
From Eve Zachery Hewitt E.Z.H…

From Eve Zachery Hewitt E.Z.H…

Ah! That is a perfectly aligned picture..

She reminds me of the Ethereal Being of Calyspo

Behind the Name: Meaning, origin and history of the name Calypso. From Greek ?a???? (Kalypso) which probably meant she that conceals, derived from ?a??pt? (kalypto) to cover, to conceal. In Greek myth this was the name of the nymph who fell in love with Odysseus after he was shipwrecked on her island of Ogygia.


Or She the Author of the Dance called The Calypso.. ?

Calypso is a style of Afro-Caribbean music that originated in Trinidad and Tobago during the early to mid-20th century and spread to the rest of Caribbean Antilles and Venezuela. Its rhythms can be traced back to West African Kaiso and the arrival of French planters and their slaves from the French Antilles in the 18th century.

Calypso drew upon African and French influences, and became the voice of the people[citation needed]. It was characterized by highly rhythmic and harmonic vocals, which was most often sung in a French creole and led by a griot. As calypso developed, the role of the griot (originally a similar traveling musician in West Africa) became known as a chantuelle and eventually, calypsonian. As English replaced patois (Antillean creole) as the dominant language, calypso migrated into English, and in so doing it attracted more attention from the government. It allowed the masses to challenge the doings of the unelected Governor and Legislative Council, and the elected town councils of Port of Spain and San Fernando. Calypso continued to play an important role in political expression, and also served to document the history of Venezuela and Trinidad and Tobago.

Considering that Lisa Natalie Johnson is from the Islands,

as is Adam’s wife, the one Elf like 55 years from the Delta Manor Shelter who gave me the codes outside in the Chinese and has been here for 22 months!.

He is finally leaving…

And Geoff and all the portals which I passed through…

Geoff Lacour is from the Island of St Barths,

Including Fritz Venneiq who is from Jamaica…

And not to mention the one thing keeping me from escaping this situation I am in… The theft of my passport was from a Jamaican restaurant, one of which was called Bamboo…

As well as the owners going by the name Malone..

April Malone.. A.M.

And they being the ones who led me to Donalds Home in Staten Island during 9 11…

(The one who suffered Double Total Amnesia )

I would suggest this is the latter definition..

and that this Lady here represented by the appropriately named Eve Zachery Hewitt..

Is a Seer of the Awakening of Eden Zeina ( Beauty) Hannah…

(Rosa Eden Maheu) As..

(Anthony Spencer) A.S.. The Flying Space Ship Craft of the Treasure…

The Harvest of the Best of Harmonies E-Spirits, landing in both the Shore of Land and Body on their Source Origins La- Lei Aloha…


5th and 6th Note..

The Former.. the Apocalypse.. that Is what I.. We, the J.B Crew of the Blue Jay line left behind..

A Ticking Time Bomb…

O Boom!

6:53 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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