
4;13 PM

4;13 PM



Yesterday as I was I leaving I heard one of the regulars telling one of the staff, that he had never been here the entire day and that he wanted to try it it one day…

As he said it, I had a vague sensation that it was addressed to me me..

I had not been here for an entire day…

I simply refused to do so…

How interesting that today I find myself here the entire day, forced out of Room 5A…

Arriving here at 8:15 a.m in the morning.

Last night as I lay in that bed 5-006..my body moved by its own will and pointed the silver plaque of my bed number 5-006.

And before I got upstairs I heard on the television the announcer say something about apartment 5D.

5D is the sacred portal of the door of apartment 5D..

Fifth Dimension.. F.D..6 4…Is Sacred Portal 56…

Erik Ebright is spoke of Jaymes Bond double 006…


I just opened my Phone and saw that Kim Marcussen had asked one of his questions he had begun doing…

A cool idea…

He asked if Spirits Sleep…

I knew from experience that they do not…

and I found myself recalling what happened last night…

Then Last night I went to bed knew that I was not sleeping- and it is one of the reason that I am so exhausted, I was on the computer, but I was talking and posting at the same time…

I could see and hear myself even as I slept and knew I was not sleeping…

I had experienced this through since I was a child but sometimes I would not see that I was working or flying in another dimension parallel…

It was always a continuation of the work I was doing during the day..

But after I returned to London after University in Nigeria, and I opened up that Back Door…

It became a flood… that was 1989… I was 22 a code.

I would literally wake up, in my bed to realize that I was working- sort of lifting the view, the blinders to reveal why I was always exhausted…I worked day and night…

And so yesterday I woke up while in bed and saw realized I was working on the computer.

Now this happens all the time, just as I can often be wide awake and close my eyes and an entire different realm will appear behind my eye lids… As if someone had placed a projector inside and I would be watching a real… Much less tiring.. and restful…

but still work..

What I found interesting was my natural response to Kim Marcussen question.. It flowed out of me naturally…

I stated that they do not sleep, it represents the Particle and the wave… The Hue-man Being as the Particle of G-Ode.

The G representing the G note of Grace, and G=7.. The note of Ti and the Color Purple…Violet…( 1 and 5… Red and Blue in Spectrum Rainbow and the Do and the Sol in Sound form the Ti!.. D.S.T..ONE.) and that the particle is the one moving through the Earth and that the Wave is moving through Heaven… World and Space… Word and Song.. through the World and Milky Way

And that and that all songs, eventually end, that it was the Species journey through both Life and Death…

But both moving Time and Space…and that at the end of the song that they two would then merge into one…

And that merging of the two at the End of the Song- very much like Musical Chairs…or the 1-8 Chakras

*In Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism, a chakra (Sanskrit: Cakra, Pali : Cakka, Tamil: chakra ) is thought to be an energy point or node in the subtle body. Chakras are believed to be part of the subtle body, not the physical body, and as such, are the meeting points of the subtle (non-physical) energy channels called nadi. Nadi are believed to be channels in the subtle body through which the life force (prana) (non-physical) or vital energy (non-physical) moves. Various scriptural texts and teachings present a different number of chakras. It’s believed that there are many chakras in the subtle human body, according to the tantric texts, but there are seven chakras that are considered to be the most important ones.[1]

The word Chakra (????) derives from the Sanskrit word meaning wheel, as well as circle and cycle.[2] It’s described by many as a spinning wheel of light[citation needed]. Of the 88,000 chakras within the human body, seven are considered of PRINCIPAL importance and are referred to as the major chakras.[1]

88,000 spinning Chakra’s …Seven are considered the Principle.

88 is 16…P…7..G..

Pituitary Gland… PG

Pineal Gland. P.G

Prostrate Gland… P.G

God Particle Wave… P.G.W

P.P.P…G G G… 16 x 3 48… 21…12 21… 33 6…

God Particle Wave is a Wave…

And the Movement represented in the body is of 6th sense Music Moving through the 1-7 Chakras to reach the merging of the Root Chakra and the 5th Chakra.. 1+5..6..

And the Root to the Crown…1+7=8…


And at 8 it merges back to Light.. the Spinning Wheel of Light…A Circle which I call the Big OH! Orgasm.

And not the Big Bang… B.I.G…B..A..N.G…

Which incidentally, I have found that I had been aligning in this play in which I reluctantly was forced into the Shelter System..

From Green Point to Delta Manor…

Room B to Room A.. 2015 and then in 2016….

Then the same at Delta manor but this time from A-B to A…

Starting at 5C…Where I was assigned but never was allowed to sleep…

5C to 5A….A.B.A…

Yesterday, though it felt more immediate, and I saw that as I worked that I glimpsed through a fold in my awareness at my Face Book page and saw that I had 3 new Face Book Friends..

