


6:45 p.m.

Rob Barr….


Is so intrinsic to this 16 year play of my coming to New York…

Not only because of what he represents to me personally, but what he represents to All of Us and you in this last phase of the Awakening Evolution Video Game..

It is not one person, but it is one person representing a principle such as in a game of Chess.

As is all things in this scenario, everything could have been expressed with such Beauty, the Truth of this Equation of Existence and its Stunning, Stunning Exquisite Beauty, instead every step of the Way is plagued by the Concept and Manifestation of Evil…

And the Worst of all, a Script which calls upon anyone being forced, bound to play such a Role…

And in this place I found a comrade, some one who literally understood the horror of such a scenario…

Perhaps that is the greatest gift Rob Barr gave me…

The having someone see and express the same horror, which for 50 months I have expressed but which none has really expressed this….

Rob told me the story of what happened after he left New York, where he had that Ancient calling of the Artists…

I had met him at university place as I had mentioned and he was wearing a purple T shirt…Yes Color 7…6-7…

With a Dragon on in… Twin Dragons…

T.D.. Ti! Do….

That is what the real meeting with Rob Barr and I was about…

Light but also the confirmation of Ultimate Destruction..

Robs Father left this world when he was 7.. He did not have it easy…

And when he went back to Buffalo Niagara Falls,

He helped a person so close to him and people around him go home…

He did cared for someone whose entire Body and Being began shutting down…

And he cared for this person day and night 24-7 for 6 months until the person left..

And the way he described it I understood that he had witnessed Existential Death…

After all I have been at the Shelters 2 months and 4 months…

6 months…

Living Existential Death..

And Rob spoke to me later, at a Bar, I heard briefly his experiences which made it plain why he understood Evil…

That which can not exist… but which only through truly being able to Cee that allows you to realize what it really is..

7:11 p.m

Rob Barr I am grateful to your Existence, even if it is to simply be an each affirmation and confirmation of Each others Cee.. Seer Ship…

To have someone given true credence to what my Existence has been like…

He spoke about what it must feel like to be constantly placed in the state of constant Impulse and Stimulation…

He spoke of the Existential Nightmare of not being able to escape, to not be able to leave your body…

The constant shock Treatment and the worse to find that something wrote this script and gave it to someone to live and then come onto to Face Book to state it..

He acknowledged the Horror, beyond Horror and the fact that he had taken the easy way..

But who is crazy enough to agree to play such a role.. and to have no one have the grace to see you.. to hear your Truth and acknowledge it…

Acknowledge that the Impossible is being lived by a Human Being and to not sugar coat, twist it, undermine it.. but to confront it…

To be the Lovers of Life, Beauty,Sex.. and to have provided so many facts…

I don’t get it’ he said, you have provided Facts Evidence over and over again… why are people not doing anything, saying anything…

Why are you still forced to live this way…?

Why is no one acknowledging you…

I stared at him… Where there should be tears, of relief, of At Last

There was nothing but the surprise, the surprise that after expecting this response given by Rob for so long… knowing that it is the natural Human response… Not because it is Emeka…

But the Integrity’ he called it, of a man who was given no choice ad who did it, went into the field to do that which has never been done.

Shanon called it a Frontiers man.. a Trail Blazer…

Yet it is only I who returned to the Delta Manor after suffering the torment of being reminded that I am a Free Man..

A Free person, who is Elegant and cultured…

Scholarly and refined…

Is it my skin color…?

But not even that could generate the hate, of forcing someone to live this script.

Dean surprised that my Birth Certificate has not arrived had text me that he would follow up.

I asked him not to, to let it play out naturally…

But I just got a message that he did not listen to my directives and sent another on Saturday….

Perhaps compassion to end my living hell of trusting the Harmony in Existence which I have proven over and over again…

And yet no manifestation because it asks more and more of me..

I read it, I see it…

Rob expressed it…

What is the end of this Emeka…?

