
006… Jaymes Bond…

006… Jaymes Bond…


That is the code of which Erik Ebright gave me when he heard that the code play of James Bond…

OO6 is Sixth Sense….Which moves to F…Fact.


There is a person who just walked in, he is sitting directly in front of me…he walked in after I finished the Elizabeth Clarizio Equation Post Weave….

He is wearing gray and he is a youth, on his back is the number 6 in Coal Black, and in the center, where the 6 loop in the 6 is a Gun Facing Down.

I am surrounded by youths four of them.. Five with the one with the Grey Hoody with the 006 And the Black Gun…

On on my left side is the Saint Carlos, 18 in his Grey Hoodie All Play and No Work and besides him is Robert who is 22 and then to my Right is 26 years old Sean in a Gray Hoodie, and besides him is 16 year old Leon in Black with a Princeton Shirt…

The Youth with the OO6.. Double O 6 is directly infront of me..

Or was…

He just left, after i was finally prompted to intervene in their discussions about Manifestation and Supreme Being.

Robert brought me into it, by stating that he and I believed in the same thing… Instant Manifestation…

I had to correct him- by stating that though it was true but that it had to be expressed in the language of the age of Reason…

And that the Spirit World where things manifest from, is actually put simply as the Idea Realm and then you do an Actions to make your idea into a physical reality which all can see…

That is Spirit to me.. Action Motion of putting an I.D.E.A. into motion.

I noticed that he was a bit disappointed though glad that I did not refute him..

But when I first came to Face Book and began presenting my Data and Findings, that was the language I used..

And anyone can go back and see my repeating this over and over again before I was drawn into the world of the Milky Way…

Music.. the flow and ideas of Humanity.. and all these stories…

It was so good to be brought back to here Here and Now…

The Present…


Which I explained… That we have just passed through what is called by some the 6th Age..

The Age of Reason…

Some call it the 6th Extinction…

I called It extinction only if you could not pass the Test of the Age of Reason…

Which is the Blackness… Leon is 16 years old 17…and he is wearing a Black Princeton Cross Country and Hat…

He is total Reason…

At 16..17…and when I spoke he could Digest It

That is why it is so important to qualify the meaning of words to others…

The 26 years old on hearing my very simple explanation of E.S.P…I.S.P… Idea Expression – to Spirit… Action Spirit.. Action -Motion, Physical Plan.E.T, Planet Instant Manifestation….

Sean stared at me That was Amazing

I then quickly stepped outside to smoke…

The Boy with the Black gun passed me by on his way out with three older Indian Americans… He is Indian…

S.C…R…E M.E S.L… CRE… S.L… ( S.O.L)…


18 22…48/84…26 16-17… R.V…51-48.32-33…Z P-Q

And now another Youth I met has taken over Saint Carlos seat and a young lady also a youth is sitting now in front of me…

In this Cafe Star Bucks 1385, in 6 months I have linked with ages from 73.. Lilian Richard both 73 years old… to 18 year old to 16 Saint Carlos to 16 year old Leon… S.C.L…

73 73… 18-16…

I looked at the Linking today, and I really believe that there is nothing more, I wish to do or say…

I have proven my point and played Noni Promise Life’s role…

A Teacher Lecturer.. but not by choice…

Because what I am really doing was moving an Idea Expressed to Action Motion -Spirit and to Physical Manifestation Solid Fact…

9:37 p.m.

Not Really a Demonstration Explanation of an Idea…


But rather the manifestation of Infinity Eternity De-Vine…

But then it is all a matter of Language Concise…

Same Thing…

M.D…Manifestation Defined…

D.M…Defined Manifestation…

Quintessential Harmony..

Quantum Harmonics…

9:40 p.m.


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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