
5/29/2017 21:02 – Facebook Post

7:58 p.m.

20 U.S.D Bill….

Code J.D.. 29…147…25 9 D…

From Nenad M. Djurdjevic to Emeka Kolo via Caesar Rivera…

It is a Simple Code if one has been following the Universal Script I have been transcribing and Decrypting.

Jonn Delguidce… J.O. 1O O..NN..Nadee Nakandala…

Meaning Grace of the Creator for the Judges Bench…
The Judge is Emeka’s Discernment….Holy E-Spirit E.

J.D.. John Dudley Room 3A.. Bed 3-001…
Sacred Portal 104….”Crossing Death… who dares you “Come Pass… C.P… ( Confirmed below by a person P.C.K..unknowingly being moved.)

29 is todays Date…
Bergamo Italy aligned with the Beautiful I.D.E E…I D E A..

147 is sacred portal 147 A B… “Emmy” Father Of Infinity…
F.O.I… “Liver in French… Cleansing of Toxins from the Universal Body and the Body…
147 The Bean Cafe Manhattan between 1st and 9th- where the 1 28 play took place…
( B.P..128/89… 89 Was when I began the Log Book and Journals, “Talking To The Silence”)

Lisa Levine identified an abnormality twisting and pulling at my body and a boys voice she heard coming from my Liver..
Lisa Natalie Johnson identified the Agony I have been quietly enduring…”It feels like its is fighting for its release” she said.

Which is what I do each night when I come back to the Mental Health Shelter…

25 is Y…The Male Chromosome and the age I went home to the Evanescent Light in Paris 1992 Dec.
It is the money code Elizabeth Clarizio sent me.
25 is B.E…BE and you will C.E.E… That you are being moved by something beautiful in you.. Your Eternal Self…

9 is I…
D is Delta…Source of the River… I.D…

94 the Little Girl wore today…

Two Little Girls in The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy ask the Universal Simulation.. the Great Computer…( C.O..M.P…U. T…E.R…) In the Sky what is the Meaning of Existence.

The Bill is the Two One Dollar Bills
See Brad Pitts Z 2…
Production Company “Plan B!”

And so, Sacred Portal 99 has been completed and we have stayed on 990 Face Book Friends to completion…
With the Last Three Face Book Friends forming the code…

Deborah Caleb Ware.. D.C.W… 4 3…Double V… 23..=5.. 22 22..44 8… Hence 5 8…
Jamal Smith J.S 10 19… 29… See Todays Date.. “The End.. T.E… Do Rey Me FA Sol La Te.. 7th Note “Violet Lavender”
Caesar Rivera.. C.R…room 5.A… C.R.E.A..SON… E.L.

First Letters..
D J C….
C.J.D….U.S.D… Marked with 26.

Middle letter C… 3…

There is a man right in front of me with a black T-Shirt
“Repent or Perish”… And Red and Yellow flames of Burning…
Red is the 1st or 7th Color…
Yellow is the 3rd or 5th…
R O Y G B I V…

1-3…7-5… 7 seven Continents and 5 Seas..
But really 57 31…. .. 12 4… L.D…16..P. 7.G.

The last letters of the three last Face Book Friends are…
WAR E…BLACK Smith… River of Death… RD…

W.S.R…D.V…S.I.R..I.U.S…BLACK… Were Wolves…
FENRI….. Ancestor of Dogs… Bitches…?
D.B…4 2.. They have a response to what you did to their name meanings… Call me a Bitch…?
Ah… The Mother of the Roman Empire is a SHE Wolf…

That completes the Indention and activation of the Written Words..
R..S.W.. Robert “Famed Bright Shinning Of Light… F.B..S.O.L…
was the Spoken Word… and Yes it has Rage… True Rage for what has been done to the Spoken Word… That gift and what it has been used to do..

8:35 p.m.

And so I complete my Role in this Obscene Script which has nothing to do with me- apart from the Most Selfish and Inconsiderate role placed on me by the Two One Dollar Bills…
48 48.. 96.. Tuan Jay….To collect all the Fractals of E.. Which and who were never Fragmented.
Fractaling As Emeka Eze… F.A..E E…

8:38 p.m.

Imagine giving a Person such a role to play in this Age…
My Disbelief will never ever go away…
A Video Game…
They transformed the most Exquisitely Beautiful Play into this simply because “They.. You” forgot that Eternity Existence..
When Simple Common Sense tells you that the moment you discovered Energy.. Which is Eternal can not be created or destroyed that Eternity had to Exist…
And that it would be Beautiful.. For it is Beauty which is the True Force which moves even this World.

Even if interpreted in all strange and perverted ways…
It is the what people use money to buy… But not even Money can but Beauty.. Because Beauty is Truth.. T.B.. And together…
20.. 2… 22..V…
Victor.. Victorious… Eternally…

Which is why this play was so obscene for me personally, and physically, that I had to dwell for 16 years in the Filth of Human Expression…
When everyone knew this Truth.

Simple Common Sense.

Filth.. just as the perception that my posting was to Convince you to Believe me…
When it is obvious that I am by passing you and speaking directly to the Harmonious Human Spirit and the Hue man Existence… And they have responded right to Face Book to Delta Manor to the Elections of your Presidents, moving everything to the Pre Designated Plan E.T…

And Humanity was given the greatest gift ever, to have a say in their own Evolution as long as they did their home work and stayed Clean…

There is no Forgiveness on Memorial Day…
It is the Day of Grace.. the Last Day of Grace given to Humanity after a 5 years extended Grace Period.

8:51 pm

My Demonstrating how to READ reality was the Grace given so that when you all Finally get your Proof, you have a brief.. very brief window to solve your riddles and get out the Earth activated to 5 28 Hrtz…Nadee Nakandala…
Who recognized me in 3 days of becoming my Face Book Friend 4 years ago…
Authoring Harmony… A.H…
Harmonies Awareness..H.A…
1 28… 11 28… 1 28.. 1 10…
E Family.

So all this posting was for you, and Elizabeth Clarizio and Sarah Nkem Blackstock and Lisa Natalie Johnson and Nenad M. Djurdjevic and others were used to dictate when my Expression was clear enough…
An insult because I was trained ( brutally ) way before I came to Face Book by the Ultimate Sensie’s …
8:56 p.m.

And my entire existence 48.. for this Role.

It was more about finding a way to get your attention which was against the law and the rules of the Play.. Free Will and Choice and the process was happening all around you, Inside Outside in Science Arts Film.. Every Where…
You chose to ignore it, and when you could not, you transformed into fear…
And then I was forced to prove your fears unfounded, in a Script created which no Human Being or Supernatural or being ogf Existence who has Rights… Was given to live forced into a Script because of his Love and Trust for the Family and for the Truth and His own Eternal Truth..
A Memory…

I am still so speechless…
That I just wish to end this post now… before I…

I wish to now leave this Script of Fear and Cruelty.. Evil made Truth…
Reside in the Beautiful Truth.. 26..
Sacred Portal 26.. To 8…
All E…
there is a awful taste in my mouth…

9;03 pm.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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