
I am so sick of people, telling me that what I claim to have done

I am so sick of people, telling me that what I claim to have done

can’t be true.

Most of these people are not even qualified to make such statements.

They look at my state, my skin color, my education, my background..

Their Spirits Rise, move them to recognize me and even open up the doors of their Homes and Hearts to me..

But immediately I tell them what the Evidence, that I had been so eager to share with the World…

That I have done it!

I have broken the source code…

Their minds immediately seek to label me mental insane…

Despite the Evidence..

They do not even review it!

In their minds… it is impossible and certainly not you.

So they poke holes in it immediately, as I am expressing my findings

in excitement, they are already trying to tear it down…

My poor deluded fool, what makes you that foolish to actually believe that YOU have done what no Human being has ever done..

You… not us, not one with degree’s, certificates, income, home…

you have nothing ( you are nothing)

I respond, But I was out on the Field, I went to gather the Evidence, I read the patterns, I developed codes a language as all your own scientists of the Past did… To explain that which had not been explained before, because a New Discover is NEW!…

It it is discovered because it applied something others had never thought of…

7:06 p.m.

6;36 p.m.



11-1-1… K.A..A…

Ka is that which Survives with the Soul after the Body dies.

In my codes I call it Personality.. The God Head.


1 11 is the Sacred Portal 111 representing my personally going home having solved the codes of Evolution Consciousness.

1-11-1… A.K.A…

Means Also known as, A KA.. the Personality, the 5th Element…

Aka means Hand in OINri Igbo…

1-11-1…Represents the code of two Symbols of 1 Dopplegangers Twins..11.. Each representing 1 on both sides…

1- 11 – 1…All 1….

6:45 p.m.

P..Q.R.S.T…. U.V… X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o

Yes, I am here… once again…

My Birth Certificate has Still not arrived!.

And this is the only thing which brought me here.

I have solved the Source Code and the Equation of Evolution.

I have declared this, in the Worst and Best possible forum reach the World and to receive the most Ignorant and worst of human conscious expression.


Obviously to measure, the True State of Consciousness of the People as the literal general publish.

All the ranges…

For them to judge and discern and decide for themselves evidence and data which the Intellectual Elites Wealthy Elite etc… would ever make public to the People about how they came up with their concepts ideas, laws, plans…

As you can imagine, I am sick of appearing on this page,

knowing that I have already solved all these equations.

And having people tell me over and over again how it is Impossible that I have solved these equations…


P..Q.R.S.T…. U.V… X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o

This is what came to me today…

I had two meetings today…

First happened naturally and organically with Traihshon Sumler…


And the next was scheduled with Rahul D’Silva… R.D….R.DS…R.S…

David Dawn of Bed 4017… DO..Q.. Had made a sudden switch last night, from the Fear Bad Ass Gangsta who had lived in Atlantic Bedford Shelter… ( Not knowing that I had too)

to this really polite and caring person….

Just like that.. ! ( yeah right.. there was one month of dispelling all his fears and assumptions he had created about me without having ever experienced me)…

But last night, the switch was so immediate and real that I just rolled my eyes….

He had of course, dismissed my based on Assumptions Gossip Evil Expressions which people will take as truth any day over the patience of finding out facts for themselves.

It is this dismissal one after the other, which I turned me into the Beautiful Devil…

Especially when I find out why….

Is not about the Truth, it is that power people exercise so arbituarily as to what is True…

They look me up and down, after their first instinct is that their Spirits rise, and recognize me, but immediately we enter the realm of reason…

They do not even revue the evidence before the dismissal…


What did you say, ? I respond incredulously…

They repeat.. We said no…. you are mistaken deluded…

you do not understand what you are saying that you have done…

My eyes narrowing… Erm.. I am full aware of what I have done as a man, and I am also aware of what I did as Source Creator in the Beginning, so I am not that incredulous that I would do the same thing as a man undercover, thrown into the realm of Forgetting and able to do this as a Human Being in a very limited and fucked of Life Story and play…

It is that instant refuting of the very evidence and facts which they themselves bring, and then the realization of what it means, is the moment they tear holes in that which supports everything I am stating….