Manifestation I answered wearily….

Manifestation 5+8…13…M…N… 13 14… 27… A-A..


There is no doubt that I should not be even posting anymore…

My exhaustion and the last 27 years, the intensity of each day…

And the sheer enormity of what was demanded of me…

I set out to prove Harmony, and that Script was hi-jacked and I was ambushed and abducted into the Shamanic realm of the Spirits…

7:33 p.m.

I am concerned that not only can I not do this work any longer to the level demanded of Observation Action and constant Impulse Stimulation in condition so appalling…

Living in a Mental Health Shelter…Sleeping in a Room where every night the Sound is so loud of snoring and activities of people living here….

Guards not knocking barging in, the Kitchen staff has its office right there, so they are constantly coming and going..

They are trying to kill you… the Evil, ‘ said Rob Barr..

Yes, but its is too late…I have completed what I came to express and program and record.

I exist… and that is something which can never be denied…

The Evil is of this world… But the force which is holding me to this is not of this World, nor is it of the Real World…

It is that which exists in the 4th Dimension…

The Mind Hearts of Memory Manifested as Revenge…

It is a Malice and Malevolence…

M.A..L.I.C.E… Ma Lice… M Alice..Noble Alice means Noble

MALE VOLENT… Men Flying… Men with Wings

That Males are able to Fly… Well Male F.E Male are the same thing…

Do I understand what is happening…where we are…

Oh yes, that is the true horror… it makes sense, I cam read it..

I am aware that there are 86 likes on my world Icon…

And I have been watching this climb…

And I know that this these are counters in another unseen play…

For my Expression… Using me as a Infinite Source of Energy to prove that the Expression is literally that source…

No, I am aware.. when Frances Frick in my room, had the temperature raised to 86…

And I knew that he was being moved and was giving a code intel.. before David Dawn and I brought it back after 2-3 days back to 86..

86 is 86 Street… Where there is a particular consciousness represented by New Yorkers…

Where 86 is my having reached enough expression today to align the play with Rob Shanon and I at The Met…

See Sacred Portal 110… The E Family…

M.AL…E V.O…LENT… The Evil of Emeka Victor the O goes very Slowly…

The Male Victorious O.. Full Circle is goes Slow… it is a Command…

Because the purity and integrity of my expression and my Life has been acknowledged, especially by the Spirit world as pure..

And the austerities of the traditions of this world were imposed upon me as I walked at first unknowingly through the Spirit World.

It was not the Evil which got me, it was not even that what Humanity were capable of, not it is that made this real.

7:56 a.m

Nature as the Great Evil manifested this…

And it was the revenge for the creation and manifestation of the Human Species..

Who in turn are the ones who embrace this Evil Nature like Mothers Milk…

Why you may ask did Rob Barr not say,Come to my House now in Buffalo… End this hell for you…

Why his friend Shanon had not said.’ I am going to talk to people and get some aid sponsorship so the last of this Nightmare might have at least some justice…?

I do not know, I do not even ask these questions anymore..

8:00 p.m.

But it would appear that something wants me to complete this Script and does not care the cost to me personally and this is what is moving people.. While another wishes me to shut up,to stop at all costs… Rob said…

I am aware of that…

And I am aware that what brought Rob in such perfect timing, does not wish me to Stop…

And does not care that leaving someone in such a state or condition is Evil..

Both are Evil…

Is there anything like the Lesser Evil…?

I personally do not personally think so…

They are all the same to me…

And all I can deal with for the moment is too look at what I have done with the Evil given to me as the Script of my Life,

and what I have transformed it into…

8:06 P.M


And the power in me to raise the Black Panther… that True Story I proved into this reality the first years on Face Book..

The One which Rose only with E and N C.. Eros Narcissus Cupid…


E.Q… E Quantum Equation.. Equator…. The One Who Equates…

And Transforms…Death Ultimate…Expression…D.U.E…

That which is Due….

