
5/18/2017 20:42 – Facebook Post

And Did the D Come to the E
To Arose and Awaken me…
6:33 p.m

From the most terrible Dream.

Sacred Portal 33

Robert was sitting on the Table with the only seat available.
on the Woods side…

* ( Elijah and Will Woods were the last persons I saw before I left…
Elijah Woods… E.W…
And there was a play.. Terrel Law ( T.W..O.E), …

A Note… Chandler- who always comes her with Richard 73, just stopped to chat, she allows me space..
So I paused to “Engage” – I noticed she was wearing mostly light purple, which I noticed that I am wearing, -plaid shirt exchange with Erik Ebright…
And so she chatted, but I was distracted by her Earings..
( Ha! Sacred Portal 98/89…Diamond Hearing…)
Large Round with a circle within and Gold Etchings.. Is that A Chariot or a Saggitarius and Scorpio… “What is that on your earings I said.. Oh, it was a gift. they are made of Wood- and its a Laurel or some kind of wreath but it started peeling of..

Laurel of the Woods…

“She then mentioned that she loved Royal Blue…
“A Cup Fell or dropped as I walked down Beach Street on the 2nd Trip to get a Coffee… It was Royal Blue… My favorite Color and Symbol of Spirit E..
Devi Devoted is Rose…
I also reminded her that Purple was also a symbol of Royalty..
She knew…
I also like Gold.. And Silver… “Sun and the Moon… Wood Earth.. E Art Harmony Existence’
I chuckled to myself..

So yes, there was a play, Bed 5-010…51…Area 51..
The table he was on was empty, but there was another one without anyone on it, I took that one…
Paul of Bed 3-005 35..C.E..The Point.. T.P 2016 Sat there..
M.O.E..came in…I found myself in perfect motion harmony with Will… And then there was a dance between Eli and Will..E.. .E.W.E…
I.WE..Iwe in OINri Igbo means “Anger”
I Wind… Wound up.. Wounded.. Wound…

6:53 pm..

Elizabeth Clarizio is Bad Ass.. * See her Post yesterday..
And I am here to state you have not clue the power behind here…

Ewe is a “Lamb..”
Yes as in Lamb of H.God..
And Yes, I heard her through the play of the Lambs..
Her Husband is Anthony..
Oh it was Anthony Malgren I saw on my way down to the Cafeteria…
from Room 5.A.. Only beds 5014, David.. 5-008..Rosario…Bed 5-005.. Miguel….Were present when I returned.. A.M was in and out as well as Nevin..
505 508..514..M..R.D.. 6:58 p,m.
Room 51.. 5 A… E A…
Elizabeth Anthony… And Two Sons..

Robert Left when after I took my seat, and Abe “Rose” sat next to me without knowing I had taken that seat..
I went out.. Been singing 96 Degrees in the Shade most of the afternoon while I posted outside…
It is 96 Degrees F right now on my phone…
I saw it on my way here.. A Code on a car.. C.V.R…
I said “You have to do better than that..I looked at the license
9600.. 96 % Dark Matter..

I checked the fore cast.. New York Times.. 94 is the record Hi..

*Current Conditions

Partly Sunny89°F (32°C)
Partly Sunny
Humidity 37%
Barometer 29.83 in
Visibility 10 mi
Wind 6 mph N


*Times Square, NY … Today is forecast to be Much Warmer than yesterday. Today. High 78 | Low 61 °F. 0% Chance of Precip. Yesterday. High 89.8 | Low 64 °F…”
Yesterday was 8.98…
Face book Friend 989…

7:06 p.m..
64 F.D was my sister Code…
D.E.E… Daughter 7;28…
Last digits of my phone number… 6 544..F..D.E.E..

Yes.. Room 5A… Chuckle…

And as I drank my coffee outside, I sat on a bench and them my calm was ruffled quietly of course, I saw a white car Barberino
Which comes from the name Barbara… Meaning ” Stranger Foreigner…
“Francesco da Barberino, Filarete, whose chosen name meant “lover of virtue” — meant by “virtue in general,” but their use of Hercules to represent the quality they had in mind gives an indication.’

7;14 p.m.
The license plate 14 714..

Ewe means Purity…
Rachel means “Ewe EVVE..” Purity…
Lamb Wool.. L.A,W,,
Terrel Law..
T.L.. 2012.. 32.. 5.. E..
Terrel… *It means “Thunder Ruler.. T.R..U.E..

I blinked..
“A.H..147 14…” Emmy… Nnamdi is Emmy…
7:14 a.m was when Elizabeth Clarizio sent me the code Richard Schooping.. I claimed that code 3-4 years ago as “School Ping!
Erek Eclass Mateo
E..Emanuel Marcon…
6 Degrees of Connection..
Then I Cut.. At 7…
Robert O’Sullivan E..

