
6/15/2017 21:12 – Facebook Post

7:47 p.m.

6-15-1 O…




I am leaving on a Jet Plane…?

I am here at Star Bucks listening and watching the Evolution of Consciousness going on all around me.

I tried to post earlier, but each time the computer would cause the posts to disappear, the only one which posted was the Face Book Memories.

I am sitting here on the Wood Section of the Cafe…
Lisa Natalie Johnson came in and watched my stuff while I went to eat and told me that something happened today and that everything has shifted.
That she felt a down load of information and knowledge layer upon and layer, until complete… Life time after life time..
And the 54 year old man… Yes, 54 year old man…
Link Jose Anthony Roque formerly of Room 5A, and bed 5-004…
now in Room 5B bed 5-017…
E.Q… The Equation….

*He was the first person I saw when I came out of my room today, and we hugged..
I am in Room 4A… 5B 4A…54 AB…

Lisa and this gentlemen, a love that she had been waiting for was made solid today, finally.
Brenda was there, she told me that she knew that she had to see me and tell me… that I will be going home in a day or two…

That a force in her came over her and told her, and that she had to tell me…
Lisa confirmed it. Yes.
Then Brenda told me that my energy is different that I look restored, regenerated that she can see it…That the control that had been placed on me is not there…”The Mummy wrappings are off”…
I stared at her.

She saw the incredulity in my face, “I am telling you the Truth, it is done, it is finished.”

I knew it was finished. I have known this for years, I have known this when each code was confirmed, and confirmed and yet all of you watched as the years dragged by, as the months dragged by.
As the Insult and the Humiliation of a force of Evil that could not be showed me that it could be…
I have been in a play, which I was alone.
I have been entombed in the ancient pyramids of Egypt and before the worlds eyes and no one believed me, and I did not blame them, but then I brought evidence of being trapped in a Story and in a frequency which had so much power that it became a binding which bound my body.
I told people that I have lived through the sum total of Human Suffering and people thought I was being so dramatic.. many mocked…. Because I used Beautiful Pride…to not celebrate a story of Suffering..
Will not, would not… and instead I riddled each bolt of it thrown at me, but they never seemed to stop day after day, moment after moment….
It just would not stop, even when I proved that there is no Real suffering…
People have suffered and gone through the most awful things, but they forget that they surmounted it, they forget also while going through it that it is not real, and that they have evidence and proof of their changing their mind set and being able to get out of situations which made the phrase “Nothing is Impossible” become real…
While those who do give in to that idea are trapped in that suffering and wish to drag others down into that pit that does not exist. did not have to exist….

Brenda has been reading the codes..
And then whispering them to me… reading them correctly…
I went to get some coffee and the man who looks like Superman was staring at me, “I did not know that you are so tall”
I smiled..
Brenda came up to me, that is why you had to go through all that, you had to surpass Superman…
I was so stunned…
Super Man Clark Kent… C.K…
There is no way she could have known all that, all the codes which confirmed this.
And as if by magic, my lap top’s battery quit and so I am now sitting in front of Kevin”Super Man” and besides Abe “Rose; and a lovely lady who looks Ethiopian…

