
6:28 p.m.

6:28 p.m.

6-9-1 O… F.I.A….O

The name Fia is a baby girl name. The name Fia comes from the Scottish origin. In Scottish The meaning of the name Fia is: Dark of peace.

Flickering Fire.. F F…

The meaning of Fia or Fiadh is sometimes given as deer but that’s in the sense of a wild deer, as the name relates to the ancient word for wild. In Portuguese, Fia means weaver, and Fia may also be a short form of the Italian or Spanish Sofia or Fiammetta or any other fia-related name.

9-6-1 O..


The meaning of the name “Na’ifa” is: “Lofty, sublime”. Categories: Arabic Names, Muslim Names. … Origins: Arabic.

The principal of IFA and in the religion of the Yoruba’s is sacrifice

To define the Orisha’s , we must remember that these deities where the ancient Kings and Queens that … The name of IFA is referenced to the deity and his divination system.

And It means he who Scrapes…

*I noticed that about Anthony Malgren, he scrapes his body…

After he bathes… A Strange ritual, I have caught him doing because it is such an unusual yet recognizable sound…


My day began, without sleep, I was quiet in my spirit, but prepared to turn my focus from this story once of for all.

And in my own way, I already have.

But yesterday, I recognized one simple fact, when R Harris liked that post on Evolution, and I read it, I was aware that I am evolving. And there was nothing I could do except refuse to participate any longer…

And yet my body.. and the play which did not even allow me that space this morning. A sleepless night, no thoughts…

I came down stairs had breakfast and saw Jose Anthony Roque, and Caesar Rivera…

And for some reason, I came back down stairs and the two of them were seated in the caged terrace..

After greeting Jose, he was off… And then Caesar.. the smooth operator had me talking and a conversations which really be for the ages began…

Lasting till, my going to the Cross Bridge Park with him, while I waited for a code from Elizabeth Clarizio…

He harmony is of the level of E, so I just resigned my self to being pulled into this play script once more, the Flickering Flame of my rage had to be contained.

I was already in the play…

The First Scene took place from about 9 to 1 p.m….

And was both of our coming out from under cover, to a degree.

I found we were basically discussing two stories, The Biblical and the E Truth.

And Duality, and my proving there there is no God and Devil because it is duality and there is no duality in the full circle…

I was a play of Reason Logic, Intelligence, Data Expression…

Caesar Rivera had not slept either… Jose had things to take care of… But they are J.A.R…J.R…C.R… J.C. R R…

10 3…18 18…

By the end of the first round, Caesar went up to get some coffee, I looked at my phone. Still no news from Elizabeth, of course I knew it was the play.. I had one dollar in my wallet…

Caesar suddenly had 5 given to him for a small job he had done for Mariah… 1 and 5…

But then a man who had taken over bed 5-005 of Miguel B, turned to me, and asked for a cigarette.. a rolled one.

Then he told me that he had seen me before, at 103rd street station. Spanish Harlem.

I said no I am not from there, not fully understanding that he said he had seen me at that station.

I said I had lived mostly in Lower East Side…

To which he said, I have seen you there too…

And then he repeated 103 Subway Station,

Befuddled I realized that, but of course, not only was that logical but that he was being used to confirm that I was 10 3.. J.C… L.E..S…

I knew Caesar had not slept and told me how he had talked to his wife until 3;30 am,… She is code 59…. I later learnt.

And I had observed how I how he was speaking loyally and defending God with Scripture and Intelligence while I appeared to my astonishment defending Satan, or the one who had set me up… Darkest Knight.. Father Dark Matter… Whom had taught me for the first time in my existence the true meaning of Hate.

I feel nothing but a light loathing and hatred for him.. it does not enter me or my heart but that is because it is not a real emotion to me… But I know what it is…

But it just happened that the Truth was on his side.

G.O.D.. was the play… I knew that in Roque is the D and in Caesar the G and vice versa… But they are in rooms 5A..and 5B… Bed 5-017…And Bed 5-012… 5 5.. AB E E…E.Q..E.L…

David Dawn of bed 4-017 and my former neighbor in Room 4B… Both David and Caesar were set to share an Apartment, and in Tuesday, J Roque was going to be interviewed for a one bed room apartment… Yet, I am nowhere, nothing but this play and my being in room 4A…

G.D… is really E O E… But Jose and Caesar Rivera are being used by code Jose Clara J.C to make me evolve them and move them back to the E, which quite frankly, I would not have chosen to do for this play.

I do not require them, I am E, and their Source, and I wished to remind them of that.. even if it meant cutting them out from Existence Eternally… For this script, I am more than ready and inclined to do this.

I later told Caesar Rivera what they did in, to put somebody through such a Script..

He nodded agreement… By this time, he had put on his ’96 degree shades with the logo very similar to Nichloas Cage’s character as the Ghost Rider… Hell Flames.. I knew him as Death, not only him, but Anthony Magren…But Paul in bed 4-001..41…

7:48 p.m… As well as Taylor Law in bed 5-010….A.M and T.L i keep seeing both seeming to wish to get my attention.. their Espirits… While Caesar experienced Rosario for himself, and no longer speaks to him….

