
8:20 p.m.

8:20 p.m.

Yes …Flor Elena Me-Dina ( Dina Singh.. D.S.. 4 19.. 18… 23.. 22.. 5 4… 9… Completion… 1000.. 999.. 19… S.. Steven Bed 4-003.. Room 4.A.. We are at the End.

Time now; 8:23 p.m… H.B.C… H.Double V… H.D.V…

Harmony Debra Valerie… Valerie Freeman… V.F… 5 6…11 No Barrier of Glass or Mirrors.. No Tricks… There is only one true Wall which separates us..But which really connects us… Breath Air…Space Expression.. Laker Brenda Aaroyal… L.B.A…S.E… That is the basis and connection which links us all.

I received a Text from Flor Elena F.E… 6 5… 11.. 1.. AT 10;41 p.m. ( yet I just received it a few moments ago.. Meddling with our phones.. Our IN-TER.NET…/ TEN R.E..T.N.. I…G… Meddling with our communication. These Devices used to Spy and Distort. There is only one true form of communication. One on One.. 121.. Face to Face.. Exchanging Breath.

And E.S.P…. 6th Sense.. which reveals the miracle of our Harmony. When the person we are thinking about, talking about appear out of the Blue.

5 years after Billy Hung was sent by to test and check my codes. It is at an End. It took Billy Hung, the American Chinese Taiwanese ..A.C.T… A Moment of decision, when the Light Bulb went off in him after speaking to me for just a few hours at Elizabeth’s apartment in Queen Jamaica, to call me by that name… G.OD… But I explained it was really the G.ODE.. 7 15…45… of Expression Embodied which caused this. Then it took only two weeks for him to decide to Sponsor me for a Year, and much longer if I wished. And less one day less from the Month I left 268 on July 4th.. August 4th, the date we returned to New York for him to have the most profond revelation in the Car the moment we were waiting to pass the Toll Booth to enter New York.. ( Yes Brenda Booth…)… For him to Remember when before he was born and being in a realm of Children… He was with a Horse and his other self.. a Girl.. He was a Boy…

So, you can imagine my having to spend the next 4 years and 11 months having to be in day to day forced contact with a Species whose very way of expressing talking thinking, linking literally causes my body to twist and contort in horror as I pick up the frequencies.. the Waves of their Thoughts… All Diseased and filled with Filth, which they do no even have the common courtesy of cleaning before coming into public.

They clean their bodies, brush their teeth,and do all these Fancy Toilettes. but the essential is so putrid that people think I am a loner because of they way I avoid having to talk to them or be near them.

Not even the common courtesy of reflecting on the fact that they are speaking to another person apart from them. only linked by Breath Air.. Charged with Expression Speaking Talking… I prefer not to speak talk or express… not to make any connection so that I do not have to swallow or indulge their filth. And their Selfish and Inconsiderate expressions which neglects to take in the Opinion of the other. And then has the Gall the Balls to challenge and make light.. look for fault inn the expression in another… Even after 5 years… 5 years and 3-4 months of his Explaining what he is doing. And how he tries in the most elegant ways, to not state that it is all for your benefit. And to not call attention to the Agony which his body and being is going through by just having to talk to people who are so Self Centered that they are Destroyers of anyone who comes near them. They destroy the Expression, the Experience, the Embodiment Exemplification Existence of others… By imposing competing and then dismantling and destroying the expression of the other…

5 years.. of explaining … 5 years of talking to strangers everyday on Face Book… 16 years on the streets speaking, in people homes.. Homes of these People whose expressions causes such pain. And being polite so as not to offend them, because the codes are in them, because they have such fragile egos. because an abomination put the codes in them… And thus a cleaning, a constant cleaning, disinfecting while they dump on you over and over again the poisons so toxic to the E.

I had so wished to complete this equation formula summit summation on a Beautiful Note… But it is not possible is it…

I went outside and there was a police car with the number 41 44… Yes Flor Elena 10;41 p.m…. Yes Elizabeth Clarizio 1 123 00 2… B… 41…TEN…( 10…See sacred Portal 10.. and Jay Z.. 4;44…12…) 4 4 usd… Delta…last night.. Room 4…And then 4… Room 4a.. Bed 4…. 44.. 8…

i just saw Nicholas pass by this Star Bucks, he of Bed 4-008…48… I am wearing the T-Shirt I exchanged with Erik Ebright of The Skull with hair on it and the Nike Head Band.. Messenger of Death.. Sacred Portal 48.. Is me as A Beautiful Pale Skinned man as Death .. Prince of Death the Transformer… 48/ 84…. Nicholas Wittingham… N.W…

N.O.W…E…. E W O N….. E.K..N.O.W…E…K…9;00 PM

My Eternal Disgust

even the common courtesy of reflecting on the fact that they are speaking to another person apart from them. only linked by Breath Air.. Charged with Expression Speaking Talking… I prefer not to speak talk or express… not to make any connection so that I do not have to swallow or indulge their filth. And their Selfish and Inconsiderate expressions which neglects to take in the Opinion of the other. And then has the Gall the Balls to challenge and m

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