
Facebook Post..

8:26 a.m


W-C…J. A O



Cayla Letellier


Cayla means Slender and Fair

Beautiful Handsome

It also means Crowned with Laurels of Victory

The name Letellier

Means Weaver

The Tall, Slender Handsome ( Beautiful) Weaver is crowned with Laurels of Victorious for His Weave.

967 Face Book Friends

See sacred portal 67

How Far would you go for Love Truth..?


I woke up to the man called Vincent ranting aloud..

Shhh I urged him while another shouted at him to Shut Up.

Last night the two cowardly bullies tried to intimidate the man, a black man obviously intelligent who was not having it .

So Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumber start to make threats about how they would run him over with his car and take and run him over…

8:58 pm

Then once again I briefly stepped out from the cocoon of my cool indifference, my focus… The icy numbing cave I live in to remark and remember that I am in a mental health shelter..

At about 6:15 am the Fire Drill went off and all were forced downstairs.

I stepped outside, standing alone as I do each day and rolled a cigarette, while fighting to align the awful discomfort in my body- the muscles.

I fleetingly recalled with my normally distance the fact that I do this 24-7 for the last 12 yrs.

How have you endured this? I ask my self yet again

This condition.

And for a quiet moment, just as I do each day, I allow myself the indulgence to peer into the abyss of the experience of my existence.

I am the Source I say lightly to myself,

I have been here for 6 months

The Weave had lasted 58 almost 59 months.

I have solved all riddles of Existence as a man.

I have woven and linked and manifested that which is the most beautiful truth through a process of an existential sado masochistic cruelty so vile that to peer into Its depths gives me Vertigo.

And I have been lied to deceived set up and betrayed and delayed so many times I have lost interest in keeping count.

While listening watching each weave and equation I solve manifest.

Yesterday on the news a white thirty something year old well dressed Caucasian man used a 26 inch knife to stab a 66 yr old man.

Yesterday I was at 9 66 face book friends

Linked to Nenad M. Djurdjevic

The fact that They have been trying to Kill me and this is self evident but I am in the Spirit realm but really living in the realm through my Being, in the E realm.

I am meant to have been Home a long time ago..Progress is being made but at a pace so slow that only my constant 24-7.

expression is moving it forward now aided by more awareness…

How could anything get this bad

How could it be this bad

Where did this force of Evil get the power to go this far

All this has gone too far

I know how much I fought and how long ago this should have manifested.

I do not really seek the answers to those questions,

I already know,

And the answer is no longer relevant.

The only thing which is relevant is that I told the truth, it is confirmed affirmed and manifest


And that it makes no difference..

I am still here

And this Set Up still goes on.

It will End soon enough because I am fighting with every detached fibre of my Indifferent Distant Desire. I D D.

9:35 pm


I am I.C.E.

My indulgence does not last long

It is a luxury I permit myself

A moment to let this sink in

To be Human

To Feel

To be incredulous.

Then back to ICE

The Tall Slender Fair Handsome ( Beautiful One) weaver is crowned with Laurels of Victory

I understand.

9:45 pm



Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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