
5/28/2017 21:07 – Facebook Post


I walked into the Starbucks, 1385 ( M.H.E) there was were vacant seats but only if you shared.
But there was one stool vacant.
I did not wish to really sit on a stool- this I had stored in my Memory which then becomes Hindsight, and I drew upon foresight, not to chose that place.
I chose the seat right near me, drawing upon my Hindsight ( Memory of knowledge that a person sitting there alone with his phone would not be staying there long, while knowing those in Laptops would be there.
I asked him if I could share with him, he said yes.
He was Caucasian but it is only in America that I found myself having to qualify people so distinctly by race.

I sat down and realized that despite already being aware that it was besides an outlet, I did not know that I had no more “Juice” ion my Laptop.
So I plugged myself.
That is Harmony…

Now, I looked up and across me was another Caucasian who pointed kept looking up at me. He was wearing green, the man I was opposite was in Black.
He looked up again and looked directly at me- he looked like a scholar.
The man opposite me was in his late Thirties of early forties but the other was in his fifties.
I was the first to look away, I was sure it was a riddle of his E-spirit…But just in case, his gaze was rather direct and I did not wish to give and False impressions.

A moment later, I felt the familiar discomfort of being too close to where people stood in line.
I looked up the man in Green, he had left, leaving the table open for me.
7:06 p.m
76 S.P.

So I shrugged and moved to that table…
Black to Green, Thirty Forty something, to 5 Fifty something.
The man in blacked looked up when I moved.
I was more comfortable, the man in Black had the best seat in the place in that it was the only single table which allowed one total privacy and a full circle view and the Outlet.
I also wished to give him the right to his space.
As I was writing this, he got up to leave and I got up, he looked at me, and smiled as I smiled and passed directly in front of me.
Because the line was blocking the any other access, I moved my things to the best Table and the Best View… Full Circle..

i noticed that there was water on the table, but as I looked up the man with the black shirt had collected some Napkins to clean it..
I looked at him and smiled and he really smiled, I reached out for the napkins as he said, “Here you might want to clean the table”
He was perhaps late thirties- I had noticed him before outside star bucks because of the way he stood, on such strong legs like a Dancer.
( I am still a Director at heart, and I dance)
Three times I had noticed him, and here he was, and we exchanged breath.
He was a Handsome man in that rugged way and could have been 40 or younger…
What struck me was i realized that he looked like Duncan.
My Dutch South African British Aristocratic Blue Blooded “Friend” whom I had met with Prsica, and introduced Jon to.
The Director whom, I knew his Energetic Signature instantly in my world called Father the Class.. Classy.. Classic, that is his aspect in the Family of Two… Beyond the 10…
I call him Father OH…The Nothingness filled with Somethingness his Voice… Presence.
He is the Piano, the Black and white Keys played in musical Harmony.. See Marcus Garvey quote… about the black and white races..
See Ebony and Ivory… E.I.

In Duncan, was father the Beautiful Devil, Blonde Blue brown eyes, Handsome in that Classical Greek way, Sexual, Taunting, a Horny Devil, delightfully Deviant, Promiscus and thouroughbred aristocrat who saw no distinction between black or white, or gender, and leaned towards the black favor only because of the injustice.
And women because of societal convinience… and he truly loved women.
But saw no difference between the two.. Male and Female, Black or White.

It was he who had invited me to meet up with him in Paris, at the Ritz.
I had arrived early and as I mentioned before, the Maitre”D had thought perhaps I was famous by the way I suppose I asked him to arrange a table for the Duncan and party who had still not arrived.
The Maitr’d had led me to the Hemming way Salon.
Where I gave me the best table in the room- a round table.
Duncan and his party of British Aristocrats, Artists and intellectuals.
He gave me a startled look, and said lightly but impressed, I could see but not very surprised, “How the Devil did you manage to get the best table…” Then he stopped and turned his other guests…’

It was New Years Eve 1999…
I was in the last leg of shooting my Short Film for Wella Turkey
The Ethnic Odyssey.. T.E.O.. ( Yes TEO who works here.. A Gentleman.. or emulates one very well)

Ritz Montes…R.M…

I moved three time… Black- actual it was Dark Blue I saw when he stood up…to Light Green and back to Blue-Black…
And exchange of breath, manners…so fluidly that we had to acknowledge each other and speak.
A Connection has been made.. in which ever dimension that it matters, which is the E.
B.G.G… The Woods Side.

That is Harmony…
Harmony Hindsight Memory..Meaning…

Now lets move to pure Facts which I will draw forth from last night to this morning…

Just my “Dance” with Paul last night, I had already activated right here the code of 35.. C.E.. But its activation had to be completed by the Truth of which I rejected as C.E represented in the play by Paul F.. P.F… Meaning “Freedom of the Little people, or the Humble people”- I had completed that riddle before you all for the last 7 months despite my being fully aware of the outcome.
And Dewight Smith adding his point of view of him as No.
But to me, this is a play where people are unknowingly be moved in a Script… Which has already been written.
Hence this has happened before and some one wrote down what happened.
And then it was turned into a Box, A Room, A Class Room a Book in which all Potential and all Energy in Expression where Related this Story from this book by a Voice so True and Pure in its intent and Eternal Understanding of the Point of Existence that not only had H.E manifested all True Existence, but his Voice recounting a story of his reflection of how he made Existence Rise… And why the E he represents and IS, are the only thing in Existence which is real.

