
3/20/2017 21:15 – Facebook Post

Deborah Jenkins…. D.J…

( Found it…)

Links to two other Face Book Friends with that name…
Deborah Omolola Adekunle… D..A.O… DA O
Mother is Father O..
Da Enlightens

Debra Knapp Rinaldi D.K.R…

The Name Deborah is so important in this play that I went back to Abarims Page.

“We don’t know much about the first Deborah, except that she probably breast-fed Rebekah when she was an infant — the word for nurse comes from the verb ??? (yanaq), meaning to suckle — and went with her when she left home to be with her husband Isaac (Genesis 24:59, 61).

Mother Wolf Romulus and Remus…
( Sum.E.R….Su Lu…Mor..More…Moore… Sum Emeke Robert Knew how to Red the Dark Ones… Silence Dark Matter Potential..)

Deborah number two had her own palm tree — fittingly called the palm tree of Deborah…

(We saw the Palm Tree Posts liked by Nenad M. Djurdjevic)

The name Deborah is identical to the word ?????, meaning bee, and both come from the magnificent root ???, meaning to speak or pronounce.

( Peace Bee)

The root ??? (dabar), its many derivations and the many meaning of each derivation, occur over 2,500 times in the Old Testament. HAW

Hawa…Means Eve in Arabic…

It is also the Egyptian Hawa is Over Soul…

*”Besides its enormous significance in the phrase Word of God, the root is used to indicate the “order” of Melchizedek, the “inner sanctuary” of the Holy of Holies,
A: a group of words that pertain to speech and specifically intelligent discourse.

B: a group that pertains to being behind or coming later or as a consequence.

But such a division is not required when we recognize that speech and reason are highly personal and strongly defining attributes which are obtained long after the person begins to exist, so actually..

Abarim Publication postulates that this theme, of which speech and reason is also an expression, in its most fundamental sense is fruitfulness, fruitage; the bringing forth of things, or the bringing about of things…

In conjunction with YHWH, the word dabar denotes either any word spoken by God, or a specific Person of the Godhead who is talking. In the inaugurate usage (Genesis 15:1), the Word of the Lord comes to Abram in a vision — ???? (mahazeh) from the verb ??? (haza), meaning to look or see — indicating that he was seeing the Word of God. When the Word of the Lord actually addresses Abram to say His first recorded words ever, namely, ??????? (lo-teyare; don’t be afraid), the verb ??? (‘amar, meaning to say) is used. In the New Testament the Word of the Lord is recognized as Jesus Christ, who came down from heaven to bring about the will of God (John 6:38). And there’s that theme again.”


Jenkins is a double diminuitive of John, literally meaning “little John.” It derives from the medieval given name Jenkin, which itself is a diminuitive of the given name John, meaning “God has graced me with a son.”

My Little Brother Jon”- The name of the Chapter of Jon Jason Lee whose Apartment I left in Maida Vale, London to begin this last leg of this journey…
A Shocking 16 years ( 88 )


From Abarim Production…

The two interrogative pronouns ?? (ma) and ?? (mi) occur frequently in the Biblical narrative; ?? (ma) slightly more often than ?? (mi). The difference between the two is that the pronoun ?? (ma) asks for a quality (what, as in “what is your name?”), whereas ?? (mi) asks for identity (who, as in “who are you?”). Here and there it occurs that where English would use ‘what’, Hebrew uses ‘who’, for instance when asking about the identity of a nation (Deuteronomy 4:8; ‘who of the nations…’), or simply that of whoever (‘which one’ or ‘who of the…’).

Note that our word ?? (mi) is spelled the same as the construct-plural form of the word ??? (mayim), meaning waters. Hence ?? also means ‘waters of’.

Verona… Nenad M. Djurdjevic..
It would seem that his name
Mother Father.. Unexpected Seed… Micheal George-Farmer…

Trahe is a Dress Appariel Costume.. Suit. Raiment…


The name Frances is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Frances is: From France or ‘free one.’ Feminine of Francis
English form of the Late Latin name Franciscus which meant “Frenchman”, ultimately from the Germanic tribe of the Franks, who were named for a type of spear that they used.


NAME variations: Raginald, Raghnall, MacRaghnall,

The meaning of Raghnall
Origin: Gaelic
Meaning: Mighty power.

Origin: Irish
Meaning: Strong.

Origin: Teutonic
Meaning: Wise power.
REYNOLD (British). “Power power” (Germanic).

