
5/4/2017 21:09 – Facebook Post

That is why George Smith was my next selected Face Book friend…
I selected based on the Order of Arrival and Naturalness…
Just because the name of Edwin J. Chisom ( who has been very elegant despite the recent loss of his Father while we were in communication… And I was being confirmed as Death. By Having attained that Frequency aligned to Death as Oblivion rather Beautiful Transformation- to my outrage by the Ladies Q and Sheba
*( Sarah Nkem Blackstock line..
See her as the Elf Queen Returning the TWO boysin Sacred Portal 87..”Returning the World to their Senses and Sensei”
Linked to Lisa Levine photo I wrote on…
The Past.. Lisa Tylor.. 12-20… 2012… When I began posting in this Set Up…March April May” 2012.
Not Sarah Human but the E-Spirit moving her.. When I saw a recent photo of her pop up on my page, I stared…”Now Way”

Elizabeth Clarizio is Sacred Portal 44…”Goddess Bliss” G.B.. Green Blue.. 4th 5th Color…
G.B.U-43..M.O.A.B…C!.. Is Clarity… “Clara Star Child..

Nenad M. Djurdjevic is Sacred Portal 112B….N returned to G.D.. G.E.OFF…And Devi..L…N.G..D…L. 14 7..4 12… 4 3..D.C..Daniel Craig… “Craig” means “Rock”
Jose Roque… J.R…10 18.. John ( Sean age 26) Robert Age 22…
Seated on my Left and my Right… 22 V… 26 Z…
48/84… My Age and Face Year date of Birth Completed Full Circle…

E.T. J.C… Truth through Pain… 15.. Full Circle… Letter O… T.O.P….
See the Top of that Portal.. The First Being who is the Mountain Peak.. Sacred Portal Sheik… 89… and 114 Behind “VI King”
I recall that Marina Burini on seeing that sacred portal, told me that it looked like me.. That it was me..
I knew it to be was startled that she could see me so clearly in different Ethnicity and translate it…
The First is an E,T…Nordic World… The second is a Fairo.. S.P 9.. The Third is Siamese, The King ans I”
The 4th Hermes.. See sacred portal 28
The 5th is the Boy and the Mountain Man

5:01 P.M.

The 5th and the 1st… the 1st and the 5th…
5 1… 1 5…

I had 13 people face book requests…
There is no power trip here, the code limitations..”Statues of Limitations” S.O.L. if you will is 976 Face Books, I have explained this,even to Edwin J.C… And I already have the Code Edwin as Edwin A R Santana.. E.A.R.S…Which I earned from 268 East 4th Street where “Alien Father Alpha” was (Recall the image of the Alien holding the Elliptical Image of the Black Hole in his hands which I had posted.. then appeared on his Screen, then appeared again here on my Page Echoed here, by I do believe it was Hary Spencer.. ( Lady Di..Sarah. Jane, Diana.. Charles.. S.J.D.C…J…John Died as a baby.. Do you see the code…?
S.J… 19 10…4 3…(10)… 29 7…29 17… * We..I, got John..
B.I.Q… Nenad M. Djurdjevic is Intelligent… Brilliant I.Q…
But I am Q.I.B…Quantum Infinite Beautiful….”

Yesterday there were 13 pending requests…
Then they became 12 with George Smith Who has been married for 55 Years…
See sacred Portal 55..
See Brenda…
Brenda means…
*In Scottish the meaning of the name Brenda is: From the Norse, meaning sword or torch”
See sacred portal 2-3..(3) He carries a Torch… And S.P He carries a Sword..
Larry Sax…1947…

Now there are 11….K… Kenneth Ezekwe who represented K.E has left the play… Because he is no the the real K.E… Nor is the Kenneth who

Just saw a Man with his Child… He greeted the Lady ( a Small person wearing Pink.. the one who had the hat saying Yes! Yes! on it.. who just told me that I Look Exhausted… Francis of Bed 4-018.. 418…58.. D.R…asked me last night to my surprise…’Are you Tired?” He hardly every speaks to anyone… Sigh…)
But he was wearing a T-Shirt..”Father is the Galaxy..”
So yes, I have brought the E.T Father.. 5-20…
O Boom! Boom.. 5-20-73… 25… The Little Lady wearing Pink had mentioned the Number 25 “That is the Charm that is the number she said in the phone as She took her seat besides me..
I am not so much Tired as Horny…. I am at sacred Portal 51…
“Sex God of Creation…” and not only have all systems been activated in both sexes ( But only The Beautiful Ones)…sigh…And it has been a very long time.
100 is the past., since you can only add “Joseph” to get to the Future…To Multiply simply takes you to the Past…
Which is Milky Way Brain Memory.. now at 100%..
See sacred portal 100.. Pan..