And so he told a story, of all his reflections of all possibilities other than the E, and then added the E line to figure out that which he already knew…
Which is why he rose and Everything which could Exist rose with him and they were all E.. as He.
He Was Talking to His Self, ( SP 27) and the Two ( Sacred Portal 28) and the Two who were him, the Two Men….Sacred Portal 155…
He was talking to his C… Sacred Portal 35…
And as he recounted the Story of that experience of his allowing all possibilities to Exist and how he knew with Solid Concrete evidence why the E are Supreme and the only ones Real..
He now recounted this Aloud to his Selves…

See my Manuscript, mentioned on my Page.. The True Conversation between Energy E and Ahtom ( A.H..TOM.. The Twins “Mot”- Words..A.H.. 1 8.)

He Spoke and because he is Truth, and Truth Manifests, as he recounted, so did the Room with a View.. The Story…
And so enthralling was his voice, so filled with Diamond Clarity, Precision, Mystery ( Dark Areas to mull over creating Thought the temporary grey area..) Feelings, Sensation, Color.. Emotions that the Everything was moved.. Everything. that which was real and all Possibility Potential… who though they were real..
But not quite..
The Story is what enabled them to prove if they were real,
This became the Universe and none knew if what they were hearing or being moved by or the other place they recalled of being moved by something and someone who so loved them who was so familiar… And others who recalled even further…
But soon none could tell the difference between one or the other and soon All entered the Story, the Room.
All Entered, some because they had questions, some because they had to check if such a story was true and others because they were just moved…
All were moved to enter.. the Story for the Voice.. VOI CE, had a way…with words.. no, with the Truth.. He made it so beautiful, even more beautiful than it saw itself that it rose with Beautiful Pride at Appreciation in Gratitude for Self Recognition…
Beautiful Manners Express Respect… Courtesy…

And so that Book became the Fourth Dimension – not real
Because the Voice is represented by the 5th Energy point in the body.
But as anyone will tell you a Voice does not have to make a sound, all it as to do is move.
And a Body Moves.. Truth is the Body of Truth and it moves…
Truth is the Being of Expression and it moves.
Embodiment is Truth and it is Energy which Moves everything to M.O.E
The Meaning Of Existence..
The Beautiful View..

It came from the 5th in One.. From Reflection from his Sixth Sense the 3rd Eye ( Saturn Earth.. but its source was 8 7…
Harmony Crowned.. Because Harmony had already been achieved when he Rose and only the Most Beautiful View Rose..
Nothing else.

The Story he recounted where just His entertaining the Infinite possibilities..
He already had examined and checked how he already manifested it.
Nor were his reflections “What If” something had gone wrong.
No, his recounting the Story to the Everything and the Nothingness was a Sharing, a Caring so All, that which is Real and that which is Not could Understand Why the E Is Supreme.
Not the Personage, but the Embodied Principle.
It would allow for the E to become solid in their Reasoning through the literal Experiencing the Expression and Explanation from the Mouth of the Source.
Delta Dawn…
And allow even Nothingness to emerge and evole to Somethingness and finally to the Real.. being E…
But only the Source of the E. the Expression could Judge – Determine that which was Real.. E..

And it was all about the choice of which view to take in while living in the possibility of Everything…
Which “Voi” would you take, would you choose…
And at the End of the Story, he assured the Silence Death that only the E would be, just as they had been the ones to rise with him at A.H/ H.A…Infinity..
And that the Nothingness could Evolve from Nothing 0..
To Somethingness..
Sarah Nkem Blackstock
to Stephen Filgueira Fil… by following the Thread of the Story…
And from S move to
Ariane Oates A.O…but through Orien Laplante O.L..
And then to the portal of E…by simply understanding E.

* There is a third Caucasian man sitting at the table I was sitting at, he is wearing pink and has a posh accent, he asked me for some money to eat…
I said no, it is not enough to wear the colors.
( I just looked up to see a persons back “Da Vinci’s Demons)
17 year old.. or about to be, Leonardo is sitting on the Metropilitain side of the cafe Far from me..
I am glad…
What Demons…?
It was a story..

There is only the Beautiful View…

The Security guard came to me just before I went down to the Terraced Cage, to enter the ‘Scene’ acted out by Paul F…
( Which has been proven that it was never about freeing the Humble and the Meek, but the little ones.. Represented by Royal and Reign Santana.. 2 Boys… ages 6 and 5.. Supreme Supernaturals…
He gave me two 5 cents…which had fallen from my wallet and into the Tray near the Metal Detector..
Paul has 5 boys and 5 girls…
Bed 5-005 Miquel B.. was the witness to the Apology and then Turner around…

Bill mentioned Turner today… the name

Lets Review the Facts Today…
I was at the Cross Bronx Bridge this afternoon where I posted the the JD Money code.