How could she have known…?
The codes.. She is reading and the E-Spirit- my Twin aspect is now full with the completion of the Knowledge of the codes.
That E-Spirit which is being called here as the Holy E-Spirit…
Which I call Awareness Supreme is finally activated…
The E Harmony which I have been documenting and explaining and proving until it is satisfied.. The Eternal Harmony..
E Harmony as 989 Face Book Friends has now reached its full Circle of completion and thus, can move through the world and through 7.9 Billion People and all things with the knowledge of how my codes work…
It means that it has linked with this World as the 3 Realm with the 5D realm and the two as both body and being are now Victorious…
See it in the code of Kerwyn R Vincent and Caesar R…
K.C/ C.K…
Linked to E.K… C.K is my past… The Sum Total of my past which was holding me hostage, and which was yes, became my enemy because it was forcing me to move through the Sum Total of Historical Time and was checking and testing and questioning the my Eternal Expression of the Beginning of Everything versus all of Human History- Its Truth and its lie….
And the Lie had grown into a force so great, too great and which fought the Spirit of the World which required the Truth of Existence…
The Truth of Everything and thus, left me to bring it forth through such a challenge…
Vincent Nnamdi Okonkwo… Not my face book friend, but rather Nnamdi became my past, my younger brother.. And since he died, he was released from his bind to play Death just as we had agreed in this play when this Creation Story manifested.
We both knew that the last mission was to conquer the wrong idea of Death…
But something happened which even I till this moment I can barely articulate… He himself became Evil. consumed by that very first Question he had not uttered “How do I know that you are the one who rose first…”
It was something which he had already passed and gotten over but he had not gone back to clean up the mess which that expression not expressed manifested.
And it became though and it grew and it grew and it over came him as the Spirit of the World and Universe and Existence.
And he the Music became instead the Universal Mind…
And his Feminine aspect became the Tester.. the Rage of Existence.

But I do not want to tell that story anymore… or even write it now…

I listened to Brenda and Lisa… and especially Brenda and it was her articulation and expression of the codes, the use of them.. I knew based in her Truth and my non stop checking that the Holy E-Spirit had fully awakened in her….
She through the Church and the correct understanding of the Christian Faith. And Lisa through the E.T consciousness of the correct aspect of the New Age….

I listened, and I knew… I have not heard from Shane Michael Robinson Sr. except to see that he liked the Sacred Portal Evolution of Consciousness… Which is an enormous statement in itself.
Jace K. Hartsford is sitting on the other extreme of the bench of the Metropolitan side which I just moved to from the Woods Side….
The Woods of Transformation is complete.. Brenda had been sitting with an older Caucasian lady.. whom everything had been taken away from her…
Idda… Brenda Chandler was beside her on another table and then Lisa and myself….
I read it without even wanting to…
I.B.C.L.E…..I be the Key….
9 2 3 12 5….
The Awakening of the past is complete….
The Woods… represented by Dewight Smith and Will Woods..
D.S… 4 19.. 23… 5….. D.S…W…E… WW.. 23 23…46…10…
W.W.D.F A O…. F…E
510…. Area 51.. is the 6th Sense… Now moved to Fact…
Date is 6-15-1 O… F.O.A.O….
F A O O.H…

Lisa and Brenda.. B.L.. U.E….

Basically what I am saying is that all the evidence is here that the Evolution of Human Consciousness has been reached.

And yet, I am sitting here in a Cafe speaking to a man who looks like Super man.. and I am going back to a Shelter to Sleep.
I have been undercover for all of my life and been forced to exist on the fringes of reality solving the riddles of Existence before the entire world and moving the E-Spirt in a Pre Set play which no one in this reality would give credence to.
I have endured every abomination and Spirit in a set up meant to be impossible…
And now, I am being told by two ladies… by two people, that which I have known and been doing and manifesting myself under the nose of the entire world who responded with letting me exist in the conditions which has brought forth a rage so terrible in me, that I roar literally roar with a voice in Human from another world from suppressing all which I have endured and which having to address or talk to who could listen…

Lied to be the Truth itself and now, the two Ladies who were once of the line of the Two men.. of codes 55 Sacred Portal Universal Senise… which was transformed into the Line of Brenda… instead of the Male I.E… Linked to the vertabra and the spinal column… With Kevin telling me about his friend Neil who died from over drinking from the pain he went through because of his spinal column….
And which is linked to sacred portal 31..
Then Lisa who is 46 linked to Sacred Portal 46.. But this time as the female version…

The story changed… so completely to mirror a Female or Womans point of view…
And I being asked to Listen to this…. to believe this..

I Don’t .. but then it is a good thing that none of this requires belief… It requires Facts and Manifestation…
I look wrote this to Honor Brenda and the line of my Grandmother my Mother and my sister… the line represented even here on Face Book and all over the World… and through out my journey…
But to to believe in anything else other than the Evil of this play…
No… That is asking too much….

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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