Sacred Portal 13 is Manipulation which I am stunned to observe I was still being tested on…!
Even after the B.P… and K.G ..S .. Has been confirmed…

George Smith is the one I chose naturally…
And he links to Dewight Smith… D.S…G.S..
G.D…S S…7 4… 19 19… 11 38 ( 49.. 94.. D.I -I.D)
There are now 11 Face Book Friend Requests Pending…
I do not Cheat not do I manipulate the Play, the Script or People..
It is a Sign of Weakness and Cowardice… And as you all may have observed… I am Strong.. and do not back away from a Challenge to the Beautiful Truth which I represent….
11 38… Yes.. K..C.H…I…
1 11…See sacred Portal “Homecoming” III… E Ga La XY..10 11
2 11… B.K… Bilal Khan… See meaning of his Name..
“‘Wet Moistening .. Desire..
Sacred Portal 8..
Dawn Piercy.. Her Painting… Theresa of Avilla…Extase…
Rob Barr The MET…
100 USD…January 2016.. It snowed..
Change.. 1 Dollar Bill in red Felt.. “# ( Hash Tag) F.D.R…MUSIC Cinq..
Serial Code B 67 04 06 28 F.. B.F…Best Friend… 2 6…
26 Year old Sean sat to my Right Yesterday…

The Punk youth ( London the 80’s) with tatoo’s all over his body turned and I saw the words Love on the Other Side…
Truth and Pain…the Left, Love on the Right… on his Fore Hebrew words.. His Left hand is Tatooed all in Black…

Time now: 6:07 p.m
The Time means that I am in perfect Harmony…

Serial Code B 67 04 06 28 F.. B.F…Best Friend… 2 6…
26 Year old Sean sat to my Right Yesterday…
Love is the Right Side..
*I was born Ambidextrous but because of the twisting of my body, I use mainly one hand to Tap the Keys on my Lab Top and Phone… Love…
I prefer Truth

I had a Vision Memory Manifestation yesterday…
I was with my Uncle Peter in this Large Dimly lit mansion..
It looked more like the Harry Potter Movie…
But it links to Elizabeth Clarizio posts I shared…
The One of the one with The Secret Supreme..
*Which No One Liked… Which I am linking right now, so that I too will not forget (Ever) that no one liked- which implies a great deal ( Denial.. A Favor I would like to offer up in Return to All..Especially the Invisible… 6:20 p.m F.T.. F.B… Fact…Because it is a Denial of Fact…)
The date of the post is Feb 20, posted at 12:54 p.m.
Today is 5-4-2017….
Jose Roque is bed 5-004… 54…
I have already moved to Will bed 3-007..Money Code…

22 is the Age of Robert who just came in and shook my hand and said bye…
26 is the Code of Sean… Sean is the same as John in meaning.. He said Amazing…
6:22-23 p.m.
They sat on my left Robert, and Sean on my Right… R.S.
Lilian Richard… The 73 Year Olds…Left Right…

F.E.B..20…F.T..B…12: 54 p.m… L..E.D…
Feb 20.. 22… Robert…22=V…V=5..Victory…
F -A..C-T..E…L.E.D…I..To Victory…
This is Alien Father Alpha – Dark Matter Jay Taun
The Collection Restaurant.. 1996… It was Swedish Owned..
Anthony Magren A.M.. Is Swedish Origins ( I find that I quite Like him)

But the code is also saying 2-2…2017… 12:54 p.m… to complete the equation L… 12…

Which I will do now… for Lefty…The Black Hand…Love…Dark Matter… Nnamdi was a Left…

…The Punk Youth has on his Forehead in Hebrew the Phrase Child of God… I asked him…
I said it might be True… ( I knew it is.. but how Am I going to Explain)
His response was so sure… Yes Sir Yes..Sir…( It is True) he had no Iota of God.. He Tatooed it on his Forehead.. He is sitting here not buying anything making calls upon calls..
I have been there, when you do not know what to do, where you are meant to go.. no place but you are sure, there is a place to go.

