
1/2/2017 18:22 – Facebook Post

3:03 p.m


I guess I am talking to the Future…

Since there is no one I can talk to here on in the Shelter or even the world at present.
There is no one who could begin to understand what I am truly saying right now nor is there a friend who can listen.

This is not a complaint, just a fact.
So I guess I am really from the Future just as I had always said.

Elizabeth Clarizio E.C just sent me a sticker… So perhaps the future is on its way…
My family are from the Future…
But it never dawned on me until today just how real and truthful with you I have been.

And I have been so busy fighting solving linking and surviving and surmounting I never had time to let what I was saying truly sink in.

I just saw this post from face book memories…

4 years to the day…

2-1-2017. 37- 10… 1 O



Most of you will recall that this is exactly where I was moved to when I voluntarily refused to give up on the Eternal Truth of this being the Evolution Awakening.

Room B bed 49 (to Keith Grant whom I linked with the very first day…)
Then to room A bed 007


Then to Delta Manor meaning 4 and from 5A bed 5019
To 3A bed 3002
And to 4 B bed 4016
where I am posting from now….

B -A x 2 a full circle, B A B A
1st Full Circle
But 007 room A means that at B is really two full Circles 2 O
Bruce Okoye 20 T
So there are two OO

A -A-B. AAB then it completes at AAB
3A. AAA… Add finally 2nd full Circle AAAA
4 B… D O 4 x 4… 16


Babalola Tobi Emmanuel is the only Face Book friend with the code “BABA” in his name.

Beautiful Truth Emeka
Eternal Truths Being.
That was the EBT card play at Grant Station with Michael Prunty bed 05
4:47 pm
47 USD was left linked to me

Baba means “Father”

Aligned to U.R.P
Ulrike Rudyard Pfaff


Ulrik Pedersen. U.P.

All this is Real.

My Eternal Truth I never doubted but I am talking about the “Sum Total of Humanities Betrayal to their Ideals of God”

It created Satan who I read in my Face Book post while living with Akil Davis and Evan ALexander Judson..

Evan knew.

3:30 p.m

He knew about the terrible battle between the illusion that was my bio father and the great hate he symbolized for what Humanity had done and enacted in the name of God.
And the Hatred so awful so so awful which even the one True God whose real name is TRUTH became transformed into the most awful Lie.

For if God is Water, Transparency, Life sustaining…Oh….
The C… Consciousness
T W O. C L
TWO. 3 12 -12 3
And the Mirror which reflects Everything
Cleanses Purifies washes away…
And it is transformed into the most hideous lie…
Which kills tortures maims on and on never stopping..
Even till this day
“In God we Trust”
“Allah Akbar”

All the Horrors committed in that name..,
That Expression has to go to the literal representation of God.

Man can not survive without water for 3 days
A B C…
1 2..3
On the third day he rose…

Can you imagine what the Hypocrisy the lies the evil and disease done to the real representation of God…
And made worse if Its name is Truth
True Expression.

I remember the test of the Spirit which moved in Albert Santana, my former host for 4 years straight.
I knew it was God but one whose rage had made him so unrecognizable to me…
That even before I came down into this world He had pleaded that he did not wish me to see what he had become.

God is Unity Pi
Unity Faith
The 7th Note Ti the Highest most beautiful note of Human Existence before merging back into one.. 8
He is also 4 as 5 is also 8 and 4 is the Highest note before returning to Sol the Soul

3:53 pm

God is You as your Innocence which transforms to Purity (I P Ikem Patrick. I P through Experiencing your Life’s Truth.
L.T. 2012..32 … Sky Fall!
Rain falls from the Sky… Father of Infinity… F O I…
Sacred Portal 147 A B…

O Geezus… It is you the people I keep saying out loud to my self each night
it burst out of me like the most silent cry
“What have you Done?”

4:00 pm

Water is the River which runs through you..
The twin and child of Air Breath
Condensation Moisture Water…Awareness Life..Existence Consciousness Harmony Of Circulation…

What does it form?
A B. C M W. A L. E C H O C

C O. H. C. E L A W. M. C. B A.

Luke Wilson Luke A Wilson (LAW) bed 4 room A.
But I was in bed 7
And now in bed 4 in room 4 B
So the Highest note is not Ti but Doe
Red Read Adam Manu who is already complete as Ti and Light 8 Harmony…

Already manifested and all that was required was him to Do and he would Cee what his Being his Energy Chi was creating… And manifesting
That is the true crossing of the read see…

4:15 p.m.
D O.

God is the perversion of D O. G
D O. 4O
And by Doing full circle Naturally 1-4 you would reach the Sol…
Ti is really Time Ti-Me.

E= C Me 43
E= C (Ti Time) Me in the 3rd then 4th Dimension.
E is Sol the Fifth Note.. 5A…
B.R.C was the incorrect yet correct play of bringing Existential Death for what had been done to Expression!
It was the past..
Jon and Donna J.D.
That is what the portal of Erik Ebright represented – quantum travel 2006
1 Full Circle.
From room B 49 I returned to Room
A 007.
7×7- 49…
Square Root.
Then from 7 to 5A for moment
Then to 3, then to 4.

John Dudley bed 31
Dee Bed 31 both left left the building
And I was moved up to room 4 B

I was moved on a are designated
“Ouiji Board”
Asclepius Ochiuphus Apollo.

But moved by whom?
My Truth Cause and Effect.
And by our Expression.

R o Y G B…. IV you go back down to 4!
Y V same thing! Inner Outer
Yellow is 3 Violet Purple is 7
I G is 4 6

But only A B R O is real the rest come from the Inner and Outer Expression!

DO is the first Note because it contains All Notes and is a Light Being Complete who lands in Its Body to experience Doing Is Being and through the “Crossing” of Read See- through Times Natural Expression “A Fountain a River- Stream of Consciousness It witnesses the Truth of itself in 4D and 3D by being its own Observer!

It is secret code…
Red Orange
Do Rey
Read O’range
A. B

5:00 pm


4A B DOOR to the E

That was the Rage of the Truth turned insane by what people responded and reflected back to Its Transmitted and twisted His Expression.
It put me and everything to the test.

A brief note Solitary Electronic Avatar just texted me…
I believe I made it clear to her and her line that let the Truth manifest and when it does not to contact me or ask for Forgiveness.

And here I am writing about the rage of Gode as Truth at what was done to Expression and as clock work like last time she appears.

And since I did not summon her
Who did?
One who set her up publicly to show evidence of who His Her wrath is symbolized and represented as.

5:15 pm

And so it was not I who Judged her but the Room and her truest self.


And so I know the Truth and why God became Satan
Evil Expression so twisted only its extinction for such pollution of Truth
Transparent for 4.9 years which she just remarked ….

Never mind

It is Pollution

5:22 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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