
The K.G…Pounds… Hammering…

The K.G…Pounds… Hammering…

What is the Weight I have been Carrying.. Which makes me out so outrageously?

Which Makes the Now Cleansed Spirits of the Sum Total of the Dead transformed in the Unified Field OH.. U.FO…

The Encircling River which Links the Truth of Everything Expressed now Aligned to the Beautiful Truth of the Origin Plan-E.T

That Wave of Ether which Fills all Space Above and Below.. As Dark Mater above in Space but here, in this Earth appears as Light to See.. Daylight….

It is the Weight of recalling the Beautiful You…

Dean Dunkwu once told me recently, that I was Stuck in the Past..

A Comment at once True, even accurate but the Meaning, Reasoning Transformation not really…

I am holding on to the most beautiful truth of you…

Each person I ever met, every Family Member, Each Individual I recognized in my 49 year life Span…

I could see and in a moment, that moment where we crossed eyes and recognized each other.. That Flash of Lightening and Thunder…

So Quiet which burst into Sound of Trust.. Love.. Bonding which for most of you, it was gone disappeared or was forgotten..

As this realities experiences and your perception changed…

And you went of the Tracks, the Trains alignment.. your bodies Spinal chords.. antenna’s without you being aware, changed..

And then the questioning of that bond…

Because of a response, an expression, a reaction which never derailed from that alignment..

But which pointed out where You were shaking and had to reinforce your back Bone.. Your Truth your Beautiful Pride…

That Questioning of your Integrity and your perception articulation..

The Curve of Cee and Consciousness..

..Where you left the Garden of Eden…

When you doubted and questioned that Moment.

..That place was my Rock…

The Peak of the Cliff, which I saw you clearly and recognized you

from Eternity…

And I refused to come down from that High High apex and View of you…

Simply because… it was is the Solid Truth of YOU… Not me..

You.. The You I recalled from Eternity.. Across Generations, Song Lines.. All the Way back to an Untold Story of a Family of Ten..

Always you were there…

And then to 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1….

Ten Nine… Eight Seven… Six Five… Four Three…. Two One..

T.N… E.S….S..F…F.T. T.O..

T.N. E… SS… FF…TT…O.

( 20 14….7…. 14..5…E….1919..( Lord Luggard Nigeria… 38..11..1)

A..and SS Forms a Link 8…. 66….TT…O…

Nenad M. Djurdjevic is obviously my Portal Home…

Energetically.. Midas Post was a Portal)

I carried the weight of holding that memory of you as Your Truth. My Truth of you…

I Remembered you- Recollected You… Fractaling As Emeka Eze…

The Collection 1996…Restraunt where I met Tuan and Jay.. Twins.. *See their name meanings…

1991 My Collection, The Body as Living Art..

Promoted and Exhibited as on T-Shirts and as Tops but T-Shirts made of more that just Jersey.. But silk and other fabrics, with the rubberized Ink, the Torso of Male and Female created in different forms but all highlighting the Beauty of the Physical Body…

I carried the Weight of sustaining it while living in the Pit of your Worst Expressions..

The Worst moment in your lifes when you were the most Hurt, Angry, Furious, Cruel, Venomous… Angry and full of Rage..

I Carried that Weight of the Truth of Each of you…

The way my mother Looks and will always look, and I held it in Trust for her, so no matter the physical transformation the years, 28 years had wrought on her, on my uncle, on you. your bodies…

I held onto that most Beautiful Moment of you, which IS the Sum Total of you..

And I said there was no other you but this you that you revealed to me, in that moment when you and I were in Love…

Boy or Girl..

And as I walked through the Land of the Dead, and the lie of you..

And what that lie of you could do, I grit my teeth, held back the power of hurt you each had…

And chanted to myself, this is not them, and I would summon up that True You…

Whom you had created and I remembered and I then would prove to the Demonic raging Shade of you…

That the Eternal you and the Natural you… are the only ones real by giving reason as to why you became this Projection not real…

And the Demonic you fought me, every strep of the Way…

It is a Lie… you are a liar…

This how I am… Now!

I Hate you… !!

Do not bring up the Past… the Passed..

Don’t you dare summon up that Being..

He She does not live here anymore…

You lied to us. to Him…

This is who I am now.. and I am Happy

I can Kill You

i can hurt you for making me believe in Beauty…

Do you know what they did to the Boy in Me The Girl in me..

The Inner Child…

You Liar, you Fiend…

You Cruel Cruel Sado Masocistic Fuck!

You lied… !!!