So, in the Vision My Uncle Peter was there, which was surprising.. but not so much…Peter Means “Rock’
Stone… Bed 5-004… Sacred Portal 54… “Super Nova…”Mother And Father (M.A.F .A..T.H.E…R…) Father and Mother (I.L.Y…”F.A.M.I.L.Y… E Finally Dancing in Universal Harmony Infinities Song… ( F.D..I.U.. H.I.S)
“Child Birth & Labor…”
The Power of which comes from Conceiving, Bearing a child for 9 months, then being able to generate the Expansion Contractions to give Birth…
Father.. is the Galaxy..

“And in my Vision of seeing what was going on with me in this the other Dimension…
I saw my Uncle and I.. ( Peter is the one I lived in their Home in Enugu where I went to Boarding School and later University he was my mothers immediate junior brother.. as My sister and I replicate that order… )
He and I were battling something together, but it was invisible… Suddenly it appeared .. It was a Giant Anaconda it was wrapped all around my Body..”
Ophiuchus Asclepius…

“Ophiuchus holds apart the serpent which with its mighty spirals and twisted body encircles his own, so that he may untie its knots and back that winds in loops. But, bending its supple neck, the serpent looks back and returns: and the other’s hands slide over the loosened coils. The struggle will last forever, since they wage it on level terms with equal powers”.[3]”

*Nonsense….Core Kundalini… C.K…

And in that Instant I thought about the Post I had written on Elizabeth Clarizio’s post.. but actually Zeeshan Tahaboor…
( Yes Shaun Seam.. 26 years old.. Z “Amazing”
Z.T… 26 20…)

*The Young man who had been waiting calling so many people to find a place was whisked away by a young lady and her happy “Mixed Blood” Fair Child… yes like the one who was sitting besides him .. the 15 but as a Toddler.. It was a story about Caucasian Fathers to Mixed Race Children mothers who were Afro… Such as my own First Cousin Didi and Her Husband…
Truth Pain… Love… “Gods Child…”
Yes, I had acknowledged him as Harmonies Child… There was something I saw in his Expression when a Beautiful Ethiopian child sat where the 15 year had been… The Child had uttered something cute and his face had melted into such a beautiful Child despite his tatoos on his Face he was a splendid looking Elf like young man…
He had looked up at me after looking at the child…
It was an unforgettable look.. he would make a great Father,m even if the child was not his own and of a different race…
He had been sitting her since the moment I arrived over 5 hours ago..

Zeeshan means..
Zeeshan (Zi?an) or Zeshan (Ze?an) is a Turkish or Persian masculine given name, derived from words “Zee” (possessor of) and “Shan” (high status) or (splendor), sometimes simply translated as “princely” or “Moon”. This word is also used in Persian, Urdu and sometimes in Turkish poetry as an adjective.”

Splendor is the name of the Family Ten Surname
Princely is the meaning of the name Kolo in Edo- Igbo…
Moon is the sacred portal 2-3 ( 2).. Where Harmony Watches here big Brother as a Boy ( Chief) and As Creative Espirit whose is the Moon..”

Taha..Taha; two letters “Ta” and “Ha” are unique letter combinations that appear in the beginning of the 20th chapter in the Quran. The sura begins with God talking to the Islamic Prophet Muhammad. … As the meaning is unknown, it is the name of a secure secret held between Allah and Muhammad.”

TA-HA….20th Chapter..T…
T.A…H.AT… T.A.N…H.A.T…

Online Etymology Dictionary. boor (n.) 13c., from Old French bovier “herdsman,” from Latin bovis, genitive of bos “cow, ox.” Re-introduced 16c. from Dutch boer, from Middle Dutch gheboer “fellow dweller,” from Proto-Germanic *buram “dweller,” especially “farmer,” from PIE *bhu-, from root *bheue- (see be).

