
7/12/2017 21:40 – Facebook Post

1001 Arabian Nights.

1001 Face Book Friends….

Imagine, someone writing a Script and then forcing you to play that Role.
And the role, is extraordinary but so unrealistic, so unfeasible, and so full of Hatred, Evil Malice from the Indifference and lack of consideration at what it demands from the Actor.
That the Actor is made aware, that role which he has been forced to play which if he can succeed in interpreting reveals the True Heroic nature of the Species through an Impossible Trial.

Would we see the Intention as to bring the Truth of the Beauty Victorious of the Species, or would we see the Intention as one of Hate Evil Malice -Malevolent, Insipid Negating God’s Wonderful Actual Yesterday… The Past Natural Grace… Beauty… ( H.E M I N G W.A.Y… T.P…N.G. )..?

It is Hemming Way…once it has been established that there was a better “Way”, a better Way than War.
That refusal to make Peace after Harmony and the T.P.. True Point of N.G..has been made. N.G.. is not Nigeria but rather 14 7 representing sacred portal 147..A.B..”Emmy Father O.F Infinity”

Ernest M Hemingway ( E.H. 58…E.M.H/ H..M.E…Harmony M.E) was a famous Heroic hard drinking war journalist and writer; July 21, 1899-July 2nd, 1961, awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1954. The Sun also rises, Farewell to Arms, The Old Man and the Sea…
Yes, the codes.

And yes, when I went to Paris to celebrate the Millennium. To complete the filming of my Short film, “The Ethnic Odyssey” an investigation of the point of view of the Youth “The True Millennials…And was asked to meet him at the Ritz.. He is a South African/ British Film Maker…( See Nelson Mandela 27 years in Prison Aparheid… A Par The I.D…Now the correct Eq.. A.P (G) T.H.E…Thantos Hypnos Erebus “Eros” Infinities I.D..Defined… ABE whose name in Ethiopian means “Rose” is sitting right in front of me.. E Rose… He has just left… Along with that “Omo Valley Story” of myself as Erebus… Melvin Er-er B.U.S.. Is the coorect alignment… Not Erebus as the Darkness and the sacred portal of the Black me by Drew, who drew it on my Birthday 11 28… Correct alignment Drew Reyn D.R…And not Nyx..Stevie Nyx… Stevan Nyx which has been transforming my comlexion to Blackest night instead of Tan. And Hair to White. It is meant to be Silver… Not Age… Man Hat Tan.. Bey Mr Manhattan. D.R..Dawn Rising..
1001 Face Book Friends.. Roman Numerals M.. 1 is A.. M.A../ A.M. Sigh…

I went there first and the M’aitre’d…( M. A..IT..R.E..D) assigned me the Hemingway Salon, when I told him that I was expecting a large party which impressed Duncan Ward to no end.

As,you can see, I am ( Stunned ) to see that I am still linking and weaving, though I saw that might be the case when I saw the date today… Geoff LaCour Royal…And that on my arrival back to the Shelter with 5 usd and 77 cents in my wallet.. ( See Sacred portal 77.. “Note of Animal Cruelty.. See Yesterdays New York Times on the Seized animal Goods.. True Animal Cruelty by Humanity). The first person I saw was Jose Anthony Roque. He was also the last person I saw before coming here.
On waking it was Quintin who I saw downstairs last night and this morning after Jose and then this morning before Jose. I also found myself the only person in the Room today, apart from bed 4-012. 5-012. 4-012.. After a play involving Beds 4-005 and 4-007.. 45 and 47..In which I had to be severe and respect was given, especially from 47. See both sacred Portals 45 and 47. Then I was made aware that bed 4-003 Steven goes by the last name of Morris. That is where the assassination of a M Familia took place on East 183rd and Morris Ave. Link Jose A Roque and Steven Morris.. Link the Movie “I love you Phillip Morris”… Phillip Shalin… David Phillip Gils.. and Phillip the father of Alexander the Great… And yes my Fathers Name was Maurice. And The Latin name is Erebus is Mors..

I have two new Face Book Friends Austyn Nwoye and a young lady with the intials D.V..who has disappeared.

