
12/30/2016 17:42 – Facebook Post

1:08 pm


Alpha Omega Harmony



COLT 45 P…
Bed 4016

C O Loves Truth 12-20-32-5 E is P

1530 Delta Manor
Code OCO. D M
Room 4B Bed 40 16… D O P.. DO E.P

My bed



PT- OC- L. O S E


Thank Goodness this is all about the be over.
I do believe the code 6:31 from Patrick Okolo”s Spirit ends on the 31st

T.P has been the code of this last portion of this mission which began in 2016…
So perhaps it is all about 6th Sense through 8. 6 31st
When T.P moves manifest to all to P.T
No longer a code of the “Deus Machina”‘
(Systems Generated by Machines)
Number codes, but rather moves to letters words, “A Word Meaning”
M W A …Y
A Milky Way of Numbers

But a Space with A Word’s Meaning
Reaching its Point
Perfect Timing.
16 20
Praise Truth.

And why would anyone E P T
Praise Emeka’s Truth?

Because Emeka’s Truth Manifests Definition Truth…
Everyone gets to see it…
Even those who deny it before they go…
Out of Existence…

I had a conversation with Dean Dunkwu,
And after another endless conversation I realized there was nothing more I could do to clarify.

Humanities is being Judged has been Judged but not as they judge, unfairly without taking in another’s point of view.
Or the collections of evidence and facts which lends abundant credence to what is to manifest.
Instead, the most insulting response of all, to this act of Supreme love of having spent 16 years.. Seeking all manners of ways to get their attention to the fact that Awakening comes hand in hand with Evolution and now Extinction…
Is the condescending, superior stance of not bother to revise the evidence but to conclude that such a possibility can not be true, especially coming from you…

But to add insult to injury of those who have not gone out on the field, gone through the empirical methodology of going on a fact finding mission, or recording your findings for 27 years, publicly for 4.9 while on the field and breaking it down how you have been able to use codes to address the Spirit World of Memory and the “Dead” who do not dies but transform back into Energy Light, and shedding their Skin of the Lifes and Lies of mis-understandings mis interpretation and mis representation which could easily have been cleaned up but instead, are repeated over and over again each time they are given a chance to correct that view.

And at some point, one realizes that they are not Light or even Dark Matter but prefer these characters..
And make that stance for Eternity..
To have people who have such light in them betray it to school one who has presented the Facts.

Who treat the Evidence which such snide dismissal that they do not bother to even read, much less acknowledgement.

To such people, a strange sense of Horrific Fascination has filled me throughout this Face Book Saga which gave birth to the E Manual, the Expression from both Fred Delshad and Shari Sissoko
F.D 6 4
Time now 4:06 pm
S.S 19 19. 38
S.F… Sky Fall
S.D Santana Dharma

Is What If You Are Wrong…?

Is that a risk you are willing to Take?

Apparently Yes.

4:09 pm
Existential Death portal is now activated On

And immediately after this sad and turing last battle for that line whom I loved the light in them… I realized that the Child in them was no more.
I had raised the Dead- that which had died in most adults- died as in now summoned home.
The last Light of Truth the True Child of E was no longer there and had waited for me and then gave evidence of their host no longer being able to recognize simple truth much less Eternal Truth.

And immediately after I received a call from Stonley Okung.

I was quiet tired of finding myself on
J.D John Delguidce
The Grace of the Judges Bench and Quarters Chambers…Room.

I am alone in the Room
David Dawn have become cordial
He is gone until 7 pm
Yes S.O spoke at 7am to Kingsley O
And I have been reading a copy of The Elegant Nomad.
And the Documents she held onto.
I have not had access to them in years

I read the Elegant Nomad now
15 years later dated 13th Dec 2001
From a Library David right besides Prospect Park Public Library
Stonley first called me from the Library near the Shelter..
He had arrived from Nigeria on the 13th
Never had he been in a Shelter, and only a few days.

All messages from the E Line.
Written in our code we use of
Initials Names
Ikem Nkem

I will show you the message he relayed in a moment, after I have left here.

He once more mentioned seeing sparks everywhere around his eyes and head
And mentioned 11 22 and Victor who was murdered in Houston.
There is a Houston Av downtown
And Whitney Houston
And the “Space Station”

I have said this so many times before
I Do not Listen to People-
I Hear them
The Messages they relay
Even now from the sub sub conscious.
Beyond Proton Electron Neutron
To The Tube
E O P E N i S

John Thomas
The Balls
The Creators Gracious Twins

B ALLS x2..and now 3
Lady Harmony

See sacred portal 2-3
And 98 “Sparks Z ion Zoro”
Infinity Harmony
Diamond Hearing
DH 48
Sparks The Awakening
Expression Aware

Just found a Diamond
Ana Leonardo Caixas
But it not Raw
It is Cut nd Refined.

4:42 pm


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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