
1/9/2017 21:44 – Facebook Post

6:44 p.m..



9-1-1… I.A.A.

1-9-1… A.I.A..


Just lost a Post…

My computer is misbehavin”

Rahul made a comment today in a text…
It was light, but he said that everyone is deciphering codes these days…
Good Luck to them I say…
And the same to those who have plagiarized my codes…

It does not quite work that way…
The Codes require that you embody the literal frequency that you are expressing .. hence Naturally….
And It requires that those codes Echo Respond… Respond Echo..
Respond… in front of an audience… A pattern in formed which creates Language such as these Codes…
Which are naught but an established Wave Length and Language code We both converse through Publicly, because I have done this all my life…
But then I had to explain it 1-6 language of this Reality…
To 7 Vision…
Which was the play I witnessed when all the factors converged yesterday to which Nenad M. Djurdjevic posted his vision of three times going to the Underworld…
And myself meeting with Rahul D’Silva… Who was a movie character in the movie “Sky Fall”.. a Character who me, of locker 007. James Bond, Jon Blackwell, Jay B… Blue Jay…
And here was in person, whom I had met almost 4 months ago, named him here as Raoul linked to Erik Ebrights Friend he met in the Mental Health Treatment center…
An Ebright scholar who applies a code I gave him which brings him immediate results of which the companies name is Hyper Corp uz..
H.C..83… the code Erik placed on my computer code which I still use 69-83…
And then I witnessed his Hyper Intelligence..

Quote Xenocide linked to sacred portal 49..
Existential Death, linked to Forte Lauderdale killing 5 and 13 injured…Who flew from Alaska the 49th State.

Thus, our story manifested from Fiction to Fact…

Linked to Kolo… The Kolo Journals.. Talking to the Silence…
The Silence is Death….

Codes have to Respond in Solid Form not through simply Visions which are the past projected by the Present…

For Goodness sakes. see my Locker…
I showed it a day before..
Nenad M. Djurdjevic
N.M.D.. See the Entrance into the Green Portion of the Three Two lines… the center one.. is Green- 4th Color in Spectrum… Delta…
It starts with a Wooden Letter N in Aegean Sea Blue…And it has the code Hand Sanitizer which Keith Grant gave me last year from B.R.C. Room B..Bed 53.. I was bed 49.. 2015…
City M.D it reads…
N..M.C D….(Merlene Corpuz).. 34…. The Past…

Rahul D;Silva Vision here right now embodied a reflection who has his own Existence Voice who spoke all the codes and provided intel and was literally dressed as a Spy.
Who applied my equation I gave as a Lark and applied for a job and got an immediate reply from a company called Hyper Corps..
Hyper Intelligence..

Then another Michaël Trahé arriving aligned to Michaël Trahé
yes Twins Two… Two Separate pages and people…
See the post Oscillate… and the Wizard…on hiss page…

Of course I know I sent Nenad M. Djurdjevic there, but why on Earth should I state this argue this..
It is written all over the 49-50 month page.
Any person reading it now but especially in the new future, will see it everywhere so clearly…
Because they will not be reading it with bias or prejudice…
And obviously a greater clarity and awareness

I have no desire or intention to point out that which I already manifested…
And considering that I was brought intentionally to a Mental Health Shelter.. The same play of Erik Ebright at Miami… Who was earning over 70,000.00 usd and then my meeting the same consciousness in Rahul, the same name as the friend he met there and whom I called the Wolf Counselor… The Wolf… me born the Day of the Wolf..
And Rahuls name meaning “Conqueror of All Miseries.. A.M…and Son of Buddha, Relation…

Or my locker showing the 5th Dimension as P… Q..R S T ..U VV..X Y Z..
Goes Forwards… G.F..76..
While Nenad M. Djurdjevic …

See the Entrance City N in wood, M.D… 2015 bed 53 Keith Grant.. Bed 49…
Black and Silver is the 5th Dimension line with the Letter P…Present…

Vision of the Past..
Rahul D’Silva Solid Embodiment in the Present…
Xenocide.. Oscar S.C… Card!… CA..RD.. Room 3A… The guys playing cards on the Round Table, House of Card.. Tarot… Sacred Portals..

I am the Wizard…
Look at the story of the Sword of Truth where one Wizards is locked in as the last Guardian to fight off the last and only Doorway which Evil can enter the World…
Then Look at me Life.. In the Spirit World and Silence and Mind…
though I exist in the 5th Dimension…
Actuality Reality Existence here….

