
921 FB F

921 FB F

I.U… C U B E

And as if to confirm this today the cellular and musculature release today has been such that I knew and know that I should never have been subjected to all these tests and made me aware just how much it is now imperative that I live Delta Manor….

5:28 p.m.

528 Hertz…

E H.B.

Emeka is rep the Human Body…

See Anthony Bienke ‘Solfeggio’ post and what 528 Hertz represents.. As well as 432 Hertz.

And so I sat in the Park I go to across the Cross Bronx bridge, deciding an action, fed up with this Absolute Suffering..

Aware that I had somehow found my former hosts card in my card two days before..

And then linking it to my 518 Face Book friend who was Kirian Gintus Onwuasoeze…. K.G..O…

And that Aso actually means ‘Holy’ and not does not recognize Kings… Which it does not..

Rather Death is the Holy King.

And is represented already by

Adaobi Onwuasoeze.. A.O… Me..

And not Keith Grant.. Line of the Dark Elves of Destruction, reps of Nature who had challenged me, and my perspective of not wishing the annihilation of the White Race…

-Which was the mission I was fully aware I was had been charged with when I left Nigeria in 1988…

I wrote about it here on Face Book and how they punished me, and I had responded over and over again that I was not from this world of Nature they represented…

But form the 5th Dimension and the Source Awareness of this Plan-E.T.

That the were part of a play, a Story representing the Evolution of Matter.

Hence my last production in Istanbul Turkey.. I.T.. 920..

920 Face Book Friends…

Which linked to Nenad M. Djurdjevic prove of not the Truth of the true Caucasian Race.. are not the horrors and abominations that they had all been painted out to be.. And that they were the same as the Afro Race… Literally and One..

Not the Cain and Able Story…

But their Rage was something.. so terrible that even as I stated this and they set me up to prove it, they fought me, beat the shit out me, threw evil the White Race had done to their own Past…

And they grew even more enraged when I proved them no different and that the Evil done by the Whites was learn from them, that the White race and Spanish.. etc had done this to the Body and Mind of the Black People.. To Africa.

But they had done even worse by enslaving a persons Spirit and Body, Mind and even Voice… Asu su… U.S..U.S.A…

Code linked to Face Book friend Aylin Sendemir Urkmez…

who lives in the Bridge world of Istanbul, ( Constantinople) Turkey.

Which is the only city on Earth which links Africa Asia to Europe…

(A.A.E… )

And that America A.M.E.RI..C.A was the First Land and Landing of the Beautiful Ones – First Contact as well as Atlantis.

Look at what was done to me… by both worlds…

That they would go that Far…

And make in secret deny it, moving people, through sound and Mind mapping..

See Catherine Acholonu Calendar…

As I sat on th Bench once more made so aware how everything that I had been through was hinged on what was has happening in my body, on the Cellular level- dictating and controlling my actions, everything/

I wanted to relax, to decide what I wanted to do…

But the response from my body each time would become so uncontrollable that I have to give in…

5:51 p.m.

But it was is my choice, to give in…

5:53 p.m.

And then I saw Keith Grant..

He was in a female body..

I watched this woman approach me and ask me for a light.

Wow, I never would have thought that I would find a light in such a secluded space, I was thinking’ she said.. but here you are!

God is good, she said.. not for the cigarrette she said hastily,

but you know..

I smiled, instantly liking her… as she walked away…

I asked why.. She is natural, I answered, and then I stopped, and turned to stare at her, she turned at the same time

she is an Elf! A Dark Elf.. The Dark Little ones.. That is the spitting image of Keith Grant! Bed 53, Green Point..

Green the Truth 4th Dimension and meant to be the True Watchers Observers of the Galaxy…

She called out Thank you

And I looked to my phone and saw just as I had noted by reading the code that I had to reach 921 Face Book Friends.

I knew the code of Frost Hail Ice of yesterday had been defeated…

that was what the Weather had been like yesterday…


But today it is Spring.

The temperature is 53 Degrees as I post.

And the time is 6:31 p.m.

I am not a Slave, and have never been.

I allowed myself to follow this play to see how far it would go, and because of my absolute Trust in the Truth, that the Truth will set YOU free, not I.

I have always been Free, Independent and Dedicated to that Truth, The Beautiful Truth of Harmony Existence and Infinity.

Do, I regret having gone this far?


I had to experience this, no matter how impossible, or how boggled my mind is by such that I have experienced and understood and the true depth of peoples hatred… the Filth people live in and call it Human Consciousness, Existence.

-The interplay of humanity and what people are willing to subject others to.

