
7/10/2017 18:19 – Facebook Post

4:09 p.m.


Before I begin to recount and link the events of today, I wish to make it known that this is a Universal Script not of Love Light Laughter and Luminosity… It is not the play of E, the Eternals.
Which is why I came, and what I came to do.
But as the time indicates of Todays Post, 49…
* B.R.C Assessment Shelter, bed 49 which I occupied which linked to 268 East 4th Street, the play which began after 2005- code 25.. Letter Y.
This is about Sacred Portal 49… Existential Death, and the power to bring the End.
Which, I knew and so did most of you who followed me from ‘A.Santana’s home in 268 East 4th Street and the filming of the “Black Cock” in his home before I left to the Shelter.

The Black Cock, is that which is depicted on Sacred Portal 49.
You will recall that Keith Grant was of Bed 53, which we have reached. The Clarity of the Eternity but also, the Clarity of the End. As in Z.

Yes, Jay Zee and his album 4;44, Beyonce, “Beyond and Bey Once” “Mr Once”

4:38 p.m.

For those of you who have been following this play, you will recall that the action of bringing Existence and Creation is that “One Action” A.O. “Scott” which can not be replicated. It could only be done Once. And this play and Universal Script was created to establish first and foremost that as Fact as The Truth. Why?
I know that it was an act of Grace. An act of Grace and warning for the other One Act which can not be repeated… The Bringing of the End.
One can not bring an End to the Eternal, and thus, Elizabeth Clarizio, Sarah Nkem Blackstock, with Lisa Natalie Johnson, Brenda Boothe, and Flor Elena… F.E…65…Representing the last of the E line, who I had to prove their Harmony to cross over. Then Robert and Tone and Jose Anthony Roque who was formerly of bed 5-004, and is now in bed 5-017.. Code 54.. 517… E.D…E.Q…. E.D.I…/ ID.E..and the E Quantum Equation of 5 17.. 58 Eternal Harmony, firmly established. We now turn to the Once Action which can not be repeated. And that is the prophecy fulfilled of bring the End. The End of this Universe, this Universal Mind, and Humanity and all creatures Alien to Viruses who are not of the E.

I never really focused on this, but I did state it and show how I have been repeatedly moved to that encoding. I wrote about it, screamed,pleaded, shouted, even went out of my nature, becoming a warrior, bullying… Doing everything to get your attention. So that those who had potential to rise to the E could choose by using the discernment of all my evidence and proofs.. then even the script of my Brother Sister self, went too far, by even sacrificing me and making me walk through that Fate of Existential Death before your very eyes, in the Hope I believe, to move you to compassion. By my Devotion and my Humanity, seeing a man naked, made so naked and vulnerable before all your eyes, to move you to at least pay attention as to why would someone obviously educated, and talented, who could even as an “Ethnic Minority” have a rich and successful life. The created a script of such personal cruelty to me, that I can never ever forgive them, despite understanding why. They as I did, knew and know that this is Revelations. I knew that by 1988. I knew that when I came here with Jon in 1999 to New York and we filmed on the Twin Towers, I knew that when Fritz Venneiq and I went to Pelham Bay Park as the Twin Dragons of Existence, and a Ring of Dew descended from the Heavens and Covered a meadow outside the Park, which indicated where we were meant to sleep, and which obscured us from view as we slept. I was fully aware that it was Dragons Breath. And that it is “Magic Johnson” M.J… The Magic of Avalon, O.INri… The True Black Plaque… B.P.. Black Panther… Which is Me… Fritz Venneiq and I both worse Velvet Smoking Jackets.. Mine was in deep Royal Blue, and his was in Black… It is the Blue, the Royal Blue… R.B.. Robert Brenda.. Robert Jones, Brenda Booth, R.J, B.B.. R.B…J.B…. O.R.B… ( With Element the ORB of Evil, the Asteroid Meterite.. A.M.. See it again in the Green Lantern… Royal Blue brings the Existential Death… The Blackness..

I was challenged by the Beautiful Assassins, the Lords of Destruction to not only prove the Eternal Truth, but also if I was strong enough, Fit enough to bring through Expression The End.

I was challenged because first they required evidence, these Unseen Forces of Existence, who Humans only suspected existed, as to that which they were incredulous- that the Source of Creation and Being Existence is Hue-man but that I who they saw as loyal to Humanity, if I could literally summon the Will and the Frequency and Rage to bring that expression into Existence.
The challenge was to take away all my Hue-Man Powers to make me Evolve through being a Human Being, in the Lowest and Worst conditions and obstacles, and reach the Hue Man by retrieving my powers and consequently proving the Supremacy of the Hue Man Being.. A Race worthy of the Title which I had already earned. But this time, I had to do it by bring others with me. And reach not only the Supernatural realm of the True Animal World who symbolized and in an ill conceived play were made the guardians of our powers and then fight their representatives in Human Form.