Boor also means some one with very bad manners…
Which you can not have if you speak to “God”

George My new Face Book who came through the portal of Lisa Natalie Johnson, his name means “Farmer”

Thus Zeeshan and Taha-Boor…
Align and link perfectly….

George Smith… G.S… 7 19…= 26…Z…Shan
Smith comes From an English surname meaning “metal worker, blacksmith”, derived from Old English smitan “to smite, to hit”. It is the most common surname in most of the English-speaking world..

See the other post I shared of Elizabeth Clarizio liked by Bam Vega from Vaïhéré Cardonnet…I received two photos from him at 6:28 and 6:29 p.m offering me appreciation.

The post has the code which reveals itself…
and the Identity of the Black Smith….
The date and the time it was posted.
8-17….2015… Time 3:02…
H.Q…C.E… 302.. C.OB… 32.. C.B.. Sacred Portal 32 “Eros Kalle”

I just went out to take a breather from all this…
And as I walked back in, there was Shaun,the 26 years old..
He greeted me,telling me that he is not doing so good.
My level off exhaustion has reached a point that I do not speak to anyone… I just saw Richard 73 year old Chandler…
meaning Moon Light… and She wished to speak to me,she has never imposed on me, so I answered some questions about her name C….
I am tired…
I can not be so accessible to people… it has been 28 years…
It is enough….
8:04 P.M.
84…A Man probably the partner of the little lady of the Yes hat is wearing the number 84…
It is too much, I am living in a Bloody Shelter solving the riddles of Existence and solving the Codes in a non stop play…
I do not wish to speak….
But I saw that he was wearing the colors of Elizabeth Clarizio Light Neon Green Nike logo over a Camouflage Hoodie…
I had just quoted his Name… Zee Shan and I run smack into him…feeling down
So I quickly summoned the codes and the expression to lift him and felt myself get heavier…
And now I am in this corner again surrounded, and all I want to do is rest and get away from people and this work…

In the Vision dream of Elizabeth Clarizio I noted that Asclepius…
Ophiuchus…AS.CLE..PI…US…O P.H.I..U..C.H..U.S..
The Serpent was wound all over my body and I began to understand that which was the “Magical Voodoo” illusion being done to my body…

I stated here many times, how when I first arrived in Nigeria in 1977 with my Family that as the our entourage of Cars passed by the Famous Milken Hill leading from Enugu, I heard a conversation about a Serpent having come up from the Hill and who had swallowed a Soldier whole but could not swallow his Boots…
I never knew if that was told before or after, I saw the Soldier and the Serpent…
I watched the whole thing that very first day I arrived as we passed over the hill through the crazy traffic Jam. I knew that even at that moment that I was seeing a Vision…
And later wondered if it had been my imagination.. But it stayed with me…The power of that Vision, there was no fear, just an exploration of that possibility and a life long fascination with the Big Serpents…
In Nigeria- I recall going to my Fathers Department and each time checking a Pit where a Large Python was kept and opening up the Top to peer deep within this pit.

When I left the Country and years later noticed that I would see large snakes appear in my Film of the News.. and each time it seemed to be speaking to me.
Then I went to Istanbul, and saw that one of the entertainers was from West Africa and he had a Large Python he preformed with.
He used to give me the strangest most intense looks…and then burst out into laughter…
I believe his name was Sony…
And in another show or something it appeared…
And I recall to very “Gay’ Fashion designers were intent on making me walk the Cat Walk in a Fake red Boa and swim Suit…
I refused and they were pissed.. and as I walked down the Cat walk, I tripped at the end and fell…
I recovered very quickly, but it struck me…
I felt the two Turkish Designers Glare…
I have never had an easy time with the Gay world… I do not judge it and was fascinated but it repulsed me.. not the idea of two men or anything like that. But rather what it had turned into…
I did not fully understand why they could not be as Men…
Beautiful Heroic and why how could they disdain women sexually…
I did not believe it possible, just as I did not believe in the notion of hetro-Sexuality…
The Body responds to Caress to Touch to Desire.. I have been around enough to know that anyone denying this is a liar…
Ask why in Prison men, “Hetro- Sexual men” unleash such a onslaught of Desire onto each other..”
But they gave me a very hard time because they felt that I was at least B–Sexual because of my way of moving dancing and expression of Beauty…
But that has always been the Nature of True Males… They love Beauty…
And I also knew that the Serpent was associated with Kundalini,Sexual Energy… But not of this worlds play of it which really repulsed me.. except with Women and even that had been made awful.. the play of it…

