
7/5/2017 13:32 – Facebook Post

1:10 pm
1:11 pm

Namaste Ohm

For those of you who are aware of my Sacred Portals you can easily figure out what happened and what this means..
Especially with my last share and post on Michael Trahe’s page.

110 is Sacred Portal “The Family Of E”

Link to Sarah Nkem Blackstock
110 110 usd 220 V O
The Victorious Ones

111 is sacred Portal is my Victorious Home Coming.
H C. Hadron Collider. H C. 8 3

D I S. C E R N M. E N T.
( 83 69. Erik Ebright. Elizabeth Clarizio Emeka
5 years ago to this day I was with Rav Singh who at his Ex Girlfriends house-
Elizabeth, who stunned Rav by talking to me as like her brother, and not only stunned Rav by allowing us to stay in her house but spoke to me like a big brother as she laid bare her grievances about Rav
She left us the apartment for a few days I recall now)

E B O W S.
To the Head of the E Line E


“Proud to be the First”
Those are the Words of a yellow van which just pulled up infront of me as I was writing”

It is clear that something I never would have credited as possible took place..
The E Line challenged me, to prove why I am the Head of the E Family.

Head Of The E
H O T. E.
E T. O H

Sacred Portal 86…

E L E. Means Bright Light

“My Light”
An Expression of Flor Elena uses to address me.

It is the code which links the last play which I am here waiting for at Starbucks
Elizabeth Lisa Emeka…

1:32 pm

I am speechless

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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