
6/8/2017 19:40 – Facebook Post

6:03 p.m.

63… F.C..

8-6-1 O…


6-8-1 O…
F.H.A.O… F.H…Foresight Hindsight Awareness Symmetrical Perfection.


I would like to share an some articles from the New York Times today…
With you bearing in mind ( for those of you following this Video Game-Matrix play… that we reached 985 Face Book Friends yesterday, with Eduardo Corona,
6:07 p.m.
Yesterday, 6-7… *See how I am prompted..?

His name meaning, “The Rich Wealthy Guardian Protectors Crown”
Sacred Portal 85 “Devi Devotion. D.D 4 4…4-004 Bed) Crowns Spirit E for Demystifying the C of Consciousness”

Then recall, that Caesar Rivera represented that code as 19 years and 5 years sent away… 19..S..5..E..
Linked to Elizabeth Clarizio… ( The Vow to be Clarity until there is Satisfaction)…
And 919 the numbers she quoted which caused Caesar Rivera to respond with 735….
She had posted 616 before that which is the inverse of 919…
616…F.P…Not P.F..Paul Franklin.. bed 3-005.. 35.. C.E…
919.. I.S…
And here responded by impulse citing this was the number which had always stayed with him 735….
6.16 p.m..right now…
Flip The Script…919…9=I..19..S.. I.S…

The number 6 began appearing the moment I woke up, it wass everywhere. Then the number 53… That did not take a genius to figure out..
I contacted Elizabeth Clarizio, less because of the codes but because who she is…
Then Number 24… Which is not the X letter as symbolized by the Past- which Nenad M. Djurdjevic correctly identified as engraved on a ancient pot in a site in Enugwu Ukwu, ( E.U.) my Great Grandmothers Home town.
It represented to me, 888 3(8) which is the age of Caesar Rivera.
I walk around today like a Spirit, too sad by the reality of this Experience.. and that it is possible to give a person such a load to bear. And to create such a play… of absolute and absurd cruelty…
Caesar was right there the moment I walked in..
Moe, ( Meaning Of Existence) crept up to me on my way down here…”Hey you got a sister?” We laughed…
There is no past… that is what Humanity has to cut off, and the true meaning of my battle with Nenad M. Djurdjevic and his representing Non Existence.
Because Everything, including the Past is present right here….
888.. 38 and 83 are all present- Erik Ebright born 83- code 69…
And Caesar 38 born 1979….69 +10…
24 is One Day….
888 is 8…which is Infinite Harmony which goes on forever….

No, it is not that the public is not aware, I read everything on the screen of my P.C..Space.. where People move through as Animations on the Screen… I read… What they are not even aware that they are representing, wearing, or why I cross their paths at perfect timing which allows me to read and link the meaning of our crossing by a simple glance at what they are wearing…. The colors, the numbers, the Cross Roads, the intersections of life.. But only for those aware of the meaning…

I walk like a Spirit today… Spirit E.. 19-5.. Linked to Caesar Rivera D.D linked to David Dawn… C.D..D.R…/ RD..D.C..
Dawn Piercy just sent me a message….D.P….. DD..44.. 8 16…24…6…I am the missing 8..Infinity Harmony….Eight… I.H.E…
I am very tired of this.. And am aware that DD and S.E…D.S…4 19..Robert O Sullivan- E.. 4-19…23..W..Double V…V V.E..Means…
63 % my phone is…
6:36 the time.. 6:37… 6:38 p.m…
I pay the Ultimate Absolute Absurd price for telling the Truth…
V.V…E…D…I…/ I.D…E… DD and S.E.. is Body and Being.. B B.. Linked to one.. E.. Embodiment….

Lets see what Dawn Piercy has to say…


Has been coming in waves in my dreams.I have a question when you have a moment. What exactly is duality? I’ve come to a crossroads and have had darkness coming to me. I have feared embracing it thinking I may lose myself in it because I am comfortable there. So I stayed in the light for so long until I felt blinded by it.

Has been coming in waves in my dreams.”

Coincidence that I was writing about that… ?

Recall the Painting she sent me which now hangs in the office att Delta Manor, reminiscent of Sacred Portal 8…
The codes were 42:95… D.B…I.E…. I was in Room 4 B. Bed 4-016…D.B I.E….But was in Room 5A Bed 5-006 when I received it… 4016 40 16= 56…And 4-7…
Code Approval on the Receipt she sent me… 0200 14…
Transaction 372…March 4th at 2:05 p.m.

She asks what is Duality… Body Being B B.. 2 2..Being given the illusion that they are in duality, is an illusion, everything is 1.. But A Story was created ( as I have stated through the last 5 years too many times to recall..).
2 2 is 4…To make them one as in 22..Letter V.. Two Lines Joined then the Wings…Fold into I…..This add 19 to 4..
23…S.E…Becomes W… S.E,W…
“Sol a Needle Pulling Thread”.. A.N..P.T…
Eduardo Paulo Nocó E.P.N…
S.E..V…Sol is the 5th Note…
E+N=S…19…and I…is 9.
9 19… Elizabeth Clarizio…
19 is what was missing.. S… 2 2 is an illusion because everything is already I…1…4..is an illusion which had power in this realm until it was proven to be 5… V.-5.E….
Observe.. 4 +19.. 23…5…E… I.. 5 9…
Its is a Story of going back to I.E.I…
9 19.. I.S…
19 9.. S.I..
Twice.. 19…38… 9…18… 11 9… 2 9… 1 9…A.I.
Add 2.. Beauty…B Eauti.. Transparency…
Inverse.. 616…661…
It is a story.. An Expression back to E… Where there is no Duality…
That is True Life.. Duality was simply a story of created to recount how everything is one…

See Bed 5009 in Room 5A… Anthony Malgren.. A,M…
He speaks about the Hebrew and Judaic faith and what they did contributed to the World… And there is no doubt about that…
But look at this… E.I… Is 59..
Israel was founded 59 Years ago in 1948…
48 is my code so is 19… I earned it before your eyes..”Stevan” the name tag dangling from a Tree, just as I earned the name Robert….
Israel and that story has plunged the World into what is now the ongoing terrorism and wars which have not ceased in 2000 years and now is heralding the 3rd World War and “New World Order”
Secrecy, Exclusivity… That inconsistent bible story “Written By God.. and signed by him”…?
When clearly it was corrupted… See meaning in the Names… And the Power of Naming things… and the Word…
Sound.. and where does sound come from..?
Understand Meaning.. U.M.. Not Universal Mind.. U.M..
C.I.S.U.M../ M.U.S.I.C….C.I…SUM…C IS Universal Manifestation.
#F D R M U S I C…Cing… Fifth Dimension…
616.. 6 16.. 22 V.. 22 year old Robert Vlaun…
….. 61-6..67.. Yesterday Eduardo Corona 985 F.B.F..

I told Dawn Piercy to read the Face Book Share I posted today..
Fifth Element… Dark Matter, Light Matter, Transparency… D.L.T…T.L.D… 20 12… 4…Delta… meaning 4 in Greek but in the play in not of the Matrix, but according to sacred texts.. “The World” it means Mouth of the River… My Mouther name is Onuabuchi.. Onu means Mouth and Song is River.. S.R…Song of the River.. The Flow of Expression from 6th Sense to Land as Solid Fact… S.F.. Sensational Feelings…. 9 19.. is 28… 10..1..
7:35 P.M…

Ah yes.. the article..

Why do I bother with this…?.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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