
1/24/2017 1:08 – Facebook Post

10:45 pm


Judgment Day- Evolution.

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Judgment Day Emeka..

What if you discovered that you have been given and are used to fill the “Judges Bench”
Code Human Portal Jonn Delguidce
18 Mountain View….
Haun Delguidce H D. 48. 12. 3. 32..5 E

I passed through that Portal and is from him I received the Stream HP metallic Computer.
And through his Wife Donna I took the Lady Sophia (Wisdom) and Robert O’Sullivan R O S…

A Job which they did not ask you if you wanted- hell you did not know what the Devil what your life was being trained so harshly for until one day in an Elevator two men approach you and inform you of what is required of you.

And you of course say No,

That was in 2004 just after you had written what you knew was the Original Creation story which rose in you-

You said No to the Light or the Black Hole surrounding the Light, when you were summoned Home.
But it was not home which summoned you, because you could not pass through despite recognizing it was the way home.

And that Black Whole is what Scientists years later have discerned as that Immense Black Hole which is holding everything in the Galaxy Together…

And you said no.

And it ignores you, refuses to take no for an answer because it is that powerful of a Bully- A Force.

11:01 p.m.

And you know you are fucked, because you know and remember exactly who that Black Hole is, and how you agreed to abide by its rules when you decided to Enter the Domain which you had given to It so that It could Evolve to pass through that Portal which only you knew how to pass through…
But nothing else knew.

But you did not have the words to express how you do it because it comes Naturally to you.

But It wants to know, so that All could pass through it and no longer be subject to the Cycle of Birth to Death.

And so it watches you, interferes with the very reason you came into this realm which was and is to Exemplify how to get through that portal of your Home
Which you knew would reveal itself naturally by your Celebration-Boogie of coming into Creation World.

But instead find the World on the other side of the Portal of Light has been altered to the point of being unrecognizable.

And gradually you understand why…
The Meaning of Everything had been perverted so much so…
Perverted by Desire by the Black Whole’s
(Potential) Desire to pass through that portal – Home.
But It can not not until All Potential it represents is made Kinetic and aligned. linked to its True Original Expression on the Othe Side of the Portal.

And that the Black Whole -in its Role as Forgetfulness Amnesia F A
Had forgotten its Name is Conscious Truth of Fa the 4th dimension
Mars in the physical realm of MW
Linked to the 3rd Dimension Earth


The name of the Portal is Robert..
Where E ROSE From “The Famous Bright Shinning White Light..”
Source of Earth… Its Creation E ART Harmony Existence.

And that Mars really the Black Whole called Memory had Forgotten what it Naturally Knows..
That all Potential is and has been already made manifest beyond that Portal and that It was is the Sum Total of this Memory of this F A C T..

But it has become subject to its own yearning desire to pass through and to Itself the Herculean task of Transforming what it sees as the Chaos of the Potential before it…
And its sees the Impossible…
And thus becomes to Itself Death…
The End..
For none can cross it penetrate itself secret its Depth not even itself.

Because It has forgotten what it no longer realizes.. It knows.

Everything is already completed and this was simply a play a “Sol I Etude to re align everything back to what exists behind that portal naturally through Sixth Sense and Expression, and on doing this “Memory Game Play”
That the Portal would finally Open

11:28 pm

11:32 pm


Yes Sesame Street. SS. 19 19 38 11 (2) 1

A very very simple used here in this World somehow transformed to the Game
“Battle Ship”

And so in desperation D and Forgetting that this is a play that It wanted-
Which was to understand how T.C
The Creator

C- 3

The very term of Address which 45th President Donald J Trump used to in his Inaugural Address (I A 9 1) to Nation as well as God.
April 5th 1969… June 14th 1946..
As well as God.

Franco Alexander Cecilia Traishon
Emeka Robert..

F A C T.. E.R (518.. No 23 Double U Double V VV 22 22 8)

A Very simple play transformed by Desperation and Desire for not this view of Random Chaos..Record Codes.

That It set a Trap seeking candidates who might cross over Its Abyss..to the Portal
To find one who knew the Way.

Human Sacrifice .. It saw no harm in what It was doing “I can send them right back into the World.

Until one day One made it…

Enough Said

11:56 pm

I have a New Face Book Friend

Maribel Rose


Yes Abubwa who bought me a coffee.

He had watched and listened overheard

His name means Rose


He sat with me and Henri sat besides me

E Rose Henri


Mari means “Husband’ in French
and Marie “Beloved”

Dawn Marie code 56
Delta Manor.
Dylan her son, Jake their Dog.

The Husband of the Beloved The Beautiful Rose … The One Eros…

E RISE Delta from the Mouth of The River


Praise A B C Three Pronged Weapon
The Penis

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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