So the Vision I understood was that power of the Vision of the Anaconda.. who kills contracting and expanding…
Yes Sacred Portal 54…
And the Swallowing of the Soldier, was me.. Desire Sex swallowing me up.. Swallowing Man up.. The Soldier was meant to be me…?
No, I understood that the Serpent was Swallowing up the Symbol of War…
Because despite my being sentenced to Involuntary Celibacy which I rebelled and fought.. but to no avail… My body would literally go on convulsions like a thrashing serpent when I tried to leave that so called Purity of being celibacy which I despised.. But It I understood was not any power of Vood doo on me despite it giving appearance.. or the power of my own Considerable sex drive swallowing me up…
Nor the Vision of the Harry Potter Like story of my “Refusal” to give in to my desires- consuming me..
Or even more importantly the Cosmic Serpent which Nenad M. Djurdjevic showed an excellent image of recently guarding the Cosmic Egg…
Nor was it my Penis and Large Intestine… whom I know as the Twin Serpents wresting with me…
Twisting me as the quote above states..

“Ophiuchus holds apart the serpent which with its mighty spirals and twisted body encircles his own, so that he may untie its knots and back that winds in loops. But, bending its supple neck, the serpent looks back and returns: and the other’s hands slide over the loosened coils. The struggle will last forever, since they wage it on level terms with equal powers”.[3]’

See sacred Portal 64…
It was the riddle of correcting the balance of the Ying Yang…
69 Just as I was saying to Shaun, that Bat Man and the Riddler was more than just a movie… That the Bat hangs upside down.. It moves by and through Sound..
It is Blind..and yet it sees…. And the Riddle is How to bring the two sides into balance…
Poison and Healing…
But with the Large Serpents who do not have poisons.. They have strength.. and yet they have Grace..
The Act of Swallowing.. Digestion.. the Contract.. Contraction and the Expansion.. The adding Food to the Stomach and the Evacuation of it…And yet the Stomach remaining Flat..
Ribbed.. Cut as Mine is without any exercise…
I knew that a great deal of people in my life have been envious of my body, since I grew to Full Height.. I eat what I want, and I am muscular and do not get Fat.. Or even stomach…
But I noticed that in the last ten years the condition of these non stop Contractions of my Muscles was deforming my body and it felt as if it was intentional, as if the intent was to take away my bodies natural alignment…
It gave that illusion…
But that was and still is the illusion…
It is all these myths and beliefs.. All these Stories and riddles seeking to be solved…
It is the true meaning of the Serpent what it represents in the Body and what has been done to Its Idea.. Its Original meaning…
The Wave which the Serpent the Snake represents…
Fluidity, Flexibility, Balance.. Not all snakes are venomous…
How often do Anacondas attack or Pythons… Do you know how Long they have been on Earth…
Adam and Eve Story… The Snake in the Garden who brought Wisdom not Evil…
Umbilical Chord..
Um-Biblical Chord…A Chord.. Accord…
What to take in… What to Swallow.. What to Digest.. What Agree with the Body.. What Evacuates Easily..
A Wave which becomes a Straight line…
A Flacid Penis to its Erect Staff..
Moses and the Wizards of Egypt…
Who Dick is Bigger
Who Swallows…
Fertility Symbols…
Sky Scrappers… Really The Scrape the Sky.. how high is the Sky…
What had been to Food Digestion Constitution Energy Absorption ..Evacuation.. Release.. AH

It was always about Evolution… no matter the seemingly fearful nature of what my body appears to going through…
Wisdom The Snake. Serpent is Wisdom Jon in my Original Creation Story…
He is called Refinement of Beauty…
Which becomes Beaut Full… Beautiful Ones…

9:07 p.m.

I could expand add more to this expression…
But I am tired of this… Tired of Evolution being tied to my straightening out the Bodies parts and aligning them to Energy its Source through Expression..
I have written all this Before…

9:10 p.m

I have had enough…

You get the Idea

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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