
From Christopher Newman…via Michaël Trahé..

From Christopher Newman…via Michaël Trahé..

Yes Another one… I think… chuckle…

With a cool comment by Matt Cassinelli…

Where he states 963HZ… I.F..C….

I Full Circle

I First Contact…

Infinite Frequency Consciousness…

Simply forms patterns,

which means that anything standing creates Patterns..

Is that not Everything…

The Pattern is all you need to make a outfit.

It contains stories, meaning, beauty, symmetry…

and finally when put together…. it can finally fulfill

Its Purpose and Function…

…Such as Interface and Dress an Entire Species

in their True Space Suits… no… Bodies Dressed and ready to attend the Greatest Ball that Every was and ever will be…

Once a thing creates a Pattern..

All you have to do is learn to read it…

Its sequencing and its color, and its weave and its tone, and…

Its Story….

That Reveals Everything about it..

PI.. Phi.. Fibonacci, Golden Ratio, Eulers Number…

Wonderful but what does it say.. all these sequence of Numbers…

963 Is that 96% Dark Matter and is 3 C.. As in Consciousness..

C- Speed activated by the Conscious Observer outside of the Oscillating Object… Grasping the meaning of the pattern in Clarity that it turns into Light traveling to receive us somewhere far off from a Clarity achieved a long long time before…

And is 963…I Full Circle because the Pattern forms sentences which are full circle of meaning….

And thus the Patterns and light rays C…Move through the Darkness revealing the invisible dialogue with another Dimension existing right their but simply veiled by a deeper meaning….

69 96… 3 69….96 3…. A sequence of numbers…

Nikolai Tesla little teaser and riddle..

He who solved 3 6 9 has solved the Riddle of the Universe

333… Symmetry…

963… I.F.C…

But does it mean…?

I Fully Conscious….

Conscious Fact.. I.. Exist…H..Z… Harmony A-Z

3:17 p.m.


Star Trek.

Sumler Triashon.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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