
5/2/2017 20:33 – Facebook Post

I just found that I have lost my American Spirits..
I paid for them yesterday 13.51 USD.

I really can not afford to loose such things…
It takes away from my Budget…
But more than anything, I do not loose things,
I knew it was the Spirit Play…
I had been sent backwards…

I knew immediately after I posted the page of Martinez Muriel …
I have 26 USD in my Wallet…
13… To but them again is another 13 usd…
The T-Shirts I wore backwards were White and Blue – symbolic of my Sister to me personally…
I was sent back to get Her Line….

And the Robert.. another Robert is sitting besides me..
The Other one came in here, and left…
And Rahul came and sat besides me and left….

7:51 p.m…

There was nothing to say to any of them… but this new Robert who is a youth, had gone to use the bathroom and asked me to watch his things…
While he went to Macy’s to use the bathroom….
He is full of life and told me that this is not Manhattan, that this is he Bronx and people steal very quickly…
I found it all very interesting and as usual annoying…

I am writing this, because I wish people to understand when I am no more available or have to post weave and connect the, the true depth of being able to read Harmony.

Everything is in Harmony, and even thins like this are Harmony.
Robert asked me, what was my take on this..
I explained…

Ah so that means Everything has a Reason…

Yes, but not the way Humanity explain it,
To make that statement, you have to prove that it all has a reason…
And that is by providing the Evidence and once this is done, you have to the wait for the Confirmation of your expression from an outside source or manifestation.

7:58 P.M.

58 is bed 5-008 in this “Set Up” which would represent R.M in that bed…
ROOM… The Room did this… Space….Why…

English, Scottish, Irish, French, Dutch, German, Czech, Slovak, Spanish (Martín), Italian (Venice), etc.: from a personal name (Latin Martinus, a derivative of Mars, genitive Martis, the Roman god of fertility and war, whose name may derive ultimately from a root mar ‘gleam’).

Muriel /?mj??ri?l/ is a feminine given name in the English language. Contents. [hide]. 1 Origin/ … Muriel is an English name derived from Celtic elements meaning “sea” and “bright”. Pronunciation, /?mj??ri?l/. Gender, Feminine
Shining sea….”

“For the Gleaming Sea Bright.. to rise from See to Shinning See”

“America the Beautiful” is an American patriotic song. The lyrics were written by Katharine Lee ”

8:09 p.m.

Now here is the example of what I mean, as I was writing this, I had been meditating about the loss of my American Spirits Wine Red and recalling how the Person had sold them to me was so offensive…
I had been outside and saw all these cars around me all wine read and one pulled up right in Front of me…
( Which is how to read the Matrix)

As i Solving the code of M M … America The Beautiful.. A.T…B…
By K.L… OO7… K.O.L.O…
The Ethiopian man whose name means “Rose” came up and asked if he could share my seat…
I said of course. then he made began to speak about my Dedication
Saying how impressed he was by it, that most people give up after some months but he is astounded by how now it has been 6 months and my focus has not changed…
“What Dedication..!”.he exclaimed.

“That takes true strength, true Strength and power to be as focused as you each day….”

Then he said he wished to ask me something.
He had gone to give Blood and when he walked in he had been so startled by how rudely he had been treated…
What do you want?” was shouted at him as he walked in…
I don’t understand he said, “i came here to give my Blood ( Wine Red..Blood Red) for free, should they not be kinder, and speak to me with a better tone…?
What is wrong with these people.. in America..?”

I looked at him..

I could see that he was perplexed…
It was the same conversation I had with him the first day I had met him over 5 months ago…
When he had bought me a coffee because of my “Dedication”
And as I told him that people here are not well, that they are angry…
He said but I come from a country where people are able to eat two square meals a day, but they are so much kinder and that they will share whatever they have with you…”

I knew and recognized this too…
I sighed…
He then offered to buy me something , coffee something to eat…

The funny thing, a moment before, Robert sitting to me right and Rose
Abe….His name is Abe…
Yes see the post of EBA…

5-2-1 O… Todays Date….
Garri… Garry…EBA
“Carmen L. Garrido

I was going to write the code EBA O ABE… Abe as the “Father of Multitudes… Rain” But Somehow “Forgot…”
Just as I knew that I had not Lost the A.Spirits…
That it was the Energy in which I had used the sacred money to buy it, and how it had been sold…
Just as the donating blood…
And here is ABE… seated to my left and Robert.. apparently the one I had to reach sitting to my right…
telling me about how Strong I am in Will and Spirit… and the Evil in America…
A.E.R…. That is the initials of our names… R E A..R..E…
RE ALPHA… 18 5 1…
Re is Father I.E who rose from Within.. He ( I) came first…

Robert told me that he too lost something today.. his Head Phones..
H.P…8 16…
American Spirits Wine Red Package…

H.P.A.S.B….H.P…A S B….

Harmony Planet A Supreme Being…

This is what brings Harmony of the Planet…
A Supreme Being…
Being and Doing…

Abe -Rose.. ( Omo Valley…Drew Reyn D.R..)
Rose Emeka Robert…

R E R…

From See to Shining See…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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