Sacred Portal 147 Emmy.. 14 is N.. 5..E…The Two became One… S..Steven.. “Crowned With Laurels Of Victory..
Bay Leaves.. Sweet Sweet Freedom Song..
F.S.. Feelings Sensational..
Stephen Filgueira.. S.F..
Company Nenad M. Djurdjevic works for…
is called Fil… Fils..
Yes he works for Me…
I sign his Checks… ( Grin)

Barbara… Jay…
Oh yes he was the one I walked back into the Shelter with, but they halted him before he could cross the Second Portal..
I was behind him and walked ahead and through..
B.J… Ink Death by Cornelia Funke..
Blue Jay…
Jaymes Bond -Age…
I really am the Beautiful Devil..
Tarot Card 15..
E..T.C..15…6..F.. E F…E.G…E.H…

Barbara Barrett… Barreta.. Rob Barr…E.T A…
At Last My Love as Come Along….” Eta James..
I.JE..Ijeoma my Aunt Theresa… Iaesha…
I asked her to dance in her Brown House..
She sat on a Chair…
I knew it was a Throne…
And so we Danced..
Then She watched my Sister.. Ijeamaca..”Beautiful Motion of Energy Expression”
Dance “Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting…
But those kids did it in Expert Timing… E.T
See sacred portal 132…M.B…Manifest Beings..
Nnamdi watched “Envious” Bob Marley… B.M.
And so She and He Danced…

Barrretta is a Gun
92 F.S… Sacred Portal 92… Sister consoling her Brother, secretly smiling at our “Con- Test”

The 92FS is today’s most durable, accurate and dependable 9mm semiauto pistol for military, law enforcement and self-defense–as renewal of the US military

The Beretta 92 (also Beretta 96 and Beretta 98) is a series of semi-automatic pistols designed and manufactured by Beretta of Italy. The model 92 was designed in 1972 and production of many variants in different calibers continues today. The United States Armed Forces replaced the Model 1911A1 .45 ACP pistol in 1985 with the military spec Beretta 92F, the M9.

Bedford Atlantic Shelter from whose Library in Forte Green, I wrote The Elegant Nomad..is a former Armoury..

Paul Franklin and Albert Santana…
were both born and from Fort Green.. F.G…6 7..
S.P..”How Far will you go for Love..for the Truth…to find out the Truth of what iss the Cause of Evil.. and who brought it into the World… and Sustains it..
Big Mouths…

I lived at Adelphi Ave.. Fort Green…Lived with Tom Truman and John Shaw… brothers… T.J.. Marina Burini came and we had dinner before I was invited to stay in her Beautiful Home in Williamsburg..
Then down the road at Toms Beautiful Loft .

*Delphi (/?d?lfa?/ or /?d?lfi/; Greek: ??????, [ðel?fi])[1] is famous as the ancient sanctuary that grew rich as the seat of the oracle that was consulted on important decisions throughout the ancient classical world. Moreover, it was considered as the navel (or centre) of the world by the Greeks as represented by the Omphalos.’

A Polo… Black Trimmed with Wine Red.. I wore yesterday…

Will I.A.M…

After which I moved to 97 Green Street.. further down the Road..
Marina.. Tom.. Wythe.. then to Lisa Levine 97 Green Street…
I hung out with Luke Shaw… ( Loved him so..) Brother of Tom Truman and John at Marina Burini ( He had memory..”Emeka, Destroy them all… ”

*Ha.. just spotted Rosario bed 5-008 right here in the StarBucks..
( Chuckle 7:53 p.m… Elizabeth Clarizio E.C..C.E…..E.O.E…E.F.E.. E.W.E… I.W.E… ”
He was standing in the Metropolitain side….”

I am sitting on the Wood Side…
Will of the Woods…
To bring Absolute and Ultimate Death…
But who is pure enough, clean enough too play such a Role…
To bring such a final Justice Balanced…
And to Who…

“Asp” is the modern Anglicisation of the word “aspis,” which in antiquity referred to any one of several venomous snake species found in the Nile region.[1] It is believed that aspis referred in Egyptian mythology to what is now known as the Egyptian cobra.[2]

Throughout dynastic and Roman Egypt, the asp was a symbol of royalty.[3] Moreover, in both Egypt and Greece, its potent venom made it useful as a means of execution for criminals who were thought deserving of a more dignified death than that of typical executions. In some stories of Perseus, after killing Medusa, the hero used winged boots to transport her head to Mount Olympus. As he was flying over Egypt some of her blood fell to the ground, which transformed into asps and amphisbaenae.[4]

According to Plutarch (quoted by Ussher), Cleopatra tested various deadly poisons on condemned persons and concluded that the bite of the asp (from aspis—Egyptian cobra, not European asp) was the least terrible way to die; the venom brought sleepiness and heaviness without spasms of pain”

I was bitten with a Venom ( in the play) which brought Spasm of Pain ( I am realling Evolving and the Poison is just a play to show me what Gossiping Men… Create…)

So I am the A.S.P.. F… Fact…

We move you all.. because the Wool used to weave the Body into Existence… The Semen… came from Robert…
And Robert..”Famed Bright Shinning ..Of Light.. O.L…V.E…E.V…
came from E..