And they did things to me…

In the World unseen by you..

Except those who had sixth sense.. Still

And the Dead.. Did Terrible things to me…

And you looked on…

The Dead who still wished to hope believe…

But your pain, your questions made you do nothing….

Answer then you declared… By your Silence.

By your inaction…

Answer their questions.. voices hard metallic insistent

Full of cold indifference but interested….

Or can’t you

And I said but why must I prove to you what you already know.

I see the light in you..

For the light of the Truth of you rose i me to greet you..

They whisper to your ears….

No, look at us dancing joyously rising in him..

He saw is True, he never lived.. He carries our truth with him wherever he goes…

He talks to only that which is our most sacred Truth which no other sees..

He never forgot..

He summons us each time he is so alone..

You are the Fire which warms his heart in a life in which he is trapped into a maze…

When he is alone he invokes your passion and your radiance and it warms him at night where he is encamped and quartered in the desolate landscape of the world view you created..

That is not our world or his world…

We are the Air which creates the Breath which he bellows his

No! to you as the lie…

The Forge and Anvil which he hammers his Truth at you…

Cutting a path through your perceptions of him…

Made to seem like solid Rock…

We are the Water he surfs on… the Knowledge We, Us, you expressed which others did not hear but he heard..

See how he weaves the Sum Total of our most beautiful Expressions into the perfect Echo and accompaniment of his own song…

The Intelligence he captures like a fisher man of Your Truth

Your Youth..

And see how he transforms out bodies…

Our Land mass, you Bodies from Shades, back to Transparency

Lightness Laughter revealing Our True Intentions

Our True Love..

See how he forges a body so beautiful of our truth…

Transforming our fat carried like protection to float.

our diseased bodies, and thoughts, our venomous expressions into Our Story..Of the Sum Total of our Misery Suffering…

Understanding through Our point of View, Respecting it but refusing us to dwell on it..

Cutting, Carving, Stitching and re-Framing, Re-Interpreting

Our true intended expression until we stand clean..

Bodies..Ah! Our Bodies Brand New Beautiful Form..

From Water transformed to the Purest Marble….

All from our Truth that we DID know…

But were uncertain.. But would Forget…

Because we thought we were Dead.. Death…

The Forgetting.. because we Chose to Forget..

Pain Misery Hurt… And Beauty

Do you not see what has created from the Truth of Us and revealing that Our True Nature is not Shadows, Wraiths,

Dark Matters, back to light and nothingness..

We are Light now… Light…

Ah so Light

Prove it! Roar the Onlookers…!

Rage of the Shadows they are.. the Power tht fuel them..

Prove it

And the Demonic Dead.. the Zombies Swarm me..

And they Killed me over and over again and made me watch it over and over and feel it. see it.. Know that it is real..

And I wielded my Sword of Truth and my Staff – my back Bone…

And Adjusted the Unbelievable Weight of that which was, is nothing

Transformed in this Realm of 69.. To Gravity..

Atlas… Hercules… Achilles… in Pluto..

The Caves of Plato…

I carried that Weight…

And The Wait for the Masses of the Dark Shrieking Shadows of your Thoughts… And Reflections of me and you and this and…

And I fought and tears poured from my Soul…

A place where non could see..

For no tear came to my eyes…

Just the Flash of Rage… Rage Rage…

Thunder and Lightening…..


And thus the Rain…

Where do you think Rain Comes from…?

It comes from the Heart that which Weeps…

At what you think, of your selves..of me…

of this of Beauty…

I carried that Weight…

The Weight of what you must transform into

anchored by that memory of you as you revealed to me and which I recognized as the I.D of you, in Human man form..

I fought for that Truth while I built a new vision of of you based on that model with my adding 1;51 U.S.D..Cents.. Sense…

And the Weight became this Horror in my Body..

As the Demons in you as Whipped me..


And I refused..

And that which you called God…

But which I call Eternal Truth…


Looked at me and said with a sadness which almost threw me out of my own Existence…

Answer them Emeka…


6:33 p.m.

Rahul just asked me the Time….a moment after I just noticed it…

*About 397,000 results (0.58 seconds)

Search Results

Rahul, a popular male name in India, has a variety of meanings. The earliest meaning found in the Upanishads is conqueror of all miseries. Rahul also means traveler in Arabic. Buddha’s son was also called Rahul, meaning relation

*Yes I included the search result…

I have conquered All Miseries A.M.

