
4/25/2017 21:20 – Facebook Post

From Nenad M. Djurdjevic


“In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so I would have told you. I am going to prepare a place for you.” (John 14:2)”

14 2… N..B… Nnamdi Benjamin… P… Plane.T, Plan-E.T,
P.L..A. N.ET… Promised Land A N. E.T…
The Elegant Nomad A…L.P… (Song)

Micheal Jordan… ( Jordan Colon J.C.. 13 10.. 13 1O… 23..5…14 5…..)
5th Dimension E.

Akila Micha Nnamdi… Kolo…

Akila means Akila means: Universe; Not Fixed; Wavering .
The name Akila has origin as African, Arabic, Australian, Egyptian, Hindu, Indian, Tamil and Akila is a Girl/Female gender name

Meaning of Akila : Intelligent; Complete; Total
The name Akila is a baby girl name. Egyptian Meaning: The name Akilais an Egyptian baby name. In Egyptian the meaning of the name Akila is: Intelligent.

More about Akila:
Akila means Universe.
Akila means ruler of everything in the world,wise,Eagle

Akila in Tamil:
Akil is a fragnent tree.
Akilam is world….

“The Book of Micah is a prophetic book in the Tanakh / Old Testament, and the sixth of the twelve minor prophets.[1] It records the sayings of Micah, whose name is Mikayahu,(Hebrew: ??????????? ) meaning “Who is like Yahweh?”,[2] an 8th-century B.C. prophet from the village of Moresheth in Judah (Hebrew name from the opening verse: ???? ??????).[3] The book has three major divisions, chapters 1–2, 3–5 and 6–7, each introduced by the word “Hear,” with a pattern of alternating announcements of doom and expressions of hope within each division.[4] Micah reproaches unjust leaders, defends the rights of the poor against the rich and powerful;[5] while looking forward to a world at peace centered on Zion under the leadership of a new Davidic monarch.[6]

While the book is relatively short, it includes lament (1.8–16; 7.8–10), theophany (1.3–4), hymnic prayer of petition and confidence (7.14–20),[7] and the “covenant lawsuit” (6.1–8), a distinct genre in which Yahweh (God) sues Israel for breach of contract, that is, for violation of the Sinai covenant.[8]”

See Sues for Breach of Contract…
District Attorney… E.
Da Enlightens

The root-verb ??? (kaha) means to be dim or darkened and is often used for the effects old age has on one’s eyesight (Deuteronomy 34:7, Isaiah 42:4). It comes with two derivatives:

The adjective ??? (keheh), meaning dim, dull or faint (1 Samuel 3:2, Isaiah 61:3).
The feminine noun ??? (keha), meaning a lessening or alleviating. Some translations read “healing,” but that overshoots the meaning of this root somewhat. It occurs only in Nahum 3:19

That way the name Micah is like Mica, and asks Who’s A Wuss? or Who’s Getting Dim?”

M.I…C..AH… Is the correct translation converted to the E Consciousness…
But I will transform it from the Hebrew Jewish meaning…

Jace whose portal I recently passed through, means “Healing” as Does Raphael… and it applies to the feminine meaning in my mother Cecilia.. but in myself as my Skin grew darker, but but my Cee and Sight are not dimmed rather- my Sight has created “Healing: in others…

Nnamdi. Nnamdi (pronounced nahm-dee) is a traditional male given name used by the Igbo people of Nigeria. It means “my God is alive” or “my father lives.

Universe Completion Intelligent Beautiful…

Ha.. a question to You the World the People..
Who is the one getting Dim.. De-Evolving Fading with Age…
Not I…

For My God-Father is Alive!..”

G.F.. 76.

9:21 p.m


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