
4/23/2017 10:46 – Facebook Post

9:56 a.m

Reflections of the Ying Yang Principle

69… 15. 54. O E.D.F

F D. E.O

Fifth Dimension Eternity OH

First Step and
Last Step meet

Full Circle.

After my comment yesterday to Anastasia Hart,
And seeing Flor Medina’s comment
Added the last post which brought forth through stream of conscious linking,
That my own Dna line and ancestors went this far to meddle and manipulate me to bring forth their truth which was not even correct…

( I am O I Nri. Full Circle Harmony
And Okolo “The Visitor”

And the Source of that Story,
Not they

… I was already aware of this meddling and it is noted right to my meeting Kieth Grant in bed 53 at BRC Green Point,
And my instantly recognizing not only him the first day, and the set up…
But that he was sent and carried the Energy of my Grandfathers Brother.
My Grandfathers Energy was always and also present.
Right to Staten Island in 2001 (911)
where I saw him and some “ascended masters”
At the bottom of a stairwell, and he joyously motioning me to ascend.

I rarely have visions after I found that something and someone had blocked my normally full opened Inner Eye.
They few times I did have them, I knew it was because that force which blocked it wished me to see.
Such as my late brother appearing to me literally in Istanbul in my Home and then later, at Union Square.

But it would appear that despite being fully aware that I was being meddled with, and by whom, I could do nothing about it until it was proven and evidence was provided as Fact.

And so, a story equation, court case of both personal, private made public to a population who mainly have no recollection of how the Spirit world lives side by side with this world.
Who forgot the how their ancestors lived and communicated.
Which has dragged out for so so long of Judgement of the World, people and linages represented on my Page as Face Book friends, and people I was moved so far out of my true path and purpose to meet, even as I tried so hard to show them that they were being judged based on their Beliefs and their Words action and thoughts by the very Ancestors who created them
And God which they invented and Created
By distorting the inner expression of Their C Consciousness which sees at even greater than the speed of Light-
Hence Foresight, Sixth Sense, Deja Vu
A sense that you have been here before.

I came here for a very different purpose, not to Judge the World- or be trained to be pure enough a vessel to be used.

Nor did I come to prove anything.

Or be contained in a judgement of Cause and Effect of Nature as the Ancestors and the A-liens weighing if Humanity had the Right to evolve or be thrown into the Pit of the Aliens…. Non Existence.

I came to celebrate It

… And apparently, Evolve It
E.I. by Example.

For being such a Chill and Happy Fellow
People wanted to know why
And the Ancestors knew I had a “Secret”
Really an Open Secret,
I never forgot the Origins and Consciousness of Being in Existence.
And I see I was forced to prove How
And that such a Realm existed and how it would manifest here.
Which was, is, simple
Adopt the correct Conscious View
3 22
Of Life
Be Why The World Evolves
By adopting the correct Attitude
( Stance) -and Follow the Plan-E T
By understanding that within you is the Blue Print ( Create Express.. Then go back in Hindsight to see with Foresight..
That you already KNOW
How to read the writing on the Wall
Your Life’s Truth… And Don’t Lie to your Self.
Your Source or Soul)

It should be over,
And to all intents and purposes the last posts M D. “Market Days”
(M D Hand Sanitizer given to me by Keith Grant… K G)
Means Atlas, (GEO), At last I can stop carrying the Weight of the World on my Shoulders now that K G 11 7
Has proved the 11:22 C D O N

And I can leave this Court of the World – unseen by most of the Living and finally pass through the Full Circle, the Rock the Stone which in a Story “entombed” me alive “Osiris Yeshua Christ” in the Underworld to Judge the Quick and the Dead.

But as we have seen they you do not keep your words or promised vows or oaths

But perhaps your True Sum Total your True Nature within now rising out side
Will do so now that God Harmony
Line of Elizabeth Clarizio Kristen Green
E C. Emeka the Creator
K G. Carried the Weight

E K. 5 11. 16. 7. 55 10 1O. 25. 10. 1O
C G… 37. 2017. 37. (19) 10. 1 O. 37 21 3

1 O. 1 O. 1 O 3. ( 111 3. A 13 M 4 D. 17. 8)
1 O 1 1. 3. 8

*Reflected Mirror: Jace K Hortsford
10 11. 3 8
C Cee he Saw me “Elegba” E LEG. B A
Sacred Portal 41 evolved through 10 The Elegant Nomad T.E.N, to Sacred Portal 51 “S.E.X God of Creation” Room 5A- 51
EA /AE….66 12. L C 15 O.H or i.e- 6 F

Galaxy 1011. I
That “Somewhere Over The Rainbow”
S O. T R. U E
Beyond Buddhist Enlightenment
BB is 22. 4. S is 19. D S
Donna O’Sullivan
Dewight Smith
Dharama Santana..
Lotus Santana
4+19= 23 W Double VV
E E V O L. V E D. I Existence”


Is finally satisfied

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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