All your miseries…

But you who are living scoff at this..perhaps…

But the Dead… They are Transformed… Transfigured…

Light… The Bodies Transformation is Happening represented by him…

As I walked here the Siren Based Star Bucks Portal

13 85…

After conversing with my Aunt…

Who spoke of what I was kept away from seeing..

The Ravages of Time as Old Age but as Sorrow Misery

of my mother uncle familes, friends, who I have kept in a Time Capsule their truth Beauty and my adding to it…

Kept away so I would hold onto that memory and make it Truth…

Not allowed to form any long term relationship…

All so that I would not see that which they become..

But guard them, you all in immortal Beauty fed by Energy…

I saw Nenad M. Djurdjevic codes Everywhere…

Julie and I fought.. to hear each other…

She is Strength and Gentleness personified…

And I was able to cut through her Truth.. well expressed to Express my point and view which included hers and Everyones who ever existed…

And which explained my 28 year absence….

My not being there…

And she was quiet and I spoke… And at one point for the first Time the Flood of Tears with, The Dam over looking pierced the Rock Solid Walls I had built…

The Wave now an Unmovable and Unstoppable Force…

It cracked and I did not pause…

I let the Crack appear and then cemented in back and even used it as amunition and I pierced her armor..

And then she gave me the Code….

And then the Revelations…

And Nenad M. Djurdjevic was everywhere around me codes..

I could read…

I come with the Sum Total of the Dead…

Time All that ever Existed..

With their Support…

Their Power…

They are Present and that is the Wave is Rising in you…

You can not stop it…

They are the Bodies of You..

And I am the Truth of You…

The Beautiful Truth…

And so I am Unstoppable and I am Shiva of Destruction

Kali… And I an Eros..

And you can not defy me…

Or my Expression

For I come with ALL of you…

And Proof…

You Rise and you Transform..

And the Lie perishes… that lie of you..

tel 26 mins 17 Sec..


Samir Zidane Q..

I never require your believe…

Only that you Listen…

And Observe…

I.am YOU…

6:54 p.m

My Aunt told me that has a number which my Uncle gave her and which she must give to me…

It is a code I said gently… the Particle.. but the Wave was it made me speak with you again and then Explain with the Baptism of the Holy Spirit…

My Voice and what It contains…

The Jolly Green Giant… Taun Jay and Georges Grace….

T.J… 30… C.O… C.F…77.. 14.. 5.. N..E.. Erik Ebright 60th Street…

Evolution Solid Ground…

The Other was a revelations from God…

Of a Blessing and Gift or Rewards..

Beyond Belief…

I smiled sadly…

Yes, I already know

The Gift is to you…

I am already Gifted

7:08 p.m.


C X F.H…785..

Nenad M. Djurdjevic

7:09 p.m..


Blue Print of Existence now in Him


5th Element…

936 Face Book Friend

Welcome Lurlene Toledo…

L.T… 20 12… 32… 5.. E

Lurlene means…

Derived from Lurlei, the name of the rock ambush cliff, which is derived from the Middle High German luren (to watch) and lei (a cliff, a rock). The name was altered to Lorelei by Clemens Brentano, a German poet. In Germanic legend, Lorelei was a beautiful siren who sat upon a rock in the Rhine River and lured sailors to shipwreck and death.


It means Supreme Gift

Jewish tradition connects it with Hebrew toledot ‘generations’, but this is no more than folk etymology.


When the Romans conquered the Jewish nation in 70 CE, much of the Jewish population was sent into exile throughout the Roman Empire. Many were sent to the Iberian Peninsula. The approximately 750,000 Jews living in Spain in the year 1492 were banished from the country by royal decree of Ferdinand and Isabella. The Jews of Portugal, were banished several years later. Reprieve from the banishment decrees was promised to those Jews who converted to Catholicism. Though some converted by choice, most of these New-Christian converts were called CONVERSOS or MARRANOS (a derogatory term for converts meaning pigs in Spanish), ANUSIM (meaning coerced ones in Hebrew) and CRYPTO-JEWS, as they secretly continued to practice the tenets of the Jewish faith.

The Coerced Ones…

From the Rock Julie Azuka Umeano, line of the Seers of the Lone Star State have seen from the See, a Man on a Cliff and God…

bringing forth the Supreme Gift to the Coerced one…

which he in turn shares with Everyone True…

A New World Earth and Body in Being….

Crown Jewels…

Crowned a Planet with beings who are now of Bodies of Precious Stones.. Jewels…

Not JEWS….

E.L… Was Missing…

7:14 p.m.


N.G…14 7..

S.P 147..A.B..

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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