
6/12/2017 2:55 – Facebook Post

1:18 pm

6-13-1 O

F M A. O

13-6-1 O


I was writing on a post of Elizabeth Clarizio where Caesar Rivera had commented.

I did not seek it out, I had just gone to room 5A- the Room which even after realizing that I had been unfairly kicked out of.
Even after getting evidence of threats to my existence, for daring to speak up when two men decided to dominate all others by making noises abusing others.

I had stood up, when others refused, most remaining docile and quiet.
Despite their obvious discomfort.
I had stood up not because of some mission to prove anything but because I needed sleep, rest.. From the impossible reality of my Existence and 25 years of experiencing the impossible..

The Response from the World for a Role so absurd interpretation of a Jesus Story of Love and constant Understanding, “Forgiveness” Obedience… To a Lie.

For God so Loved the World that he sacrificed his only begotten son to die for their sins so that they may be saved.

And the End of this role, I found myself forced whipped into obedience to play led me to Delta Manor and room 5A and then to be kicked out by two cowards who enjoyed the illusion in a mental health shelter filled with Tired Men- the illusion of Power..
Dominance Superiority by using Prison as a qualification of power.

I went to pick up some rolling paper, I was aware that even as I went that it was a set up of the unseen realms or cause and effect… Of that Jesus Christ story of the Meek shall inherit the Earth.

Emboldened by the authority of being let to get away and even encouraged by the Authorities of this place, I walked into to receive verbal abuse.

My mind was still on the devastating equation and posts I had just linked, exhausted by my body, the constant economic war, the Script and almost 8 months of Conflict and 61 months of sharing intel and the revelations..

Your nothing but a Faggety ass Nigger.

The Men even Derrek R who had been transfered, been shown “Love”
Paul Dewight Smith Will Woods the list goes on did not respect love..

Only power…

Ikenna Iheanacho. All the people respect is power.
Not dignity, not self love, not a persons efforts to be, or who is dealing with horrors beyond imagination and in a maze or play.
Most respected my height my possible violence, or the money I had shared.
Most wished to know me to see what they might get from me or simply curious and then able to find some excuse to exercise superiority or comparison’s.
To compete and to tear down.. Often not even intentionally but because my being there was out of the ordinary..

Doing codes of Awakening.


Jesus Christ Story..?

Respect of Purity… A Good Man..

I am not complaining because I am aware of the absurdity of playing a the Role I am playing here and have been for 25 years,
I am aware of this World

Turn the other cheek?
Forgive them for they know not what they do.
Light Beings
Sending Energy
Love Jesus is Love

Which world do these people live in?
The Bible?
It is written by God
Which God?
The Spiteful Vengeful God of Job
Isaac being sacrificed to prove loyalty
The God who has an opposite called the Devil?

Love Truth..?
In which World does that work?

Do you read the news?
Do you see what a book written 5000 years ago has wrought?

Have you seen what was done to the Man of Peace and Love..
All men and Women of Peace and Love.
Through the ages
Do you see what is being done to children
The Wars
The hate so rampant virulent puerile raging in every section of the Community top to bottom, to the nucleus, to the Core family..
And the Hypocrisy?
The Gossip
The Do nothing but still spout words from a Book most conveniently do not practise
Misery Greed..

And then you speak of Love as

What is this Love which has brought this wave of Hate.
Where is the magic of these books of God which have brought Wisdom for sure but this current world and Revelations prophesized

What is this God without the Power to cut down and Cut out the Hate now raging like a sea about to cover all these ‘innocent” people who Love God but do not know what God is, do not know what love is and the only example is a Man so brutalized and murdered for being that example.

Where is the Love?

Where is the Power of Love promised in these scriptures
And why is it so few reach for it?

I know the answer!

Look at my page
Look at me in Delta Manor for almost 8 months infront of the World posting naked crucified everyday day in Spirit for being forced to play a Role which has not manifested Love but what I easily recognize as hate…

And such a Hate
While smiling to my Face.

I am here because I am Absurd
Proving the Essence and Presence is here present but witnessing Hate in Response and Hate people inspire in those who can see the Truth but have no respect for it
Because it has no power.

As i stated through out the Years

I have witnessed a Hatred and Rage and Fury so awful and it came from the One who set me on this path of which like a web a Maze it knew the Fate it had bequeathed me
Its Hatred for me and this World I Swore was made from Beauty.

No, tis I am the One made absurd being forced into a Role instead of simply being myself The Lover of Beauty..
And the Beautiful Assassin to anyone who dared insult the The True Beings of Existence.

Faggotty Ass Nigger huh?
Jesus is called A faggot by many now
He would probably say forgive them Lord and bare his ass to be… Rammed raped until blood guts and shit poured out of him in this human expectations of him- their lips secretly curling in contempt as they smiled and Praised him.
Actually True
Jordan Colon code,

But I personally am not Jesus Christ for doing that to me- forcing me or anyone into that Role
Having Rosario have be given the Balls to Hawk Spit as I passed.

My Response is Self Love
I give the Response of a Suffering so balanced in consequence that when they finally fade from existence they their last note will be sincere praise.
And in me no hate rage or even anger
Just Indifference and Satisfaction that Justice Balance has been served.


So you see, I am not that Chosen one you seek

You got the Wrong guy

I am not Meek

I am Fury Rage
Vengeance to the Insult to The Beautiful Ones called the E

2:55 am

B E E a,m

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