But my eyes narrow even more dangerously at the Expression behind this Mission…

I never asked for this, never set out to prove God.. or that Gods name is Truth, and that truth really is Love… and love really means consciousness…

Most of the people.. I meet in this reality are no where near my Intelligence, I am constantly stooping to accommodate the the limitations they installed in their own intelligence to make them literally Stupid.

Three time Traihe looked at me That Stupid..’. as he reflected on what I had reflected back at him at what he had said to me, even though it was not what he meant…. as we discussed today at the Cross Bronx park bench I found us naturally walking to as we both were going for a smoke at the same time.. after finding ourselves both in the room together..

And which created a dialogue, which grew into a conversation so expected and unexpected…

Which flowed into our sitting on this park bench which no one has ever sat on with me…

Not even Dewight Smith…

And I marveled as I found myself doing what I had sworn I would never do ever again. Activate a persons consciousness to memory…

No Humanity are Stupid, and their Stupidity makes them Evil and the Evil makes them worthy of Extinction….

No, there was a force behind this, holding up the manifestation of this Equation which let me be honest, could have manifested in a blink of an eye…

I knew this and Traihi, who is 23 years old, my room mate kept asking me to manifest, saying that can you manifest wealth for me right now, and asking me why not…?

He never doubted anything I said, until exasperated I told him,

you can’t believe everything someone says to you, you have got to get the Facts First…!!

Why, when I sense and know you are telling me Truth…

I feel it…

I spoke and he told me his point of views which were alarmingly pure and so clean…

Oh I voted for Donald Trump, and chose him any day over Hilary Clinton cause he is a business man and would organize the country like a business man… He will make us money

What is the United States made up of?

Money he said without a moments hesitation,

America is a a Co-operation..’ added… It is a business.

Which he added why it makes sense that there is a Elitist Society in which 1% of the wealth is held by the Few…

There will not be enough for all…

I held back my smile of the purity of his Logic…

America is made up of people I said…

And the people make the Money…

Without the People there is no money

And then I expanded in the meaning of Donald Trump as President

and how he could create Evil not because he was Evil, but because his point of View came from Being a Business man and his taking the mandate of the people seriously and that in doing so, he has the best intentions in his view…Which will not include the points of view of All the people.. Who want his money and way of life.. but not wish to mirror his way of being…

Direct and Truthful…. Donald Trump… D.T…

David Traihishon…

Room 4B, Room Beds 4016 to 4019… 4020…

Oh, said Traihi, I did not say that he was the best person for the Job, he will probably blow up the World…

Yes, I said and think he is doing the best for the people based in being a business man and that is the way things are done..

Your Fired… but by not taking in all the points of view, you are then not able to see the subsequent Cause and Effect of the Bomb going off.

As I spoke to Traihie, there was something so different with him than any other person I had encountered in New York…

There was no resistance…

There was intelligence, and boy he made me work… but not to prove I was speaking or telling the Truth…

He was not even interested in that dialogue…

No he made me work in Clarifying and expanding upon my meaning…

And his Expression which I had to show him despite it bot being what he meant but by not using the full circle of words how it could give the wrong impression… And that there is a reason we have to use words and full sentences in this reality…

And then he surprised me by showing me that he was seeing My Point of View…!!!

He was speaking to me but taken into account my feelings and my point of View…

It was so amazing, so… I had forgotten what it felt like to be seen and be included…

To not have to convince or proof but simply add knowledge facts methods data about how this reality…

Yes, suddenly said, people think I am naive, but I am not… it seems I know so much about the Spirit Realm but I have so little understanding or knowledge of this reality…

I replied quietly… Maye because this world does not make sense and so your Naturalness can really enter it because it does not make sense…

But I showed him my Wand that I found, over a year ago…

And then it hit me…

I had spoken to him about it today…

He is a Light Being, How the Original Human Being was.. Is…

Pure light…

That is why I saw, in David Roman Nicholas…

He Glowed just as Traihi had Glowed… Pure While Light…

The Rainbow Wand has all the colors of Spectrum…

Original Light Beings O.. to 8.. the merging back from 1-7=8…


I realized I was meeting the Original State of Humanity….