I groaned in my bed… That meant more posting..

Then I recalled, hey it was the other dimensions.

So when I got up… not really woke up, I was not surprised by my exhaustion and quickly checked my phone…

There were 2 new Face Book Friends…

I really groaned.. more posting.. more expression.

But it was not three…

Until I just completed the Riddles and posts which began at 8:51 in the morning when I was forced to leave the Dormitory.

This is what gets me angry… the Manipulation Domination and Control of moving me to the point of Exhaustion and beyond…

I collapsed only twice in my life..

Once in Paris 1992, just before I was summoned to the Light…

and the second time here at Delta Manor when I was moved into Room 4B from 3A…And saw Existential Death..

A Pit swirling like Vortex… And then was taken to the Hospital Jacobi…

Yes the Igbo Jewish story which has been meddling with the OINri Hebrew E.T…Eternal Truth…

Blocking and hindering the reception of Messages which link the Cells…

I spoke about this yesterday…

And which links me to the Family.. of the E on this planet…

and which links the Universal Body…

And which has caused my own body such discomfort and pain that it literally twists my body and organs and creates blood seeping through me, below and prevents me from using the bathroom and other horrors..

Sort of feeling as if you are a Voodoo Doll which someone is trying to rip apart.

And though I know that it is an illusion, it has stunned me over the last Decade at just how real it feel and has manifested that I could no longer work and people would be alarmed..

I have had to use all my considerable training, will and self control to Master it enough to make it at least least frightening..

By harnessing negating the lie of it in my mind, by ignoring it in my awareness so it does not grow in power- and instead focusing on the Beautiful Truth.. My body evolving, which is what the truth of it feels like…

As people comment, They are dancing, they are Joyful


People would say They… Who is They they would shrug.. others would say they are part of your.. Spirits Energy Spirits..

(Humans may act Stupid and Dumb… but really they are not.. they are just very good actors when they want to be)

6:06 p.m.

But it brought to mind that that Project Evolution Awakening which I have found that despite all the distractions, that I have been working on…

29 usd in my Wallet…. Links me to A-Z-C..

And more importantly B.I.. Bergamo Italy…

Nenad M. Djurdjevic…. I am now literally linked to him as a G.P.S and am guiding him literally through Time and Space which no longer exists…

E.N… as well as C.N… Emeka Chukwu which was completed last night with Hary Spencer…. See the Set up on my page…

But it was my response to Kim Marcussen post which linked it in my Conscious mind of now both Sleep and Awake.. or better still two Infinities.. Two Harmonies One lying down and the other standing up…I.H…

Rahul wished to buy me dinner…

I declined.. But today he was back again, and I have so much work to complete here I took him up on his offer, because I also saw how much he had wished to show appreciation for the value of the knowledge I was dishing out each day…

He remembered the Coffee…

And so I was not going to even bring it up, I was going to rush of to the Shelter or ask them to keep me a plate…

But as he walked in he spilt my coffee!..

So I remembered and said is his offer open to which he smilingly agreed…

But then he decided he wished to pick up the food, then he wished changed his mind and said let me buy you dinner her…

Then I said no, I will go an pick it up..

He gave me 6 dollars…

I knew it was the play and tried my best to not show my rage and temper…

The play…

I had enough on my own…

6 is Sixth sense…

He told me that he is going on a retreat and that he felt as though things a break though was about to happen.

Once again, I felt the insult, the way this Set Up always felt as if it really was about humiliating and insulting me at the same time..

Every step of the way for the last 16 years…

Then I realized that I was back to 35 USD in my Wallet…

Wait.. I started off 31 usd… Rahul is 31 years old…

There are 31 Vertebra…

Conqueror of all Miseries and Suffering…

(It feels like it by God…!)

Then I had 29 USD…

Bergamo Italy ..Nenad M. Djurdjevic 29/92…1992…

6:35 p.m.

And now I have 35 USD…

35/53… Elizabeth Clarizio…E.C…

Ah C.E…NO!… O.E


Sacred Portal 31 Resurrection Regenration…

Sacred Portal 29 Opening the Gates to Vahallah.. Valkyrie Spiriting away weary Warriors of the Lies Battle Ground to Bliss

Sacred Portal 35.. C.E The Point

Sonja Cain S.C

5:20 p.m.

Maureen Cross M.C..

Gail Cranford… G.C

6:43 p.m

All three have Surnames which end with the letter C..

S.M.G… C.C.C..

Supreme Manifest Gode… 3 3 3… (9..I)

Sonia is a feminine given name in many areas of the world including the West, Russia, Iran, and South Asia. Sonia and its variant spellings Sonja and Sonya are Russian variations on Sophia, a Greek name meaning wisdom.

