
From Jonathan Scott….

From Jonathan Scott….

I know a John Scot….

A Beloved… Line of the Royal Elves…

I met him with Joseph Carey…. years ago…

He remembered me, instinctively, which is the agony of being one Remembers, and your family through the 5-6 incarnations of Existence as Creation do not…

Because they are in a play undercover to help move a New Species to their Point.

John represented the Line of True Love,

We had been brothers in the play of Nature, the First Creation play, way before Humans walked the Earth.

Of course, the Nature Line were themselves in the Story, but they were in the First Story, the first aspect of the play of which was set to bring a new species into existence….

They were the first to rise from the Nothingness… They were meant to Help in the Evolutionary process and Great Play… While at the same time. they too were going to Evolve from Naturalness to Embodiment of the E.. The Eternal Line. By understanding the Story through the play.. of Energy and Expression.

They were of the Line of Beauty…

Their Elder Twin line or Original as in the O, is called The Beautiful Ones and the end play of Universe Existence was to Add The Body Beauty to the line of the Eternals.. So they would evolve from Beauty to Beautiful….

The funny thing about seeing this my new Face Book Friend who has the exact same name of John Scot… and seeing this post…

And being where we are in this Play with Brenda…

* Who just presented me with a gift from Lilian of a 10 Starbucks gift card to buy coffee.. for at least 3 days.. so I can write…

( Of course I am very very pissed off with the idea that I am being manipulated to write more by using control and money or gifts from people who are being gracious… whom I can not help but to smile at their graciousness while feeling trapped as I have for the last 25 years in such an Evil transformation of the play…)

But I really have no choice, they have my body still….

But what I wished to say, is that this post… there no was any gap…

As you see from the code of Brenda’s Niece, N.R… Code N.R.I…

Naturalness Radiance…. The Title of her Agape Abyss..

Agape is the Greek Word for Brotherly Love… And Abyss.. Well that is the Nothingness as the Abyss the Void the Chasm in which it is understood here where one must make a leap of Faith…

All a myth.. A GAP… E… The Gap of Expression created the Illusion of the Abyss… The Chasm.. Death as the Mystery… Existence as the Mystery… But that is not real… It was a gap in Human Memory but just as the Erudite New York Times, article explained the Eureka moment…

( Which to be honest I explained over and over in the langauge of Reason years ago over and over on my page in ever conceivable language of Expression and Explanation) .. The Gap is just the illusion of non knowing. But as I proven ( or forced to prove), through this set up. is that all Humanity had to do was retain their Naturalness… Which is not being in Tune with Nature, but being in Tune with your Truest Self… N.. and consequently, your Expression will flow…

N.E… and like Rappers, poets, artists.. the Stream of Consciousness will flow from you… And suddenly you are stunned by what comes out of your mouth…

It creates Awareness… Realization Explanation Sunshine ( Radiance Speech)…Truth.. Transparency…..

N.E…A.R.E.S.T….To God.. Source….

The Naturals are.. they are Royals because they first emerged from the Nothing…. And the Nothingness was Radiant Light… It was and is the Knowing the Full Circle of Everything in Clarity….

People call it Enlightenment… But it is actually more than that…

It is Clarity… Yes.. You see Everything Clearly…

But you also Know Everything…

But then the Question is how do you Know.. that you know everything.

Hence the Play…..

Which was about showing how you already Know…. Experiencing it in the Illusion of not knowing and of course, moving through the play of Naturalness and realizing remembering that I know all this…

But as you all witnessed in your life’s the story and that truth became perverted…

Paradise Lost and all that… Fear and all transformed it into this world we are now living which demands that being who do remember… Such as I be put through Living hell and curcifixtion over and over by the rage of those who went through so much misery and suffering because they abandoned their Naturalness out of Fear of the Unknown fear and need for stability and security in their outside environment when all was literally there within….

Stay Clean…

I represent the Liver in this Story… and I just read the New York Times Article about the Liver being the Crowned King of the Body Organs based in the Extraordinary range of things it can do…

And that it regenerates.. Is basically Eternal because you can cut a tiny piece of it and it will grow back into its original shape…Plus the Functions over 300 and Scientists discovering more and more….

Only the Brain comes near to the supreme relevance of the Liver and yet the Brains function is A more like a Computer… a really cool Computer…

But the New York Times article calls the Liver .. The Control Tower..


This is what all this 16 years of posting was about, it is manifesting through the being of Brenda… Code Laker Brenda Aaroyal…. A Royal Line of the Royal Elves who have retained that Naturalness…

It is in Lisa Natalie Johnson despite the forces of distraction around here, that naturalness which they were not full aware of…

In Richard, in Robert and Chandler…

An Observer had to exist out side of Reality to be able to bring forth Evidence to them that they are secreting through the Naturalness and Awareness which can be read explained, Understood that their E-Spirits are literally awake and Aware of Everything and Know the way and the Script of the Original Play.. and its point…

That there is not Gap… There is no Leap of Faith..

But the only way you would know this is being made aware that your Naturalness carried within it a Secret.. A Secretion of Knowing which is if you are aware and then note and Link to Understanding through Hindsight… You will be able to read like a book a map… and UNDERSTAND How you do Know….

This is what this Play Script has been about…

And why I am at the Portal of the N.R.I…. Naturals.. Royal Idea’s of how to be in Existence…. Which is no longer an Idea… It is now a Fact…. this is what this Face Book Play was all about reallly..

Coming back to Love…. Radiance… Nothing is wrong… there is no Gap…. And there is no Leap…of Valley of Death…

Underneath in your Sub Conscious… is the Un Conscious… The One Conscious which knows and remembers EVERYTHING….

I have written this over and over for the last 5 years on a Public Forum…. Face Book…

I know many many read my expression and explanations demonstrations and I am fully aware that many of the ideas in teh World where brought about by my expression and language explanation…

Despite by doing all this for free, and in such a forum fully aware of the people would steal Plagiarize, all which I wrote about… I also realized that this was a test to Humanity…

Because it is also Natural to give what is Caesar to Caesar….

Code Caesar Rivera and to not do this most Natural of things..instead of finding your self walking on solid ground with the knowledge plagiarized from others, knowingly…. you will find yourself suddenly falling down a terrible abyss…

I did not set this up… I for one know the immense value of the knowledge I have shared with the world and the great costs.. And would never have offered it up for free at such a personal cost to myself 16 years .. 25 years bringing the evidence and then ending up in am Mental Health Shelter to prove the Opiates are effecting Naturalness… and all that….

And in stead people saying it is Okay for a mind and being such as mine who made and offered so much to Humanity to be here…

To accept it so easily…Reflecting just how mean and selfish cruel the species has become… A Great Mirror for people to see themselves when they realize that I was used as a Bait and sacrifice by the Rage of the Royal Elves and the Line of Beauty for what was done to the Play of the Awakening Evolution…

It was not about N.R.I… Igbo People… It was about what they represented in the Species… The First to emerge from the Light…

Naturalness.. Expression… Awareness..Realization… Explained Supreme Truths… Consciousness…

N.E.A.R.E.S.T…. C… Energy…

The Body… Linked to Being… L.I.V.E.R… BRAIN… L.B…

Yes Lilian Brenda… Lisa Natalie Johnson Lluella…Nicole Reiys…

Sarah Nkem Blackstock and Andrese Harris Burton Angela Marie Alexander and all ladies and gentlemen who I passed through to end at ….

Elizabeth Clarizio…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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