
1/24/2017 22:35 – Facebook Post

7:40 p.m.




A..X-A Means, “Lovely and Reflection”… Lovely Reflection




I have a new Face Book Friend….

Brandon Dement… B.D….D.B…

Linked to Anastasia Hart…

As most of my older Face book friends are aware that I am linking the patterns and name meanings which has been forming an equation which has not only been manifesting into reality around me and around others… But which requires sustained attention.

Something which I have given evidence that by a reality happening in my body and circumstances has compelled me to focus my attention for the last 16 years. Through trials and experiences so incredible.. that such experiences and dimensions exist.

People, i notice only talk or speak about the otherworldly dimensions as all these mystical but very few speak about the dimensions which caused Milton and Dante to write about the Dimension which exist created by Humanity…

The Story of Pi was a good example.

Thus the way and reason which Brandon became my Face Book friend is not very relevant seen through this current world consciousness, or how Anastasia came here.. or the question of the 6 year.
That is a private affair between the two of them…
But on the higher play of the story I have finally, realized that it was a complete waste of my time, except have experienced the Beautiful Truth of Existence through solving the Equation Formula Riddle…
Whose beauty has astonished me over and over again -pushing me further and further to reach Its conclusion…
But which took me through what I was able to identify as the Spirit Realm and the Realm of Human Thought through the Ages.
From Present to Inception and then back to the present..
A Wave which exists, which is discernible and can be read and experience…
Yes Time Travel..

We, or I am back here, while at the same time at the portal of the 5th Dimension… That which the Wave has aligned to Particle Wave and Point….
Anomaly Singularity.. Albert Santana… Aware Santana Dharma…
But in such an Absurd Nonsensical “Play and Set up” that despite my having questioned a to how could the Beautiful Truth of Evolution Awakening sit side by side such an absurdity.
Until, I began to recognize it as the Human though process…
Of right now!…

Yesterday was the 23 rd…
And the completion of the code of The Creator…
Which I represent and which exist in all humanity if they tapped into and were moved by that Wave…..
T.C.. 20 3… 23.. Theresa Cecilia… Chris Franco and Raz Berry Becky Berry Becky played out this equation without knowing as Everyone I have encountered had no Idea that they were in a play which I would give evidence.

T.C.. The Creator… 23..5..E..


Through a set up which linked my Mother C to Traishon meaning “3′ in Room 4.B and myself as C.E ..

To my being offered a coffee by by an Ethiopian man named Abuwa…( A.B..Uwa… Uwa means “World’ in OiNri Igbo..)
Whose name means “Rose” and and then the arrival of Face Book Friend Maribel Rose….

A movement through 50 months of expression of creating an alignment which manifest literally at the same time above as in Cyber Space and below in the world immediately around me…

But in a play so childish, but in that of the Spoiled willful worse nightmare of a Child.. Being allowed to have its way and do anything it likes, breaking all rules, throwing tantrums..
Transforming the Exquisite Equation Formula and riddle into a mockery as well as the process and the journey… that I at first could not even believe it was real…
But it is…

And then there is Brandon and Anastassia and a 6 year old child…
And how I met Brandon from his comment, where he brought his Grievances and Frustration to Face Book..
I was so stunned when I saw his expression and to whom…
And then saw that it was a code and part of the play…!

And, so I made a comment and it provoked a response which then caused me to stun myself to explain what this is a about…
Not a religion…
Not a cult..
Just a man sharing his discovery and forced to share it in the most appalling setting…
Just a man sharing his discovery and forced to share it in the most appalling setting…
Link a Nursery of babies not neglected or in need of feeding, but who have been so spoiled and starved of attention…
That they create tantrums if they do not get what they want…

Does not sound like children babies you say because when babies are fed and given attention they are easily satisfied…
Traishon…. is like the pure human baby…

People say that this current generation of Humanity were not well trained.. but it is not that… it is something more.. something which goes deeper. and further back..
This desire and demand which created a God to Beg and Blame…
Which create a society of Beggars… World wide..
Which created these non stop wars..
A Society who demands you give it your attention to nonsense but can not give the same in return.. not even able to read the instructions carefully…

This reminds me of Jerry and Johnny Camille in the Green House, but not quite because even though I was aware aware that it was a Nursery.. Link code Name Lord Orien Laplante…
It was a Green House.. 4th Dimension hence myself in Delta Manor..
Hence finding Traishon in Delta Manor through a line of people 4-5 indicated through the money code…
And two moved by the ancestor play, but only one literal uncovered through my codes…
23 Year old Traishon….