The Fox….

7:58 p.m.

Sali Iakane S.I… Y..E.S… Staten Island… Grant Street…

8:04 p.m.
H.O.D…( G.O.D)

Sali means

Consoled Contented…

The meaning of the name Sali is Sali is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means cheerful, cheered up, at ease, in a good humor, amused

“Sali have 4 characters and commonly used as a name believed to be originated from Arabic . Meaning of Sali is A Penelope, Wife of Odysseys, White Shoulder, Fionnula, Dream Weaver, Duck, Hard Working, Deep Pink, The Moon, Friend.”

Gods Wrestler in Hebrew.


Kane… Warrior in Celtic…

A name of multiple identities: a somewhat soap-operatic single-syllable surname, a homonym for the biblical bad boy Cain, and, when found in Japan and Hawaii, it transforms into the two syllable KA-neh. Kane also has multiple meanings: in Welsh, it’s “beautiful”; in Japanese, “golden”; and in Hawaiian, “man of the Eastern sky.”

It also means

Behind the Name: Meaning, origin and history of the name Akane. From Japanese ? (akane) meaning “deep red, dye from the rubia plant”.

But interestingly backwards Enakai”

“Name Meaning: Enakai- Compound name composed of the elements ‘ena (red-hot, glowing, fiery; fierce, raging) and kai (sea)..
Shinning Sea’

E.N.A… Eros Narcissus Adonis…

It does call to mind all its above meanings as well Lava of Creation Pouring into the Sea..

So lets see the Sum Meaning…

“Bee.. Be “Come into Being, for The Creator has graced me with a Son…
One who I can now identify, whose name I know, and recognize as the Waters, B’Eaute…
Who comes in the Raiment of the Sum Total of the Weave that all that Ever was, and all that could ever be…
The Free One ( Ones), who carries the Spear of Destiny and bring Extase and Bliss with it Penetrating and Piercing to bring forth Feeling Sensations…
A Mighty Power, Strong, a Wise Power… Power of Powers.. As cunning as a Fox.
Yes Si I am content and consoled, cheered, put at ease at last and amused and put in good humor by this weaver, of the Odyssey,
who understood me as Penelope and Persephone…
Deeply hard working and the White Shoulder understanding the true nature of Beautiful Transformation from Black to Light Radiant…
The Moon ( S.P 3-2…)
A Friend…

( Means “white shoulder” from Irish fionn “white, fair” and guala “shoulder”. In Irish legend Fionnuala was one of the four children of Lir who were transformed into swans for a period of 900 years.”
And the Deep Pink..
(In perfect condition, especially of health.) and in the understanding of Harmony First Note White Light to Last Note Red and back to Light Transparency of the Two..
The Waves, the Music…

A Warrior who truly wrestled with God and defeated it, and Its Idea brought to Life and transformed it back to G-Ode and H-Ode…
My Beautiful Golden Warrior, Man from the Eastern Sky….
Of the 50th State, who Came as the First note…

Whose beautiful past was a the Raging Beautiful Lava which Poured out of Him Anus and Penis- Self Penetrating Piercing, His own Mystery and mine with his Sword Red Hot Glowing Rod of the Black Smith, hammering away at Creation, fierce Fiery Beautiful Rage and Passion, to bring to Life All Being…
Until all became Calm and Beautiful that one Shining Sea to Shinning See…
Eros Narcissus Adonis.. Beaute…
The Truly Beautiful One….
E N.A.B.U.O…The Two who is T.D.VV.O.N..E..W Supreme…


Brenda 55 named her son Kamila…She invented the name she said.. It just came to her….

Arabic Meaning: The name Kamila is an Arabic baby name. In Arabic the meaning of the name Kamila is: Perfect.

Mother Divine…
My Past now Present…
Beautiful Sadness now Joy and Jay united as O.A N.E.W…

9:10 p.m.


I can not speak…
So I will leave this now.

9:11 p.m
I K..
I.A..K.A,N.E…S A L I..

D.J…M.T…F.R..( Freedom Song) S.I…


J T…T.R…U.E…

9:13 p.m

I.M…P.O.S.S.I.B L.E..

960 Face Book Friends..

i Fact Full Circle Existence…

Seine… River Sienne…

9:14 P.m..

9 14..5…
See the Sacred Portal…

I feel to weep…
but not yet…


9:15 p,m


But not yet…

9 15..
8 96

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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