The name Cain is identical to the Hebrew word ??? (qyn) meaning spear, coming from the root cluster ??? ,??? and ???:

The root-verb ??? (qana) means to acquire or create.

The root-verb ??? (qyn) occurs in cognate language with the meaning of to fit together, fabricate or forge. Derived nouns either have to do with metal work, or (curiously) with slaves singing or folks making music (perhaps in the sense of they being forged to do so?)

Jeremiah 9:16), and it brings to mind the previous verb ??? (qyn), which means to forge or to produce music.

Abel has no posterity. Cain’s posterity never makes it past the flood of Noah. All humans alive today are descendants of Adam and Eve’s son number three, named Seth. But bear in mind that the religions of the Sethites always made lavish use of music, and especially in the olden days had tents for sanctuaries. The patriarchies of both tent dwelling and music making are held by descendants of Cain (Genesis 4:20-21)

There are such clear similarities between the stories of Cain and Abel and that of Romulus and Remus that it seems obvious that these two accounts share a common ancestor, or at least express the same fundamental human truth. What this truth might be is to be discussed by the poets among us, but it may very well have to do with very early forms of government. These very early circles of elders become somehow known as spear-carriers — hence the word curia, from the Sabine word for spear, and to disenfranchise, from franca, an old Germanic word for spear. The Franks (hence France) were not only well-armed but quite literally frank and free, and so, we may conclude, were the Saxons, whose name came from seax, denoting a knife or sword.

Abarim Publications…

Music Creation.. Sword… Ecstasy of Veronica.

Cain Abel…

Seth McBean….Who I met at The Bean…. And where that story was acted out.

For other names that have to do with spears, and are thus most probably politically charged, see our articles on the names Quirinius and Pilate. Also note that Jesus’ crown of thorns (Matthew 27:29) may very well have been a symbol of the circle of spears that expressed primitive chiefdom (meaning that of a local king, as opposed to, say, a divine emperor). Also note that Jesus was recognized dead by means of a spear (John 19:34).

Music Creation.. Sword… Ecstasy of Veronica.

Cain Abel…C.A… 3 1… S…19…



*A scene just took place..I went out to smoke a cigarette when I came back, there was a man seated with a red hoodie…

He looked up at me and I nodded.

He then took a seat and then I heard him speaking on the phone with such rage, about his girl who had called the cops on him.

His rage was so virulent yet contained that he was acting truly disturbed.

Then a woman called Brenda walked in and I greeted her,

she made a comment and he was up in arms.

And began speaking violently to her.

She had mumbled something, and I had heard it too- but his response was that of such anger.

And when she stated that the manager called Red should call the cops he went ballistic.

The Anger would have gone too far if I and another guy had not intervened…

And I thought it was done but she went outside, to perhaps call the cops.

And he followed her out, saying do not call the cops.

It finally got to the point that I came out..

He was so viral and even blurted suck my dick! to me…

When I intervened…

Turns out he had been in another Star Bucks and had had put a person in the Hospital!

And the police had no come, nor did they even arrest him!

And they did not come to this place until almost an hour.

I was shivering from exhaustion and the sheer unexpected scenario of what had transpired.

He was talking about murdering someone, and throwing tables.

Yes, I could have fought him, if it had gone to far…

But he had snapped… Because he I later gathered had come here before.

But I had overheard why he snapped and Brenda had been a trigger to take his rage out on her..

The Mark of Cain…?

And suddenly, I was tired.. so tired.

People are snapping , loosing it and if the World is going crazy…

Men being pushed over the edge by Women and Women being threatened and pushed over the edge…

And people trying to stay out of it, to stay out of in order to stay alive…

Yet I felt and knew this was yet another set up and this young man raged at me, because he some how thought I had betrayed him because I knew why he went off…

All I am dealing with here, in the Shelter everywhere is Anger, provocation…Rage…

There must be an awakening…

But the true mark of Cain is Wisdom to bring The Full Circle of Creation through making music and forging through love making with the Sword as the Penis and the Direction which creates Waves of Pleasure…

That is True Mark of Cain…

El had fought a man who said the same words to him..

but I when he said it to me, I remembered the boyish look he had given me when I came in and saw him siting besides me…

It had respect, and the other had Rage but behind the rage was the hurt.. The Hurt of Woman.

And then moments later, I observed a Woman screaming in rage about a guy, smack in the middle of the Star Bucks cafe…

I understand the rage, I have been pushed to it, beyond what I felt was my limit.

I am tall called Big guy by some guys in the shelter..

I could use my size and Spirit to intimidate people, and it works for a moment but who wishes to live like that.

Instead instead I summon the Justice of the Sword first with my Tongue and then the power of Creation which manifests..

