
The Post I was writing and just posted disappeared.

The Post I was writing and just posted disappeared.

7;23 p.m.

Just to make you aware it began at 6:09 p.m.. 69…

April 5th, 1969… Which is when Nnamdi was Born.

7;23 is G.W… Really G.Double V… VV.. Which now links to the yesterday, which was 7-7… And the release date of Spiderman, the Homecomming… 7 7 V V…. Deborah Valerie… Valerie Freeman… Friend of Lisa Natalie Johnson and the one who is the Mother who came back and stayed in Hell for her daughter.

Lisa Natalie Johnson L.N.J… D.V….Double V…

G.G… D… V V… Thus Two God Particles…

The article was written by O.A.Scott… Code.. O.. 15.. 1 19…

On the other side was the article about the new Movie starring Casey Affleck.. ( See meaning Affliction)…C.A… 31….

Room 3 A… The 3rd Planet from the Sun.. is this World… Not the Sum Mit… 9 is… And the title.. Eternity… has no place for the Dead or something to that vein. I read it, and understood as the writer ended with what he felt was the scariest part of the Movie, was not the Ghost part, but how Human Beings are really Ghosts.. by their Being Haunted by their own Fears.

This was the exact play which took place with Lisa Natalie Johnson yesterday. And after the play was completed I wondered who had placed the code in her.. the code that I had to fight 12 years since 2005.. 25 ( Elizabeth Clarizio code 25 USD.. Letter Y… Yonathan Yohanness… ) and then to the point to incite within me a impossible to conceive Eternal Hatred for Existence.

Yvonne… Yonathan Yohanness… Y Y Y… 75…./ 57…

Elizabeth Clarizio .. E.C… Not me… 7:35 P.M… G.C.E… That… The God Consciousness of Existence… Y.C… M.Y.C… Yeshua Christ… His C.. Consciousness… Yes, which brought war and the destruction of this World… The idea of Self Sacrifice and Dying on the Cross for Ghosts… Those Haunted by their own Fears, their own Evil. Cruel deeds… My contempt for this Yeshua Story and his interpretation of the E Consciousness is Eternal… And there is no place for him and all his line of claimants as the Jewish Line… Micheal Jordan.. Micheal Jackson… Who disclaimed his Brown Black heritage and the Source of his Knowledge. Making his Guide Judas JUDE..AS.. IS Chariot… The Betrayer… Strange Fruit… S.F.. Notice the increased Nooses found in America since A.M.E… Is manifesting… My Twin Brother line is Brown and I was Pale… And there was no Jewish Christ… HE BR.E.W… Christ.. H.C.. Yes.. But none who came from the Middle East… Look at that Story… Look what it brought to the World.

My Eternal Contempt… I have corrected that story… And the followers of that Cult of the Anti Christ… A.C/ C.A… The Wholly Ghost… Haunted by Fears… Self Sacrifice the Beautiful Heroic for the weak the lazy and the meek… I am here amongst the Homeless.. And they are not the Meek.. No human being is Meek because they have the E in them… Emeka… JUDE.. Means Praise… Jude Rogers…. J.R… Jose Roque… Add Praise Gratitude… Grace… Particle of God… The Beautiful Truth of You.

I tagged Edwin J. Chisom… E.J.C… before that post disappeared. It was because I had solved the riddle of 1000…M… 999… III… 27/ 72… 99… 18…R… 9…. I… Again the Cursed N.R.I/ I.N.R…. R.I.O.S…Story… Jordan Niger… J.N… John.. John Jon… He is not the Grace of the Creator…

E is Expression. Exemplification Explanation which brings Clarity through Embodiment… 7:50 p.m… 75…. Jesus Christ… 10 3… 1 OOO.. See Sacred Portal 76… Love Desire Sex are the Three Being… 1 123 OOO 2 4 14… B. D…N..E… Brenda Debrah… Naturalness… Nna… Rep as Evolution of Consciousness… To the 14… N… 1 is 4… THERE ARE ONLY SINGLE DIGITS… And the Circle of Perfection O.E… 1- 4…A B.OOK not a B O X.. X= 24…No X Men …

O.K.. I am pissed off.. Again my expression was meddled with by 7:54…p.m… Lisa Natalie Johnson line… The correct name is Elizabeth..

There is no such name as Lisa… L.I… G.H.T…S.A/ A.S….

There is only one L.I.G.H.T…. And it is called E.. Expression which brings Clarity… Not Competition… Begone line of the 12 12 Months… 9 is Completion so is 10 not as Jay Zee Beyonce… See the name of the Director of this place Delta Manor… His name is Bey… Bey means Mr in Turkish… M.R..ONCE…Is Beyond… The One Action which can not be repeated or replicated… Live with it or go out of Existence, stop seeking to compete or prove that which brought Everything into Existence can be bettered… Just aspire be inspired… to aspire to Add.. Praise.. Add..

8;00 P.M… Harmony.. Praise….

How I despise the Ghosts the Shadows of themselves… The ones in Fear….

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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