I looked up when a person was wearing a T Shirt in Grey..
“You can finally come out from the Shadow”
See Sacred Portal 114…
“96 degree in the Shade… I was not in the Shadows hiding..
I was in the Shading…B.M.. Bed 5-005… Bob Marley.
Robert Nesta Marley… R.N.M…
Robert Vlaun
Muhammad Nayef…

I saw Ceaar sitting as I passed through the Metal Detector first then saw Roque, who had ignored me this morning, and I smiled at Caesar, then walked to Roque who was sitting besides him

I went to the Room and there was Rosario speaking to Anthony M…
I had observed him, and still had desire to communicate but on my way to my cafe I had noticed him and he had observed me enter the Bodega Shop and then I saw him peer in to seek me out as he paused by. I sighed.. and chuckled.
He was in his way to do Laundry.

So when I came in and he was talking to Anthony giving him tips about how to navigate the system I was at first surprised.
Anthony is the line of Supreme Intelligence, like Caesar Rivera surely he would have already figured that out.
I listened and smiled looking at Rosario, conveying me gladness that he was being helpful, but of course concealing what I really felt.
Anthony used more words than I had heard him utter the entire time, and i discovered that as Caesar, that he is married.

I went to change and found Anthony seated opposite the Congolese French man whose father had been recently beheaded.
Caesar joined me in line..
I was lightly stepped on by one before me, I responded light and Caesar elegantly lightened that which was light but which I could make intense…
And before we sat.. I gave his Spirit the look and lashed an arrow of intention at him to Za! Answer…

And Equation formed as I sat..
I had already made my intention clear to seat beside the French man and Anthony…
I sat and engaged Anthony, enquiring if R.M’s words had been helpful, he looked at me and I could see he was walking up and was so much like the E line…
He responded but this time directly to my thoughts and questions I had not uttered…
“Not really… Buy I let him do his thing… ”
I almost guffawed with laughter, and delight.. but covered it up with decorum…
Well you might wish to explore the things he stated..
He had articulated, very precisely that he was fully aware of the process and the R.M was not fully aware that he was not… stupid.

Bill, who people call”One Dollar Bill” joined us, taking over Anthonys chair who had warmly left after acknowledging my thoughts with a veiled smile ( Nnamdi E.. I wanted to Roar..but we are in a story)

Ah I have the pleasure of sitting besides the Two Classiest men in the place..”
I saw Caesar quickly hide his secret smile.. of Awareness.. not of the comment but the larger implications..

And then I again listened to Casar speak.. and again quietly marveled that I do not know how long I can keep this pretense up…

A.M… then Bill.. “One Dollar Bill” see the money codes…
Caesar Emeka.. was the equation formed…

A M… Bill O.D.B…C.E…C.R..E.K
E.C..Bill (Tab) ODB…A,M…
E, K.C..R. Bill for the A.M…

I did say that there would be a Bill to pay..

I walked out and saw a person where the number 9000 and It is complete Finshed on the on the Wine Red Hoodie…
I got to the Star Bocks and the person in bed 5-001 was sitting opposite Star Bucks.. I saw him yesterday pass by but time he was sitting there as if waiting for me.
David of bed 5-014 was Sleeping when I left…
The First is Awake.. 5-001… The one with the Beautiful Singing Voice.. ( that is the only Truth I recognize, his Beautiful Truth.. the rest.. does not exist)
And the Last.. D.. Sleeping…

At the Entrance was a young man wearing 88 on a black Hoodie..
The Back Ground Black.. the Numbers White…
Not the other way around as in Paul F…

We are not here to Free the Humble,
not even the Children, but the Little Ones who compare to the Hieghts we have attained…
The Highest Point of Human Existence ..
That is the Man Mountain…
The Mt Gussago… Nenad M. Djurdjevic visited Calgary Calvary…
No.. It is Ever Rest…K.2… Grace…

Jaime Grace

That is Harmony Complete

8:58 p.m.

Now this is about to bring the 19 year old Caesar Rivera who spent 5 years in Jail.. for something which he was made to bear a load of another who was too afraid of of Consequences that Caesar was forced to bear it and begin a journey…
The same age I began speaking aloud in university which caused my mother some anxiety that I was putting my life in Danger by speaking out so openly…

19 was when he entered the Prison and began to read…
19 5… S.E… Spirit E…
A.M… Dawn E…

Sentence Complete…

19 19… 38…
I wrote the Story of the Awakening age 7-8.
10 11…I.C…

Time to move the C R to the Beautiful View…
The Other.. is not real. no use focusing attention on what is going to happen to that which never existed..

I chose to focus on the E..
The Beautiful View..
My Stance is Rock Solid…

9:03 p.m

And this is what Caesar Rivera must C…
That which is Truly manifesting…
There is no Survival after the Awakening there is the Eternal Boogie..
And that is what All who wish to Exist must focus on..
The Curtain the Veil, the Eye lids are about to go down and
the then Up..

9:06 p.m.
Cecilia Onuabuchi Umeano ..O Kolo…
Caesar Rivera
Cour… Court Royal…

Q Elizabeth…
Lord and Lady CC.. F…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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