And the Respect that people who experience that manifestation is real and permanent…

To make manifest Eternal Law…

Justice.. Face the Music… as Jose commented to me yestersday..

There is always Consequence…

Yes, but this Script – at least my Sword I forged through it was to make sure it was activated and everyone was witness to the Effective Cause of Justice with the Sword.

Sword of Truth…The Beautiful Truth…

Balanced by taking in Full Circle all points of view.

And in that I understood the mans point of view..

And his rage…

And question..

Is there any Justice in the World

Ab Justice…Room A B…A

9:11 p.m

Maureen Cross

Meaning of the name Maureen Cross

Maureen /m??’ri?n/ is a female given name. Anglicized form of Máirín, a pet form of Máire, which is the Irish cognate of Mary, which is in turn derived from the Hebrew Miriam. It may also be a feminine form of Maurice.

My bio Fathers Name was Maurice..

And he had that same frightening rage so violent and terrible.

I endured it, as well as his beatings so intense..

And when I passed through it, no longer crying out and defying him again and again despite him coming home from work and waking me up to deliver a beating…

Or delivering blows when I was sleeping…

I fought him… and never hated him…

But said I would defeat that Rage Anger which had so possessed him and which he never left me forget in life or death..

Following me as many testified and I witnessed to challenge me and my use of Beauty over manly rage..?

No, he followed me through the Wave to see if I could find a better way.

I did….

The Sword which comes from out of the Blue…

Red and Blue… Cool cold Anger…

My Nature.. one which does not cool…

It moves from Blue to Red and then to blue and then to Violet Purple then finally to White light..

Blinding in its Fury and Clarity but it does no even move or disturb me, because it is Fair and Balanced..

It is Elizabeth Clarizio… Justice Served ..

The Creator is Satisfied….

9:19 p.m.


Yes, that scene was played out for me..

Brenda is 55 and she leaned to me when the menace came her way…

And only when it had long passed did I same calmly through my exhausted body that he would not have touched her…

Did the sound escape me of a that primal expression which comes from so far away which made she and the young man sitting besides her.. Recoil in true Alarm and a different kind of Fear…

From the Sound of that voice agreeing with me…

Maureen comes from the name Mary…

Its earliest appearance in writing may be in the biblical Book of Exodus, in which the elder sister of Moses is called Miriam.

The origin of the Hebrew: ???????, Modern Miryam, Tiberian Miryam is not clear. It may mean wished-for child, bitter, rebellious or strong waters. Alternatively, bearing in mind that many Levite names are Egyptian, it might be derived from an Egyptian word myr beloved or mr love.[1][2] A more convoluted Christian interpretation of the name’s variant form Maryam led[citation needed] to its translation as drop of the sea (Stilla Maris in Latin), and due to a copying error further to star of the sea or Stella Maris; alternatively, the same understanding might have been reached directly through association with ???? (ma’or), star (see Our Lady, Star of the Sea


Cross Family History. English: topographic name for someone who lived near a stone cross set up by the roadside or in a marketplace, from Old Norse kross (via Gaelic from Latin crux, genitive crucis), which in Middle English quickly and comprehensively displaced the Old English form cruc (see Crouch)


In Hebrew the meaning of the name Abigail is: Father rejoiced, or father’s joy. Gives joy. The intelligent, beautiful Abigail was Old Testament King David’s third wife, described as ‘good in discretion and beautiful in form.’


Cranford Name Meaning English: habitational name from any of several places, for example in the county of Middlesex (now part of Greater London) and Northamptonshire (Cranford St. Andrew and Cranford St. John), named with Old English cran ‘crane’ + ford ‘ford’.

The Wisdom of Cain Able Seth Elizabeth is the Case of Creation which the Sword of Truth which is the Full Circle of understanding the music and its forging… It penetrates and brings the waves of Feelings sensational. And Justice supreme..Eternal Creation and Absolute Destruction of the Blue Flame and Sword of the First Note which brought Expression Sound Voice…

Its is the Beloved, Jewel and Star of the See, and the Cross as in the Crossing the Bridge of I and I Blue Red O.E full Circle Eternal

the arrival of the Brothers of Emeka.. Eternity who arrive through A Vision of Instinct and Intuition linked to Harmon of an Beautiful Epiphany of Clarity for some and the Blinding understanding of the End for others….

A Sound Wave of Music which fills Everywhere

As the One Father rejoices, at the Dream of the One father achieved of Peace Harmony, Ecstasy, Bliss and Joy at the Crane

White Crane..

Michael Crane M.C….of the Sensie of the White Crane Ford…

a shallow place in a river or stream allowing one to walk or drive across which at least links the Family of the E with their Source at Delta Manor…

9:35 p.m.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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