So it was not a nursery of squabbling babies allowed to get away with murder..
From Johnny Camille to Traishon N Sumler to myself on the male line it has been very straight forward…
2006-2017… 11 years….

So who are these horrors, who presence has been given free reign to transform the most sacred play into this mockery and insult so extreme, that I have had to be literally forced to continue.
Nothing is worth this experience which I have truly read and understood….
Not even the evolution awakening of the entire human species..
But somehow this force fighting me things they do, meaning Humans of this level of consciousness think they do..
And somehow in this realm they were given the power to delay and distract and even say and even give conditions!
But this is a Story.. it is not real life. not true life…
It is the sum total of the stupidity of the Human thought process.. and Human Actions… Even much worse than their Thought Process.. if that is even possible…

Hate Anger… But they would say that that is impossible, that their Expression Thoughts Actions could not have created such an evil. beyond evil expression…
Disrespect, bad manners, with enough evidence for the The Creator to testify and give evidence that they are not anything of he..
That the Natural Line came from the Green House…G.H.. the true Earth World… The Naturals…and the point is observe their Harmony not matter.. See the Rob Barr… who I met at University Place 2002-2003 and his alignment to Traishon..
Green House 2006.26
Family of 10 ..2004. 24 todays date.
The Elegant Nomad T E N. 2001-2002
21-22.. U V
5 yrs.
Why 11 more years?
A Challenge A Bet
By who?
Africa World
Western World
Ancestors in a Story they were so sure was real
That they went too far

The Creator gave evidence that they are not of him at all…
Anything that could create such a play to satisfy them..
To watch such a play for 50 months..
And do nothing…
Rob came while I was here…
Dewight Smith was here…
Kerwyn Vincent is here..
Traishon N.Sumler is here…

Yes there is more to this story of the competition between the ones planted and now Harvested and that which never was…
But who claimed that they are…

But I am so sick of this Story and how it even came to have such sway over that which is Real and Truth…
That all I could think of today was to get out of it…
Get my I.D and just go… it does not and did not matter to me anymore… Green House G.H…78/87…
Was is a story of the past..
And the Orien La Plant E are of the Eternal Beginning…
And so The Creator cuts out the lie, who claim to be of He…

And so I will simply read the code and not comment on how people chose to express and handle their personal life’s and how their expressions affect their children.. forever…

Brandon means “Prince or Chief…”
It also means a hill covered in Broom, Weeds…
Not the Cannabis Weed.. C.W… Cecilia Wiebers the medicine plant…

Dement means Diamond… and Mountain…

Diamond Hearing…

Anastasia… means “Resurrection”

A.H..B.D…Beautiful Devil is Prince of the Diamond Hearing at the Apex of the Mountain, and he resurrects with the Stag…”

See the Moji or logo of Brandon…
Its a Stag…
See sacred Portal 111…”Victorious Home coming”
See the Motif of the 180 Street Station.. a Stag..
This Stage offered to me by the World of that Children of Illusion..
Not trained…
All the Children Seeds planted with the E… are and were well trained.. Expressions…of Beauty….

Man Cool and Kind..

Cut the Weeds out.

9:30 p.m.


Excuse me this post…
I am just so beyond words of disgust and contempt…

Arinze Umeano is what I saw when I opened up my page..
It is my mothers Maiden Name- my Grandfathers name.

It has nothing to do with me,
except the meaning “Praise the Divine Expression of the 4 Breaths in One…
…They were never really 4..
They were always one..

Begone Umeano… and all those stories of this World right to the nonsensical Spirit world and Mind Spirits of the species who never were from beginning end..
Not even part of the 4th Dimension.. A Beautiful Story of how to grow as Jack and the Bean Stalk…

9 35 p.m


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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