At 5:33 p.m with me back here, Elizabeth Clarizio sent me word that she had the code… she had sent 15 usd…And wished to send more….

Dawn Piercy had also promised to send but both were short on cash because of their own expenses and because it was the play…

15 is the perfect code… 1 5…

7:53 p.m..

G.E.C… D..E.C… Both I.E… as well as 15…Letter O…

Yesterday was 6… Today 1 5… add I..9 1+5+I..15…O…

Nenad M. Djurdjevic presented himself as the O…

In a Bubble…

I preferred that others do that for me, but for a long time no one would so I had to prove my own truth, a very distasteful thing for One to do for ones Self…

I also contacted Lisa Natalie Johnson asking her to tell Brenda and all those who had benefited from the E Expression to send some thing to me, to inform them of my true state…

I wished to see how they would respond…

I had no desire to ask for anything from Lisa but she responded that she was tight and that she would relay the message…

I observed her sitting here when I came…with Robert, L.R..

then I observed Chandler outside with Richard… C.R… .

L.R…C.R… L.C…R R…

J.R.. C.R….J.C…R R…

L.C…18 18… 36… 9..I.

J.C…18 18…36… 9..I..

L.C…15…O.I. F.O.I..

J.C….13..M.I… D.I..

O.I.M.I…I..M.I.O… O.M.I.I…I.M.O.I…

I have Two New Face Book Friends

Dinesh Yadav… D.Y…. D.A.Y…

Hello… 7;06 p.m.

Yes, I do feel the urge to weep..I hold it in very, quietly, but yesterday and today, all I felt was the desire to weep…

To Weep what has been done to the Truth of Existence, to its meaning, to its Beauty…. And that such a play had not only come into Existence but had been powered by a Truth which Itself had transformed into a Lie…

And knew it, but would not admit it, until such a play was created to prove it the Lie, which it had called me.

And made me live the worst version of the Conte of Monte Christo and ruined Eternally the story of Evolution by creating a set so cruel, so impossible for anyone to believe, with the power of trust given to it… J.C…Jesus Christ is Yeshua Christ… Y.C…

25 +3.. 28… and Hesus Christ…H.C… 8 3…11 21…3…

There is no J… And in this new script.. J is 10.. T.EN…Also I.E…

103… 13…4… Room 4… Bed 4-004… 4 16…44…8…

We came back, both tired, and had dinner…

I joined Caesar.. and then Q.. Morris my neighbor joined us…

C.E.Q…. Caprice Ellene Quinn….

C.Q.E…/ E.Q.C… C.M.E …E=C.ME4/3….E.M.C…2

Day and K-Night….Dawn and Evening…Noon… 12.. 12 24…144…3 6 9… Tesla….

Welcome Dinesh Yadav .D.Y… D A Y E

And Chandler Korb… ..C.K…. C.O. C.K…A DOO LE DO!

Dinesh (Devanagari: ????? dinesa) is a common Hindu male given name. The Sanskrit word dinesa is a compound of dina ‘day’ and isa ‘lord’, meaning ‘day-lord’, an epithet fof the Sun.

Yadav Name Meaning Indian (northern states): Hindu (usually Ahir) name, from Sanskrit yadava ‘of Yadu’, ‘descendant of Yadu’. Yadu was a legendary Hindu king, believed to be an ancestor of the god Krishna, who for this reason is sometimes referred to as Yadava. Since Krishna is said to have been brought up among Ahirs, who were herdsmen, the surname Yadav is popular among them. In Maharashtra, this name is found among the Marathas.


Behind the Name: Meaning, origin and history of the name Chandler. From an occupational surname which meant candle seller in Middle English, ultimately from Old French.

It derives from the ancient word ‘corb’, itself from the Roman (Latin) ‘corbis’ meaning a basket, and hence was either an occupational name for a basket merchant or maker, or may have been habitational and have described a person from a place called Korb or Corb, or from a house whose sign was a hanging basket.

I explained to Caesar Rivera how the Weaving works, and how I have been weaving on my page.

I explained to him about the Chess and the Ancient system of true Divination and Fengui.. Object Placement which creates manifestation…

I explained all this based in his own Impulsing me constantly..

The man in bed 5-005.. 55.. was besides us listening to everything…

Before that it was Rosario wearing Wine Read.. Many came and went as we conversed… to 4:08 p.m…


Sacred Portal 48 Beautiful Death.. B.D… 5:33 p.m… 5 6..

I am the 1 and the 5th…

Element… 555…15…

Hello Sarah Nkem Blackstock are you still present… do you still care?

Does any one but one…Two…

8:31 p.m….

Or is it only when the going is good… ?

I already know the answer….

U.S.E… A B..U.S.E….

8:33 p.m.

86…. Victor….

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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