And it is so pure, so clean, so…and that is why David Dawn had transformed…

It was as if he had hidden his true nature underneath these layers First Self preservation…

I know what I did…

He said things to me which just came out so naturally that I just do not wish to repeat here on Face Book….

Purity… Naturalness… Expression which was such pure Truth but only which I knew because of the 27 years Journey I did..

and the 16 years in New York….

27..A-A… 88..HH…16..P…G…

He spoke about the Pineal Gland and how he wonders where the things he says come from cause he is aware that there are things he knows and expressed which he does not how he knew..

I was listening to him and seeing the same thing as I was am in a boy…

And suddenly I felt protective and yet not at all..

I had reached Light… And I could see someone who recognized Truth and my Light…

and Love…

He spoke about it…

I was stunned…L.T…12 20..32..B.C.. E…5…Energy…

And then he concluded

You know you are like this Dude who wants the Kids to get out of the House, that they are all grown up and they do not want to get out the House…

Yes, they, have all grown up and graduated and they still want to use their Father as their Parents to do everything for them…

The depth of meaning of that statements… is so deep and multi-dimensional… from every level…

He said it and I walked up to him knowing he understood.

And he knew that I did not believe in God…

Or that story..

Expression is God…

Energy Grace…

And he understood the expression of my Kicking out all these unwelcome people from my House…

This is my House, you were my Guests.. and I now I want you out.. And I do not give a damn where you go…

Because as Traigi had asked me the first day we spoke and he had glowed…Give me the Tools and I will take your pain away… I will take it… I will release you…

I had stared at him…

I do not even think he knew what he said…

No. Emeka he said I may not know everything I say..but I remember everything that I saw..

And he proved it..

And when I met with Rahul, I later met up with Rahul…

And I already knew… he was cool pure, and I told him about the alignment with the E Bright Light…

He called his Scholar Ship the Full Bright Scholarship.

I called it Ebright… and he chose to use those points to play what he said, the Devils Advocate…

But I had been through this so many times…

He brought books… Enders Game.. E.G…

And Terry Goodkind.. Le Premiere ;Lecon du Sorcier

The First lesson of the Sorcerer…

I had told Traishon that he would have to buy me a coffee for the knowledge so that he would be aware of the equation of Value…

By the time I finished speaking with him, 12 to 3;27 p.m…

8:28 p,m,

A person appeared in front of us wearing a Silver Jacket with the code Coffee written in it… Traihi a generous person by nature had given me a gift of something else…

And so I thought, about about Rahul D’Silva…

I had a meeting with with him at 4 p.m.

It was great he bought me a coffee.. and he asked very intelligent questions which I answered but I was not interested in proving the truth to anyone.

It was not really fair to him but he is brilliant and he elegant and honest…

He asked me questions as such as how could I know that the correlations had meaning.. and what is the point I wish to get to and what makes the codes viable…

And though I answered all these questions, I felt impatient being asked such questions once again when I had already provided the evidence and he too had provided the evidence…

But that usual excitement people of Intellect have when they meet at first is always replaced by doubt and suspicion…

But I pointed out that it had nothing to do with me, that it was his trust for people which had been taken away when he was asked to leave his view of the world he had as a child….

In the Enders Game the Adults lied’ he said to me, they lied to the kids and made them blow up destroy a whole species who did nothing wrong.. it was the Adults fear….

In that statement was everything…

In Traishon expression he had grasped…I have to go back to the way I was..

Yes You have to Kill this person you became but take with you the knowledge you acquired…And come back to himself.

He kept asking me if he had passed the Test, or failed..

He asked me about Heaven, and if it was filled with big booty women and big houses boogie, and he could smoke…

At first I thought he was kidding, but he was not..

Then I understood what he meant…

Ah Heaven is Peace of Mind…

Yes and comfort he replied….

And Harmony Forever…

Rahul looked at me, and I made him buy me a sandwhich because just as with Traihi, I wished him to know the value of the knowledge and my awareness of its Worth…

He did so graciously….

That is alot of information for me to absorb…

But I recognize everything you said I already knew…

So why did you torture me…?

I had to play Devils Advocate the Sceptic he said…

But why?