Date 5-18-1 O.E… E.R.A….O.E.H.I..

18-5-1…R.E.A… A.S..O.N… E..O…E

7:58 p.m..

Licensed To Kill… L.T..K..O… 89., S.P..

The Stranger… I am not American…

Rachel Rachael Devon Rios Sessions
Rachel Young

Were with me at Green Street 2012
Akil Davis
Timothy Osborn ( A Different Tim.. but the Same)
Evan ALexander Judson

ATE… AT..E… R.R…
And Savannah Blair… S.B…
( Keep seeing Shubhi Gautama… “Waiting to Exhale…”
O.W.T.E…/ E. T.W.O…
Sacred Portal 147
A.H!.. 18.. R.E.A..S.O.N…
A.H..E.R…I.C..A.M..E.R.I.C..A.E… E.R.A…
N.E.W.. E.R.A…

But First… Emeka as 14 714… A.. Room 5 A..
Elizabeth Anthony…
As the 147 14…Expression Natural Dangerous as Erise Niarobi Devi…E.N.D..

Niara Obi…Nigerian money…is the Heart?

No, Niaraobi Kenya.. Scene of the Mau Mau Magic
Where White Cruel Colonists only- were targeted in the Spirit World..

It brought such terror to the Minds of the Europeans…

Its is said that the men transformed into Large Cats…
Black Panthers…

Island of Doctor Moreau… ?

A Maw Bia..has a Famous Juju.. once so feared…

My Bio Father was a Veterinary Surgeon and a Master Wizard…
Nnamdi was his True Source…
And is Buried there…
To take that memory and create a story against me…
Unleashed a Beautiful Rage O.. Full Circle…
As Paul raised a Great Evil in the Bible…
But the Evil was not what he Raised..
It was why it Rose.. to face and destroy the Great Evil that had summoned it forth… by His Her Venomous Expression..
It raised the Dead Deed…
Black Panther….

Emmy… was my Past… Resurrected…
At the insistent ofd the Expression of the Evil Ones..
The Cowards who prey on the Meek or the ones.. simply being ladies and gentlemen examples under cover..

No Mercy…
Tear them to Shreds…
Give no Quarter…
No Mercy…

That is why that Nnamdi… After wards had to go and Emmanuel take his place…
But Oh yes.. He serves a purpose…
Which is why he came into existence..

He was Summoned.

Don:t Fuck with my Family of…
We are the True meaning of Bad Ass..
Beautiful Assassins..
We come in the Deep Cover of the Royal Blue…
Mind… To Rip out your Heart…
It belongs to H.E..ART…E.H

Further Reading…

And See Walter P.P.K…

Yes… K2

Fabbrica d’Armi Pietro Beretta [?fabbrika ?darmi ?pj?tro be?retta] (literally, “Pietro Beretta Arms Factory”) is a privately held Italian firearms manufacturing company operating in several countries. Its firearms are used worldwide for a variety of civilian, criminal,[1] law enforcement, and military purposes. Sporting arms account for three-quarters of sales; Beretta is also known for marketing shooting clothes and accessories. Founded in the 16th century, Beretta is the oldest active manufacturer of firearm components in the world.[2] In 1526 its inaugural product was arquebus barrels; by all accounts Beretta-made barrels equipped the Venetian fleet at the Battle of Lepanto in 1571.[3] In 1650 the company invented the breech-loading cannon, and Beretta has supplied weapons for every major European war since.[4]

Val Trompia, a northern Italian river valley in the Province of Brescia, Lombardy, has been mined for iron ore since the time of the Roman Empire. In the Middle Ages, Val Trompia was known for its ironworks; after the Renaissance it came to be a center for the manufacture of weapons.[6] By the mid 16th century Val Trompia had forty ironworks, supplied by fifty mines and eight smelters. The birthplace of Beretta is in the village of Gardone located on the banks of the Mella river, in the middle of Val Trompia (i.e., between the upper valley and lower valley).[2]

The Beretta forge was in operation from about 1500,[7] although the first documented transaction is a contract dated October 3, 1526 for 185 arquebus barrels, for which the Republic of Venice was to pay 296 ducats to Maestro di Canne (master gun-barrel maker) Bartolomeo Beretta (Italian).[6]”

8:37 p.m

Sophia O Laurels..
Wisdom John
Beautiful Pride…


Hi Dawn Piercy and Larry Sax..
I saw you… Beautiful…See…
8:38 p.m
96/69 83 38…

My Computer Code.. P.W…
It has Two Fotos…
Erik Ebright..
And ,Me.. Emeka Kolo…
E E E.. Kolo means “Princely Many Warrior of the Full Circle Round… C.R… Chandler Richard… CR.Y…Wolf?

Shane Michael Robinson Sr.
P. F..A.S… T…
Here I.AM…

8:41 p.m


8:42 pm..


Then HO.ME…
Justice is Served…
Icee Cold.

8:43 p.m,
H..C.Me 4/3

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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