
3/8/2017 20:13 – Facebook Post

From Aditya Yahya… A.Y…

Look at this photo…

Look her eyes…
Now see the images in her dress…
See what is in her wrists…
Serpents or Twin Dragons..

But most of all see the Couple on the Wall Paper behind her…

That is Mother and Father….
nLiteral America and Africa…. A.M..ERIC..A And Afro Dit E…

( Au Natural
Love Cees in Color… Not Skin Color.. it sees who you are and that is how she as Heaven came in the Color of the Earth and He the Earth came as the color of the Sky… And their Child and Source Father… ?
The Space in Between.. He came as Transparency B’Eau-Te… T.B..
The Beautiful Truth… All Rainbow Spectrum I.E.. Exemplified as Colors and Sound.. Waves Vibrations Words Expression Sol! Splendid that they brought back Harmony Clarity Light to Infinity…)

Sacred Portal 54.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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