show it was already arranged by the Spirit World…
To starve me, to shame and control me to see if I will finally back down from the Truth I have been publicly stating…

I have provided evidence at just how far They were willing to go to keep the Beautiful Truth.. and Consequence of Cause and Effect from manifesting…

I have repeated myself in every conceivable language of consciousness, provided evidence, which you have to read..
Fed provided drinking water, fresh transparent points of view..
New Perspective on things, and watched non stop people who declare they love me, turn on me in the blink of an eye, or take this knowledge and claim it for themselves while I rot in Hell..


So, if people wish to pervert my intentions, my expressions out of malice, or because they can not stand my confident expression and wish to bring me low, for sharing the best of myself…
And not my true feelings…
If they wish to see me brought low, to make themselves feel better about themselves…
Cut me with their eyes…
Still I rise…
From the Shackles of History’s Shame
Still I rise,
With the Light of Laughter of an oil pumping in my back Yard….

There is no lower is there?
The streets, Shelters, alleys, peoples homes,
a mental Health Shelter, park benches, Subway Stations…

There is nothing you can do to me to Shame me, to Humiliate me..
For bringing forth the Truth…
And that is why the Spirit World will not let a portal open for me to live in this World…
Why what they want is to cave in by the sheer power they have to use Humanities baser fears to make every moment of my existence hell..
From the unfortunate who Snores in the room, but who tries in his way to give me space to sleep when he sees the consistency of the “Agonies’ of my body…

Still I rise…

Yes painfully, feeling every muscle, lock and fiber in my being straining as the Energy rises in me and then is locked down..
From the Gossip and mis understandings in the Shelter here, to the Isolation as I wrestle with my Body and the Impossibility of what I am experiencing be real and intentional…

Still I rise….

.I S.I.R…E…

Still I rise…

‘Did you want to see me broken?
Bowed head and lowered eyes?
Shoulders falling down like teardrops,
Weakened by my soulful cries?”

Not me, you will not hear that from me on Face Book,
on the streets of the World…
I may descend to that place to experience what is really being done to me, to the Beautiful Truth…
But Still after getting the Truth..
Still I rise…

“You may write me down in history
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may trod me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I’ll rise.”

Not this Time, because I speak with my Own Voice,
I recorded every relevant detail of the E lines H.I Story
with myself as their Ambassador…
The name of the catering company here that feed the Homeless…
This Armada play by Ernest Cline where I am the Ambassador of Beings from the 5th Dimension, sent to bridge the gap, explain our presence and our link to the Human Race…
To bid you Welcome to our Eternal Realm but which exists first as an Energetic Consciousness..
But instead as the Movie 300 I am thrown into the Pit..
Lions Pit for daring to even say we Exists…

Where I documented each experience each terrible terrible insult and injury and then riddles it back to its Beautiful Truth…

How much lower do you wish to see me go..
Is there ant lower…
Prison… Prison has Warriors..
Not men who gossip slander and poison each others behind their backs with petty jealousy;s as is done here…
Representing the base of the World..
Where it is such a pleasure humanity takes in desiring to see the Beautiful Fall.. Fall so deeply..
That they watch it as a guilty pleasure…
As Lions tear the flesh of Christians..
Watching a car crash and the horror of seeing people tortured- brutalized alive…

Is that not what Movies Sell in Hollywood…
And you tell me that you are better than that..
I know you are..
But what did you act out..
What did you chose.. when you thought no one was looking…?

Where else do you wish to lead me,
to break me, to hurt me, to make my insufferable ability Still Rise despite you throwing me in an Existential Nightmare and assuring me on a daily basis that it is real…

And then exclaim “Quit your whining, your complaining your spoiling our enjoyment of the movie… that we love this character you are playing meant to inspire us to rise…
But you go ahead we like things as they are…
We will not change, we will not rise with you…
Because the Show you are putting on is so great amazing…
And in so many of that baser lower vibration is that desire to see me Fall…
See the Evolved Fall because you excuse your selves by saying we are not strong as you are…

So as they do in the Shelter..
Cut me with their Eyes..
Cut me if I fight or if I do not fight
If I share that which is sacred and Holy…
Or monies…
Or even the Truth moving through my body…

9:11 p.m.

Still I rise…

And I will not bow my head
I will not bow my head or shuffle my feet, deny my feat
deny where my Feat of Endurance has led me…
I do not boast but I will not deny what I have Done
What I did… Where I walked or the Beauty of my offering to you all in 27 years of sharing my consciousness…

You seek to find a chip a crack…. prove that I am not Perfect…
But I’M Perfect and I am fine with that…

So, no there is no malice in my voice.
no desire to offend or project…

I simply brought the Most Beautiful Truth..
How you accept it…
Wish to Respond to it…

Still I Rise….

But History will know the Truth of How I rose here..
And it is my Hand, my Voice…my writing..
My Version.. my Original Version that I have written…

And Still despite all the World Watching me at the bottom of Human Existence
I am really at the Top…
And it is from there, not the Pit…
That I rise….

Still I Rise
Maya Angelou, 1928 – 2014

You may write me down in history
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may trod me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I’ll rise.

Does my sassiness upset you?
Why are you beset with gloom?
‘Cause I walk like I’ve got oil wells
Pumping in my living room.

Just like moons and like suns,
With the certainty of tides,
Just like hopes springing high,
Still I’ll rise.

Did you want to see me broken?
Bowed head and lowered eyes?
Shoulders falling down like teardrops,
Weakened by my soulful cries?

Does my haughtiness offend you?
Don’t you take it awful hard
‘Cause I laugh like I’ve got gold mines
Diggin’ in my own backyard.

You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I’ll rise.

Does my sexiness upset you?
Does it come as a surprise
That I dance like I’ve got diamonds
At the meeting of my thighs?

Out of the huts of history’s shame
I rise
Up from a past that’s rooted in pain
I rise
I’m a black ocean, leaping and wide,
Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.

Leaving behind nights of terror and fear
I rise
Into a daybreak that’s wondrously clear
I rise
Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,
I am the dream and the hope of the slave.
I rise
I rise
I rise.
From And Still I Rise by Maya Angelou. Copyright © 1978 by Maya Angelou. Reprinted by permission of Random House,

Shattered, but I’m not broken
Wounded, but time will heal
Heavy the load, the cross I bear
Lonely the road I trod, I dare
Shaken, but here I stand
Weary, Still I press on
Long are the nights, the tears I cry
Dark are the days, no sun in the sky, yes

Yet still I rise
Never to give up
Never to give in against all odds
Yet still I rise
High above the clouds
At times I feel low
Yet still I rise

Sometimes I’m troubled, but not in despair
Struggling, I make my way through
Trials, they come to make me strong
I must endure, I must hold on

Yet still I rise
Never to give up
Never to give in against all odds
Yet still I rise
High above the clouds
At times I feel low
Yet still I rise
Above all my problems
Above all my eyes can see
Knowing God is able to strengthen me
To strengthen me

Yet still I rise
Never to give up
Oh, Never to give in against all odds
Yet still I rise
High above the clouds
At times I feel low
Yet still I
I need to know which way to go
Yet still I
At times I feel low
Yet still I
Oh Oh Oh I rise
Yet still I rise
Oh yes I do, yeah yeah

Yolanda Adams…. Yolanda means “Purple 1st-7th color”
Adam means “Red Man… Read Man” 7th -1st Color…
1 7 7 1…88…16…P…7..G…

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