The Truth of this is represented in the play which took place with Caesar Rivera.
Formerly of Room 5A Bed 5-012. Caesar is the name of the Ape in the new Planet of the Apes.. Recall that I was literally possessed by the Expression of an Ape when I found Generation X Gardens in the lower East side. I whose skin complexion has mysteriously moved from fair to tan.. and suddenly deep dark brown black.. Am not descended from Apes.. or the Animal Consciousness… Caesar is White Peurto Rican… And having him leave the Play, to go home to his wife who is 59, and he, 38… Leaves no doubt who Darwins Ape is or comes from. Colo the Female Ape the one in Ohio, is not representative of the Black Race not even of the Pale race, but yes of the White Race.. A Consciousness of the Guardians and Lords of Destruction. See Laura Croft L.C and the scene of the discovery of Pandora;s box. See Signourey Weaver in Gorillas in the Mist. The White People are different from the Pale people ( White People who Tan and who do not deny their Brown Sides And Siblings.. See Sacred Portal 79.. Blue Print of Existence.. Two Men… One with a Tail and the other more like an Atlantean… See the Legend of the Mau Mau who transform into Big Cats… Now observe the new film Black Panther of the Marvel Comics. The Black Panther character was the only character to Defeat Captain America… Movie 2012.. Only Africa left standing… You get the point… And so my last challenge was to destroy the power of Africa. Not as it is in the Present, but when it was one Land Mass… It had the power of Everything. Including the Court Records… C.R… Called the Akashic Records by some…

That code was played out with Rob Barr.. R.B…at the Met… R.B.. Robert Brenda… M.E.T… See sacred portal 76.. NET MET LET …We are at M in Roman Numerals… 1000…1000 then 999 then 1000..I.B.T…. The First 1000 th Face Book Friend was Michael Trahe.. M.T…and now it has moved to I.B.T…. The Height of the Mountain… Apex Peak of Everest and Mt K.2…Though Mt Chimborazo in Ecuador is said to be in terns of distance…And Mauna Kea from the bottom of the sea… it is Hawaii… E.K..C.M… Really same thing…4 Peaks… As you can observe through codes that I climbed ascended all 4… * I found a “TEAM MARLBORO” -Undivided” label waiting for me at my seat at the Shelter… It shows a Mountain Range. Hence the Departure of Michael Trahe again and for good it would appear. It is a code.
Jose told me that he is from 183 st the Bronx, the first place I came to in the Bronx in 2002, where I met Erek Eclass Mateo.. 183 Is 18=R..3=C… R.C/ C.R… Court Records.. Rob Barr RB…Robert Brenda.. R.B… O.R.B… 5th Element.
The O.R.B… Is the Rage and Beautiful Rant of the B.R.O..T.H..E.R… I.C…E….

It is strange, that I am even going out of my way to explain this, yesterday I was contemplating this and I looked up and saw a person with a T-Shirt..”Future” ..It is for the Future. For the world which remains, to understand.
Rob Barr is the rep of the line of my Brother Father, I recognized him the first moment in University Place.. he is Pale… Not White… He gave me the 100 USD with the code on it of M.. and then from it came the 1 USD In red with F.D.R.M.U.S.I.C Cinq on it… His intel was correct…I had to defeat the Universal Mind… Artificial Intelligence.. The Artificial Man and Woman.. Human God.

And so, after all that unnecessary sacrifice to move People to rise, after all the hurt done to me, to bring that which I had already noted and understood would never rise. Because I had been here before the the One Eternal Beginning ( all recounted here) and recalled how all that was of potential rose. And proved it here right to E.C…E Kolo.. And then even to E Colo… Abe and his Nelson Mandela Quote.. I walked through that which none but the One could walk through.. Existential Death 49 to 53… Then to 54… Then to 54 54…108… 10 8..J.R… 18.. R..9.. I.. I.B.T… I Beautiful Truth… After 61 days in the wilderness. 16 years in this challenge… And 11 Years since I found the portal to the End as the non Existent X. And endured the tests which I can not speak about because they are unspeakable. Of the Nome Alaska. I was made to walk it with the lame excuse to prove it into Existence by making it real by living through it. And from that ultimate blackness.. To bring Light… Eternal L.I.G.H.T… E.L…

6:00 p.m.
Which I have done, while experiencing the in a Universal Script the Evil and Cruelty in Humanity… Shadows, in a preset up Universal Script which mirrored and reflected the State of the World and right to the Streets of the Bronx, the Betrayals of Erek Eclass Mateo and his line.. To the Evil in the System and the Ghost in the Machina Dieu… to the System used in Delta Manor by Bey and Kesley to the ‘Clients” .. And the Truth of the Angels and Demons…

In all sincerity, there is no redemption, no single word, no single righteous person left here.. None. All the ones and lines who rose in the Eternal Beginning rose and came in the Eternal End.. The End where Darkness of a Blackness of Hate which I have experienced, and have endured and risen from… Which no one else can or ever will..
How do I know they will not..?
Well that is the invitation given to all the species as 1-4…Each are invited.. compelled.. made to walk the Path I walked by the E in them…They are given that which 2/3rds of Humanity Living and Dead gave me to live for 16 yrs… 25… 48-49… And so each who challenged contested, provided to support aid or praise is given a chance to prove their contesting Why Me… 6;09 P.M. 69.. To walk through my Past.. Nnamdi.. Jose Anthony Roque… Who was the first person I saw this morning…

He offered me Coffee and so ‘medicine” and I gave him some tobacco… He was dressed all in Blue.. head to Toe… I in Blue below and gray above… The World I once defended, fought for, in the beginning.. See even the beginning of my posting on Face Book… And see the metamorphosis evolution to Eternal Hate.. for that which is Eternaly Hate….

…6:13 p.m… F.M… They deserve extinction and the horror which I fought so hard to alert them warn then which comes after Death. The Court Records remembers EVERYTHING.. All that you did not clean up. Grace would have been able to wash all that away.. A Gesture A.G.E…Expression Appreciation Gratitude but there is hardly any.. just challenge.

The One who reaches the Summit inherits the power to bring forth the End.
As Jose Anthony Roque said to me…” They really underestimated you”… I.Know,

It was because they could not see me coming in the dark… Only the Flash of my Teeth… And by that time is was too late…

Black Panther…

Beautiful Pride…. Death incarnate as Terrible Death..

6:18 p.m… F.R..

Now, for the facts of what took place today…

6:19 P.M..


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