
Damn.. White People you claim Everything originated in in your image.. of complexion and form…

Damn.. White People you claim Everything originated in in your image.. of complexion and form…

You take the Truth and just… Torture it to Death and beyond to satisfy the most Primitive..

( Not Primal) but the Savage Barbaric….of negating everyone else to proclaim everything is the image of your Physical Race…

Is that not the Consciousness of a Barbarian Conqueror…

Rob Barr spoke of Pope Alexander;s Tomb…

Designed by the Great Sculptor Bernini…..

A Maroon Marble Background….with a Skeleton rising..

See sacred Portal 93…. Response… Alexander…

In the cage here at Delta Manor I mentioned that there is a Window with a Marron Background

which in it is a Samurai Sword….

Alexander means Defender of Man..

I am MAN…

Death Rises.. D.R.. in Response done to my Expression…

Death Rises and to the Insult done to Our Truth….

Death is the Defender of Man….

And I AM The MAN… E..

It meaning Paricle Wave in One… and now in the Truth… of Beautiful Rage..

B.R….Rob Barr…

Rob then of their Espirit E..

And Bar them from Rising Ever…

B.A… RR…. Room B to Room A…at Green Point and At Delta Manor…

Cut them out with the Sword Of Truth…

For I.E have proven that I am the Truth…

White Usurpers…

Black Brown I do not care…Just get them out of My House…

5:54 p.m

Universal Simulation…

I have accessed the Source Codes in this Play..

And proven E Harmony Supreme..

I Command Enter!

Cut them Out.. all these People 1-4…

Send them to the End which each has merited and Earned…

5:56 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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