Because of your own doubts and fears of not being able to recognize the Truth or because of the Adults Lied…

But this is Truth and you recognize it… I did not deserve to be treated that way when I came with all the data…

I should not have to deal with your doubts that you project onto me…

Just I could not take all the experiences with people I had just before meeting you and throw them on you…

He smiled….

He told me about how he was with a friend who was doing his Phd thesis last night and how he had played the Devils Advocate but it was effective in pointing out things his friend had not seen..

I told him… The Correlation between Full Bright and E Bright is like the Moon… Energy becomes Bright by understanding the Full Circle

Energy E conversing with AH-Tom..

I am not a PHD thesis person…

I am not presenting my thesis to the World to critique and Judge…

I am sharing my Discovery on a format I did not chose, but the only one made available to me…

And I am aware of the Insult done to me and my Humanity and My scholar ship…

I recalled how David Phillip Gil had picked up on my misspelling of the name ‘Tesla to destroy all the Evidence he had experienced witnessed of the Truth of this discovery…

And here was another asking me why I called the Full Bright Scholarship E bright…

And using THAT to discredit everything that had occurred even though he could not call it Coincidence, he was too smart for that because he saw that this was no coincidence..

But this was my experience in this World..

With the 31 year old who was aligned to Traishon…

R is 18…Letter

T is 20….

To Discover and to bring new ideas, to establish and manifest new frontiers there is normally a leap of Faith…

Not in my case…

There is Knowing and Knowledge…


Kothebari Kanxa… K.K… My 8 55 Face Book Friend… the 3rd…

It requires in Humanity Imagination Investigation….Inventive Thinking Reflections.. Contemplation..

And so, I told Rahul… R.D’Silva… R.D.S….

That I would not contact him again, that I he must decide who is the true Power, the C.E.O..Who he is applying to Jobs for…

Or the Wizard, the person he met whose equation application he applied which linked him to an immediate response from a company called Hyper Corp which I had stated where in my codes or anchors…

To discard the Magic…

The Convergence of all facts like a 360 lines spokes which all converge to the Center point…

And to ignore the point but distract by questioning the aligning of the spokes…

Well.. That is what the book is for…

But why Face Book…He had asked….

I was led to Face Book I repeated…

And that is also magic… just as what is happening to my body..

A magic of life, even a story of life, the Anomaly Singularity…

And it is by going out into the Field, is the only way you can come back with the understanding.. the reasoning… the lines which make magical an Art and Science….

Without Imagination Ideas are not born…

I am not interested in peoples Fears.. they project on to me and others and great ideas.. great truths and proofs…

I have done enough enough of that…

And my real wrath is not to the people,

it is to that force which has prevented the manifestation of the Truth,

created all this torture and torment by extending this equation so simple which should have manifested ages ago, because I knew and know how the equation works…

I did it before…

And I have manifested things in an instant..

Just as the OINRI Kings Priests male and female have done…

But by creating this long long long tedious method…

this play, I see its motives…

And in those motives I see no Doubt…

I see sabotage, I see Evil, I see the desire to destroy that which is and even Humanities Evolution….

And that is what this Script is,


Written by the Good Book..

Gods Word called the Ultimate Lie…

Who does not wish the Kids to leave the house because It is not the Slave of its Children, it has made its Children its Slave in Revenge for creating the Idea of God… who can not be seen Ever…

This Script and play is Revenge….

And So that is why I chose to be The Beautiful Devil any day over this Idea of God… and the Lie.. created by the People who hates the people so much that it would sabotage the Truth, its own Truth to make the people pay…

And so it creates this Story.. in which as Rahul and so many suggested like Yonathan Yohannes and all these ones who believe that they know and are superior to I.E…

That this will never end….

My solving this riddle…

But it ended at the first moment my Truth First Manifested into the publics Awareness…

At at 856 Face Book Friends….

I am disgusted enough by this mentality, this creating reason og why something can not be, instead of why it can…

And the revenge of They Lied to us

My response, Begone! You were born with the E.S.P to recognize Truth…

And as for this Story written by the Revenge filled God of Truth transformed into Hate, to write a story of Its Revenge in Humanity casting it in the Role of God.. which no one can see…

Truth which no one can see.. A lie..

I say to it.. Natures Consciousness of 0


9:29 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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