Rahul told another story of a book… ( He studied Creative Writing with a Master and uses his stories as metaphors at interviews and has got many job offers that way… but the only thing I pointed out was that his Metaphor and stories were literally perfect interfaces for what he was applying for, just as Hyper Corps…
And his application of it is literally a perfect fit.. the only problem he had was recognizing what he was doing…
Interfacing Fiction to Fact- and then through his Application Translation he opens a portal….
To the literally multi Dimension Truth of the”Inter Stella” Library book of records of all Stories linked to all Human Experiences…

“Abandon Hope All ye who enter here..” Dante Inferno.. D.I.. Code that came up through the “Theater Play” at 268 East 4th Street…

Now a Magician Walled in to battle forever from passing through…
Is that not Rah…The movie of Rah.. Gods of Egypt…
Where do Ideas come from… Where do they come from…?
Memory, Collective Experience.. Inter Stellas 4th Dimension..

Hey how about this…version, the Wizard sees the story that they had set him up in.. To be their Slave forever while they continued committing Evils… “Confess and all is forgiven.. or evolved to do not even bother to confess.. lie and deny…”
But instead he enters the play of their story and turns the tide first by riddling all that Evil until it is nothing…
Then he breaks down the wall of memory.. Sacred portal 115…
And then he takes the Memory of all the Evil and weaves into into a story and leaves them behind this time there is no wall..
There is nothing, no access to where he has gone with his family…

No, in the Kolo Journals he Dies and they use his experience in Fighting Evil for which he was walled in, to save themselves…
Seekers of Truth… What Artifice Irony Evil….
To write such ideas for people to absorb as good reads…

No this story has a different ending…
The Manuscripts contain magic codes which open up the door what to Eternity Immortality but you can not access if if you are not literally vibrating on the same frequency of the Book…

963 Hz

He brings the Awareness of the 5th Dimension here.. and takes over this reality by proving that the 5th Dimension is the True Origins of the Species…
5 is E…Ea…
8 50 Face Book Friends.. E.U
8 51 Face Book Friend… M.M.
8 52 Face Book Friend…. M.T

E M M…

8:05 p.m
8 5…13..M…Is the present… 4 Delta… is Green.. it is the Past – A Story..

E.M.M.E.. See sacred portal 55…

Recall the Magic Wand I went up to 18 Mountain View in July 2015…
All the colors in the Rainbow Spectrum.. R.S
Raul D; Silva
Richard Schooping.. R.S.. 1-28-2015..

I went back to the Shelter to eat Dinner…
I had mail, I hoped it was my Birth Certificate B.C… 2 3.. which ends this… once and for all but instead it was a bill from Jacobi Hospital…
8 42 76…usd!

8 42 Face Book Friends… 76… Sacred Portal 842…
Harmony 8 is Doing which is the Twin of Being…
86…Hindsight Foresight… Four Site…
Naturalness = Chineke…
“The E-Spirit which creates”
See my Locker…

Awareness Being Doing Energy… Conscious come from A.B… Awareness of Being Doing…A.B.D.C…E.F…
Expression Awareness.
I have nothing to Proof what so ever…

I am Observing and have woven all the responses…

E is Present….

I do not live in the Past or any Story…
I live right here in the present..
Where I have just finished creating a new Story and Legend for the World with my own hand…
A woven it into Existence into the Collective Consciousness…

Merlene Corp UZ?

Merline… Mer means “Sea” in French..
Mer M.A…I.D..
DI… A.M….R.E…..R.E.-M.E M.E M.B.E.R..

Remembrance..Body Universe… A–U…
V-Z is Me,

Now… at 8 52 Face Book Friends…
M.T…Twice.. A-Z…
MT… Mountain… Magic Mountain…

At 13 85 Star Bucks… M.W…
13 13…
Matilda M…M.T….

E.U…M.M.M…T…. E=5, U=21… 26…Z… 13 13 13.. 39…C.I….20…T…

Eshe Chuki Asale…
Lotus Santana…



I have nothing to prove…
I am Manifesting and Observing each persons Truth..
And by providing the Evidence to Eternal Law.. E.L..
Dharma Santana… Sanskrit…India… Rahul is from India Originally…

Now at 85 2… 8 52…

842 +10… TEN..The Family of Ten…


Patrick Okolo play 10 pm- 10am.. 6;31am…
6 31 Embodied in the World…

Magic is Natural Expression.. there is no Intention…
There is just the Bliss and then the arrangement in Space and the time it takes to place it… and complete… creates Time…

It is always of Praise.. and Of the Present adding each day…
And it is Eternal because it already knows everything…

So no, there is no one to convince…

What stunned me was the Time it has taken to manifest…
No N does not O.P.E.N.. the Door…
Embodiment Does…O.P…E.N…S…A.O…511…

And this delay…?
Waiting for the Family of TEN…Truth Expressed Naturally= Love.

Expression which is learned…?

Hate… because it holds back Praise as a form of Power to negate the Expression of another….


8:42 p.m.


Harmony is Being Doing …it creates Consciousness Chineke
the E-Spirts which Creates… Awareness that you are All Being..

A.B.O…E.F… E.G… E.H…. By the E

Source of All Expression…

8:44 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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