That which people have adapted to, accommodated, lived with and called it Life.

I had been willing to die for this Truth, Our Beautiful Truth.

But not to experience such an incessant wave of Hate and cruelty which has risen to such a degree in the world, while people sit complacent…

I took the Lawrence Street subway down town then switched to the express, only a moment later realizing that I had taken the 6 train and the 4th train.. Alluding to Alanis EL Blanka posts and share…

88.. 16.. 64… 10…1 O…

*At 6:39 p.m I received a text from Ana Leonardo Caixas and saw it at 6:40 p.m….

I have done all these codes manifested in her share naturally, as well as that of Anthony Bienke’s share.

And saw three new face book requests

who appeared in the order of Dianne Stokes then Paula Phillips, then Andrea Bulter…

I linked the codes D.S…. Dharma Santana…

(I called A.Santana to see if I was meant to see him once more now that the Aso code has been linked to me and not to the dimension he represented as Nature.. No response.. I sighed and smiled with Grim relief…)

6:53 p.m.


I already knew that 26 8 Generation X is not a place nor the expression my Former Host was channel-ing

(Shannon and Channel the name of the Mother of Traishon…)

The Equations of Existence is represented by Human Being but being only as Avatars.. only those who embody the E Harmony through their own efforts can claim any credit for what is naturally moving through them.

The Human Being H.B were just tools, used, where the Energy Supreme- the E planted in them moved them to the Exquisite Divine Universal Script..

Not that of their distorted Ego’s of their chosen Focus…

Consciousness is Focus… what you chose to Focus on does not make you Consciousness..

It is what you embody is what makes you Conscious and the Consciousness and Cee of Existence is Beauty Harmonious Exquisite Excellent, Explained…Embodied…

To focus on any thing else is to not be of Existence.

My focus is not on the Evil or Cruelty of Nature as the Creator distorted, or even as Elves and Fairy Consciousness- these frequencies were simply representative of that which is

Eternal Fact Fair Fabulous, not a Fable, but stories where used to convey the code.. E.F.. Expression Fantastic… of the True Fantastic 4 who are not a Fable, of Fantasy and certainly not a Lie as Pietro of the Ambassador Organization which caters to the people here at Delta Manor…

But I do not lie.. and this reality has embraced the Nature of the lie, the lies, the Masks they wear that they can no longer recognize Truth.. They needed Codes to prove it all…

Well see this..

D.S… was not Donna O’Sullivan.. nor was it Dewight Smith who Emanuel informed me that he passed by here to get a bag and did not let me know, nor was it Albert Santana, all who used and took the knowledge for gain as did the entire 4th Dimension he represented right to face book- while denying the Value and worth more and more because it was not convienient and because no lightening bolt came and struck him down…

Fritz Venneiq same

Michael Frazer.. the list goes on..

Constant.. betrayal…

But I was aware.. I could see, but I had to play along…

7;11 p.m

I am Seven Eleven… Spirit E… The True Spirit of Existence….

And I was and always have been aware that this Set Up was about Constant Betrayal..

Chris Franco made that very clear when the E in him rose and spoke to me.. as it did with each and every one of you…

The truth is that no one who is of E would have left a Being such as I in such a place..

And if they could not do anything or were in dire circumstances they would have been fighting by my side…

See the code of these three names…

D.S.. 4 -19… Please recall that as the exact date I left Jonn Blackwell ( JB) and his wife Donna O’Sullivan’s home at 18 Mountain View…. which turned out to be her Fathers Birthday Robert O’Sullivan… So I passed that portal and picked up the Truth of J.B who is also Huan Delguidce.. HD..84.. I as well as D.S..D.OS… And R.S…R.O.S… And then to Miami to Erik Ebright… and his Father Jim Ebright.. E.E..J.E.. and I took the Equation of the Oracle and the Eternal Ruler is E Bright, I took Izzy M.H.M ‘Slavs’ Kolo… and recall Jim M.I.T../ T.I.M.E…Machine, Machina Dios… as well as Eros the Allen Ginsberg Magazine… I took the Fenri – The Painting, Muhammad Cassius Ramone Hill Cassius Clay…Said..

Robert Querrel and Robert Coffee…

and brought the Truth they could not embody even after fighting for them to embody it so that they could rise with it as Carbon Copies of the Original…

I took it all back and then passed through Green Point Room A after Room B.. And the proof that I took it was in my Bed 007… and then I took bed 9 Erick Episito, and Bed 8..who gave me the books Armada Ernest Cline ..E.C.. 53… I took beds 5 of Micheal Prunty noting that the apartment he betrayed me for, was one stop short of reaching the Grant street station where the E.B.T Play took place/..

