
1/9/2017 22:22 – Facebook Post

9:01 p.m.


Date 1-9-1….

Engel Uses

Engel means “Angel…”

Angel Means Messengers of Light…Clarity…

Angel Uses.. E.U..

Matilda MacGregor…

Matilda means “Strength Powerful Mighty in Battle”
It is also the name of Merlin’s Mother, and the Wife of William the Conqueror…” A can mean Shield Maiden.. Or Valkyrie..

Macgregor means “Son of the Alert and Watchful”.. The Observer…

Michaël Trahé

Michal means “Gift of God.. Or who is as the Creator…

Trahe means “A Costume, a Garment one weaves and the creates a Garment, Cloths.. Apparel…”

Message code..

The Angelic Messengers of Light…
A.M..are using E.U…
Esther Uzoma “The Star of the Beautiful Way, the Star of the
Esther Ufomadu and the Star who is the Unified Field O a person…

In a great Battle in the Spirit world for his Mighty Strength, and Power in Battle in the Spirit Real.. of Magic..through his Mother and Companion the Great Valkyrie…
While HE weaves the Gift of the O..Source Creator…
The Apparel and Clothing, Bodies of for the Original Species of the E… Evoled… but who had not yet been embodied in Bodies Apparel which aligned to their Expression Eternal..
And Immortal Body…”

8 52.. Face Book Friends…

As I stated… I have been used in a battle in the Spirit World.. While seeking to convince them that this is not real. but a story..
And so they created a Story of this being the Battle to bring Evolution Awakening..
A Battle which included not just myself but all Humanity in which 1/3rd Survive.. And I am set up to prove my worth.

Despite it interfering with the Original Plan of the E.T..
The E line. not the Family of 10… But that of T.E.N..
The Elegant Nomad.. Set in the Present reality where a True Story has been completed over a period of 27-28 yrs..
and 16 Years in New York of Observing this Reality and of a System and Species whose time to Evolve had reached…

And so this is the Story, the True Story of how it came about…
Not about a Story of the Past…
This is Actuality Reality The Present….
A.R.T..P…Art of Praise….

9:22 p.m.


Geez US!!!!

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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