
6/21/2017 19:50 – Facebook Post

6:56 p.m.


F.U…C.K…. E. T…E.Q… E C E G…E A..E O…E H…E H A…

I was not surprised by the Shane Michael Robinson Sr. response, I had already stated that the Money Code Play was over, then Shane was brought into my Consciousness by this Wave….
I knew Shane was just another ordinary guy used by the Wave… one of the countless people it used and rose up in to give the illusion that they were aware of the play, the Truth.
But it does not take a genius to recognize that if someone states that your Truth is theirs….
And since the Truth I have been stating here is nothing short of the Source of All Existence and Universe proving that you are in a Dream transformed into a Nightmare…
And that the Nightmare is You, yourselves by what you have each done to Expression Definition Intent… EDI…
I.D..E… The I.D of Existence which is Expression…

7:04 p.m.

And then for 25 years, and five years is made to observe this consistent and constant betrayal of E.D.I… Words.. the World.. The Wave which each persons expresses the moment they open their Mouths.
Versus that which is expressed through their Essence.. Their Energetic Truth…
And you are telling these people that you can SEE it literal the Lie of you and the Truth of you…
And proceeds to demonstrate this publicly while being forced to surf of the Wave of the Peoples Essence while moving crashing against their non stop Wave of Lies….

My Journals are not called Talking to Sound…
They are called Talking to the Silence, that which you do not say… the words and gestures missing in this play, and the Words and gestures which fill the chasm of the lies of expression…
I spoke about this, told you all transparently that I am not listening to you, or your words, or what you say on your posts but rather I watching the Silence, the Symmetry the Harmony of that which your E or your Essential Truth reveals.
That part of you which can not lie, even it was so inclined to…

I said it so many times, in so many ways, giving you examples of how I was an am reading the Script. By the sequence of likes, by my using the E Harmony Wave which responds to me in perfect symmetry and always tells me the Truth.

There is no one who recognized my truth up to 30 % even 25% who would not realize the implications of consciously stating that it is ok for him to be solving the last riddles of Existence in a Mental Health Homeless Shelter which is transitory for everyone else… Each working on his Housing, or what part of the system they felt that they required enough to pass through the true Experience of Modern Man inflicting the Truth full scope of psychological, mental and emotional torture on their fellow human being… And it even being encouraged.
As I read about the incarceration of Chelsea Elizabeth Manning, I could not help but realize that she survived because mentally she had done something she felt she had to do and was punished for it. And that there was a place in the Spirit of Humanity to understand her point of view.

But in America, to be a Failure, to be in a Homeless Shelter. a Mental Homeless Shelter.. the current collective scape goat and excuse for all actions done from the Military to Abuse Parents to a Society so Evil and Cruel who do not even recognize the truth of just how Evil and Cruel they have become by Indifference and Choices which they have made…

No, I am the bottom of the bottom of the bottom of the barrel.
I have proven that Humanity are living in a Dream turned into a Nightmare and have given the non stop Evidence and proof of this, not to convince them… ( how can you convince the Dead, the Non Existence and the Illusions of themselves…) noI have been activating and linking that which is only real in Humanity…That which is comprised of Energy…
Original Expression…

Homelessness in the U.S.A equates to failure, and the System and Structure of America ( though based on Failure from Everything from its Constitution to its Ideas of itself to literally believing that it can whip enslave castrate and torment a people in a manner no other Peoples have perpetuated on another.. And not just brush it under the rug, but state arrogantly “Suck It Up” while continuing to to do that any one and everyone including their own families and children….)

But the idea of looking at their Failure, looking in the mirror an that inability to look at the failure of their Systems, their Society and more than ever their Failure as a People, a Species is the reason that the Homeless Man is so, so hated in America.

It is Failure full stop in most Americans eyes.. and it does not matter the illogical nature of adopting such an absurd notion when dealing with the laws of Cause and Effect of adopting that which is Unnatural to basic Existence…. the very Idea of Failure… Imposed as a way of galvanizing beings to “Evolve”

England and America..more than any of the other countries apart from the Israel and some middle eastern countries, complete refusal to recognize their failure as A People as a Species, as the System they adopted is the reason why the Turmoil in these Countries rise…
Much more than this idea of ISIS…. or any such terrorists govt.
The West Colonized… and they Conquered…
And they did it in ways which went beyond, far beyond any other Country or Civilizations had ever gone before…
They used that which is True to power a Lie…

And no other Nation dared to go that far. because embed deeply in their core was a Fear of God, a Respect for Nature..
A Respect for the Law, they witnessed for Centuries upon Centuries which governed the Natural World they were born into.
And not matter how much they painted themselves as Divine, they were always reminded… “You are but a mortal man..or woman.. and you too will die.. you have witnessed Karmic Law of Balance.. You have seen that phenomena of even though you may deny the logic of it, you could not deny the Symmetry of the Consequence of Actions in which you broke the laws of Balance… Law…
B.L… U.E….

So.. I know exactly how much I have been insulted by this World, by People.. despite my focus being on that which is True… I have looked in the depth of the People…
The Person who keeps everyone awake at night in the Room 4-004 I was sent to as punishment ( even after the Caesar and others finally came forwards and told the Staff and the Directors the Truth of what happened in Room 5A, and that they had judged and punished the wrong person… No one said a word to me… brushed under the rug… But then, despite the absurdly Evil and Cruel way I got there… I am in the correct place… Bed 4-004.. 44.. See Sacred Portal 44… Goddess Bliss… MOI…Not a Woman… a Wu Man)..
Any way, the persons keeping everyone awake with a truly truly horrific snoring sound which holds the entire room hostage is a person called Nicholas…
“Nicholas” means Victory of the People… but since we have seen that there are no people… Just Loud Snoring Sounds which Sound like Death Sounds of a Bull or some Gross Animal in its Death Throes…
I define Nicholas as Father Nicholas… “Victorious People” represented by I Emeka Kolo for the E…
Saint Nicholas… Dec 25 th…
25 USD…
Elizabeth Clarizio ended the play…
Lisa Natalie Johnson and Brenda… ended the Play here….
Right to Chondra… Lisa is from Elizabeth which would be me…. C.E.Manning…. She is 5’4…

Contd…. E.C.B.A…L L ..E

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