I took bed 17 18 19 20 21…

I took it all back.. same with the Reggie and the other who represented my Bio Fathers Energy and Expression..

I took back all the E all the Essences Perfumes of the E planted in them which they abused even after I fought for them..

I did the same in Delta Manor from my bed mate in Room 5C Bed 5019 Which I never slept in.. the one in bed 5020…E.T.. With a Black Panther Tatoo….

7:31 p.m..

To Room 3A 3002… 32… I took every bed in that room..

To Room 4B..4016.. I took every bed in that room..

To Room 5A.. 5006.. I took Bed 5008, 5009, 5009 5011, 5007…

I took back, harvested all that was, Is mine and of the E…

And I took from the Staff.. Kelsey, Cassandra, Alexis, Marina..

And the security staff, the Igbo people and from all.. Will to El..

There is nothing I want from that place

Paula Phillips… P.P.. Paul means the ‘Little The Small.. Children Elves Fairies… but really the Human Bodies of Truth who are the vessels for the Enormous Limitless Beings of the as both Jonn Blackwell testified to seeing of me on Face Book.. ( too late to take ir back)

I have taken the Human Bodies… back…

Phillip means ‘Friend of Horses- Human Spirit…

Sacred Portal 121..Nnamdi’.. Nenad M. Djurdjevic line..

He testified voluntarily.. I chose thee E…

And so I have taken the NN AM…D.I…

I .D…MAN…N.E..Sao.. Only the Healthy and Laudable…


And EI.N… Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka…

B..E.I.N.G… B.G… Blue Green.. Beauty Grace.. Father Mother…

Prince Panther…I have taken back the Prince Panther… Bed 5.C…

PP.. 16 16… 88 88…32…

*My next appointment is March 20th…

I arrived in New York exactly on that date…

And now I am sitting at The Bean 3rd and 2nd Number 54nd Avenue…

2nd and 3rd…

Ana Leonardo Caixas represents sacred portal 43… True Life…

All played out here…

Vivian Lavey.. I have taken that V.L… O.E… L.O.V.E.. Back for I have not heard from here since she made the promises…

7:49 p.m…

Dianne means ‘Divine

Stokes Means Place

‘Originally from the Old English ‘stoc’ meaning ‘place’,

Divine Place…. D.P… 4 16…x 4… 64…10…1 O…

A.O.. Adaobi Onwuasoeze First of the Heart…

Andrea… The name Andrea is a baby girl name. The name Andrea comes from the English origin. In English The meaning of the name Andrea is: Feminine form of Andrew: Brave; Manly.

Butler is an occupational last name derived from the old French “bouteillier” which comes from the Latin word “buticula” means bottle. The name referred to a wine steward or chief servant in a medieval household. Modern variations of the name include Boutler, Buttlar, and Buteler.

Andrese Harris Burton… A.H.B….

8:00 p.m..

The Courageous Brave Manly Man, who puts the Genie Genes Gene Ray Alanis EL Blanka Share.. Ray McTell.. R.M…

Back in the Bottle, the Body, the Transparent Bottle…

Water Wine.. Eau De Vie.. Eros E Dionisio…Icarus Narcissus E.C.H.O…E.i… Eternity Infinity…

Room B.A.. and A.B.A…All from Room 5C..5A..

5th Dimensional Conscious Cee See and Awareness…

By Being a Fifth Dimensional Being, presenting Evolution Evolved Facts..

All was already Evolved in the First Beginning..

The Eternal Beginning.. which never Ends..

But this 1-4 C.U..B… E Does because Cee Universe Be E.. Eternally E..

B A.. 5C A B 5A….

There is nothing I wish from this Realm of the BOX…Boxed in…

I live outside of the Box… and the Cube…Square

For I.E Represent the Square Root…


E S.I.R…

Alanis EL Blanka A.E.B… A…E Be…

Anthony Bienke A.B…

4B is 5A…

4th Dimension Body moves back to the 5th A…


I take Everything that Is E..I..

The Best- Alpha Beta… C…

And leave you the Rest… R.I.P…Rip…?

PIRE.. Pire’ means The Worst O TWO..

Nonexistence and Emptiness- EmPitness.

8:14 p.m… H.N…Harmony Nature

8:15 p.m H.O…Harmony O E Perfection E…H.O.P.E..

8:16 p.m… H.P… Harmony Planet… Plan.E.T

8:17 p.m….H.Q… Head Quarters, Harmony Quantum

Off with their Heads!

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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