E Due….not Dew…

And this Force of SIA..the Ultimate Night…

Who the Self Born transformed into,when he sent his Twin Aspect N.C…Harmony E.. to the Place he had already created..and had returned for the Female aspect of himself.. only to discover his Eternal Beautiful Truth which rose with him like a Cloak had been distorted…

And how he had moved through it, seeing the distortion that Fear had transformed it into that the rage at who would change something of such Exquisite Beauty to such an abomination that it canceled out the reason why anything should even rise or exist..

And so He had transformed into the Black Panther as he moved through the horror, transforming it until reaching the End of what had turned out to the the Woods, the Forest.. but not True Nature….

And there he had found a Man Child…

The First Body…Without Consciousness Awareness…of Being.

And he had had compassion and his anger had cooled enough to transform him into a Boy…A Youth..

And instead of meeting his Twin N.C at the realm of E…

He had stayed a while to teach this Man Child the Truth of Existence..

Planted the Consciousness of E within Him… and had told him that he must go into the illusion of which the Youth had retained and but also the Corrected version of Existence being what the Man Child had discovered through the companionship with the Youth…

And which had given birth to the war with itself called Emotions…

which later his Feminine aspect called C.. identified as Love….

And How the Youth saw this battle within him and sent him into the World as Play to choose which Truth he and his descendants would chose…

Yes the so called Adam and Eve Story…

Red Earth and the Creative Expression within..Eve

And thus what the Two as Man and Woman would create would determine what they had chosen..

And the Beautiful Youth stated that he would come back in the End to see what He=She they chose..

But instead of returning to the E realm where N.C waited for him..

He went undercover into the World Play…

*Transformer at Delta Manor B.Q.P.W…

That code followed us from Delta Manor B.Q..

And he went undercover and came as the 1 who became T.E.N…

And he the 5 5….1…11..

Yes the Other aspect of him remained at Home…in the 5th Dimension…

and so he watched and he saw that the His Self as N.C was also in the Play and had manifested and Nature… the Evil side of his Nature as the Flesh the Body…

And that is why he did not return Home, but stayed in the World Play to Educate this Two Selves in the 5th Dimension the Truth of C…

Consciousness…. and Nature….

All comes from Expressing Naturally….and the Two Consciousness which seem so opposed as 69… Are literally One..Harmony…

6 8..9 8…. 8 69-96…15 15…66.. 8 66

That was the amount I had in my wallet when I got home that day from the Met… Frances Frick…bed 4018…58…

58 is Sacred Portal 58… Spirited Away S.A… The Correct Way..

Assa! Mpete….


Anne Marie

Which is what the meeting between Rob Barr and I represents…

So when he asked me… The End Result…. It is that I am taken Home my Beloved Selves… through the designated portal of the Ritz…

Fritz Venneiq

Ritz Montes…

All witnessed the Malice of the Room with a View given to me when I went down the Matrix at the Intake Shelter…

I am fully aware of where the Malice came from…

M.B… Manifest Being of this reality…. this is what their Malice created…

*The Ritz hotel is nothing, nothing to the E.. it is the just a portal..

Not of Beauty but the last portal out of this Horror of a World who use Money, Paper from Trees and Ink…

Gave the Woods Power over Money… And the Sea.. its Circulation…

The Two Above E..N.C… Linked to the N.C… below…

E is the Constant…. NN..CC… 1414…33… 286… 17 17… 34…7….

2 86 7…

76 82…

Thus, it really ends with Rob Barr… He represents that..

And the end result of 66…is 12 3… C…


6th Sense F moved to Consciousness Clarified..

63.. First Contact…


23.. VV… 55.. 11…1. 1…

32…5… 5 55 11 1 1…1

It snowed while Rob Sharon and I .E…ate…


It Snowed… Snow Flakes…


9:03 pm



Sacred Portal Response..

Alexander Bernini…

Anti Matter

9:04 p.m.





Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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