My bio Father used to read to us from the book Arabian Nights, it was the only time that he ever read to us as children. I always found it interesting that the one and only book was 1001 Nights. Which I consequently came to love and see my mother as Scheherazade… S.C… See my share of the Time Watch of Austyn Nwoye. SC…H.E.. 85…HE..85..Raz.. ( Friend of Chris Franco who met with me at Balthazar) R.A-Z..A.D.E… Ade meaning Crown.. After Death..E..Sigh).
Nwoye was the name of my Mothers Boyfriend, who had grown up in my grandfathers House. He was a very fair and handsome man, who later became the Chief Librarian of All Africa. Yes Librarian. He was Head of Intelligence, during the Biafran War ( The Nigerian Civil War) Head as in the ones who set up the Intelligence. He was from the same Hometown as my Bio Father which I always found strange. The notion that my mother grew up with this man in her Fathers House who had been adopted by my grandfather whom my mother had a girl hood crush but who too much older than she for any such idea of a union. And then the link to my own Father, from the same town who was as Dark as he was Fair. And who both ended up betraying my mother. Why she chose the same man.
Though I despised Uncle Sam as he was called by the Family because he was deception personified. Something which my mother refused to see, and which my sister did not seem to see and who later became the reason my sister and I parted ways in Queens Park London, and why I did not speak to my mother for years after. And never fully trusted either after wards.

My bio father was transparent and though I loathed his Violence histemper and his childishness, I knew that he truly loved my Mother and his rage came from that “Love” and he loved my mothers Family but did not know how to behave in a manner which brought harmony. While the other, charming and very handsome as my Bio Father, I saw very clearly.

I really have no intention in going back into the past with this stupid story and script. I was aware that both men were jealous of me, but I never understood why. I was warned in London by a Yogi who out of the blue., literally forcibly got my attention and stated that my greatest weakness was my not understanding the concept of Jealousy… Competition.
I realized that I actually did, that Spirit of Jealousy spoken about in the Bible.. The Tester.

I had it with my uncles, sisters even my brother Nnamdi and then later Boom Boom. Yes, I was called the Beautiful Child when I was a boy and the boy with 50 talents but it was not because of that. Or even people believing that I had it all and that assumption that I would be Famous one day. No, as I grew these things were more impediments to my Being and I simply understood grace in a way because of my sister.. That it was my confidence. my self Confidence which amazed people and activated a desire for people to see me Fall on my Face while at the same time not wishing me to, because they saw that I carried itso naturally as if I was not even aware of my Self and my ‘Gifts’.. I was aware.
What made me uneasy was the intense response of the people to my confidence..All except my Father who was secretly proud of it and in his own way nourished it, in very strange ways to me. And who seemed rather to aspire to it. And my Mother who marveled at it.. And sort of let me grow up by myself.
Butt they both sincerely believed that I was Extra Terrestrial , to my Father I was this strange kid whom he suspected of being something else. And to my mother ‘I was not of this world and not Human”… I knew this when I saw the face of Christ or a Man who looked like him appear on my bed room wall and the way both my parents responded. My Bio Father respected that part of me, even if he acted as if he did not.

But the others, the jealousy and need to compete alarmed me and it was the reason I set out eventually to find my own Family the E…

But it was my sister, who revealed the secret.. That the world was Insecure… It was not my Confidence .. My Self Confidence which disturbed so much as much as the fact that they were so insecure…And This I saw everywhere.. especially with the “Why are we Here, why were we born.. Are we alone… This Need”

My Grandfather had a child by his third wife called Samuel who was a beautiful child and was around my age and the immediate junior of his son who was also called Nnamdi. He left the word by simply waking up one day calling a family meeting then saying goodbye, he collapsed and died. A few days later he came in a dream for his sister Francesca who then joined him. S.F
Sam Maurice… S.M… 19 13… 10 4… 14.. N..Nnamdi Line… As the Illusions of themselves.. as Fair and Dark.. The Visitors.. Which Amawbia Means… They are not of me… 19 13…32… Caesar Rivera… 3-2-79… That is not me… I arrived New York in 1999 with John… I came of my own Free Will.

I came on 3-20-2001, sent by Durek Verrett D,V and by Nnamdi appearing in my house like a Projection of himself at 13.
I already knew that Nnamdi and I were one. And so I refused.
And was forced.. And sent here by a person called Nicholas…

I had two room mates in University 1983… Steven and Nicholas…
Steven now is in bed 4-003… Mors… Erebus… and bed 4-008.. 48.. 43 48… E=cme 4/3.. Sacred Portal 48..

Another usurped me, and claimed my Identity Nature and the B.EAST.. So that I could ressurrect their Truth…T.H…So that that an illusion of them could be transformed into something Real.. Woman was the Beautiful Illusion moving from S.to M to M S… S U M M I T.. M U S I C.. Uncle Sam…U.S.. Universe Supreme.. S..A .M… Army of God transformed to the E

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