
Original post was at 7:17 p.m..

Original post was at 7:17 p.m..

But it was sabotaged.

8:32 p.m.


As you can see, my expression is still being controlled.

Abe was here, and I walked over to him and asked him to buy me a coffee.

He immediately did so.

But first he apologized for not responding as he would have earlier. He explained and I listened.. it had something to do with the I.R.S… And of course there were codes 6-4…But I no longer wished to even pay attention.

Just as I am not going to write what happened today at the Shelter Delta Manor.

Though I will say that I yesterday that Brenda Boothe surprised me by giving me 2USD..

Oh I understood what it meant ( as well as the Intended Insult from the Spirit World… That Blood Line story of the First Man and Woman as the Ancestors of Humanity… Adam and Eve)

I had 2 cents left in my wallet…

I had a 1.11 usd yesterday…

Yes 111 Home… Using my own codes against me to make me expect and express more…

2 USD and 2 cents… The Gall…

I know what it meant…

Brenda was moved to give me 2 usd means that the E and the B B.. is Me.. ( She just walked in…)..


I am the original E.B..B.. The two in One.

5 2 and 2 5..

Todays Date.. 25… Yes… 25 years ago…

6-22-92… At the World Cafe where I wrote the piece a Pause To Take Stock..

The date was the very day that Yonathan Yohanness was born.

The person I met and summoned by my own Harmony by reading the code on a 5 usd on Spring Street was born on that Day.. 6-22-92… And is from Eretria Ethiopia…

E.R…E.T..Ria… Ria means Rivers Mouth.. R.M… The same meaning as Delta… Onu.. Mouth… D.O.R.M…ITORY.. Room 5A.. 4 B… Rosario M.. Bed 5-008.. 58… Nicholas W 4:008.. 48…

Ria Casey H…

Ethiopia… E.T..H.I..O P.I.A..

Meaning and derivation of the name Ethiopia. The name Ethiopia derived, from the Greek form, aithiopia, from the two words aitho, “I burn”, and ops, “face”. It would hence mean the colored man’s land — the land of the scorched faces.

Eretria. (?’r?tr??) n. (Placename) an ancient city in Greece, on the S coast of Euboea: founded as an Ionian colony; destroyed by the Persians in 490 bc following which it never regained its former significance…

Yonathan Yohanness… Y Y… 25 25… 50… E.O..

See todays Date… 7-25-1 O… G..B.E…A.O..

25 years ago 6-22-92… F.V..I.B…. Fact 5 6 B…

Brenda is here 56.. I have never seen her like this..

I am Emotionally Spiritually Tired of Selfish People

E.S… i had written that code in the last post..

Tears welled in her eyes…

Oi! It is not real… I am not even acknowledging what took place today… Not even posting it…

Abe was here today… and I asked him to buy me cigarettes

I watched him, he had only a credit card.. I never carry cash but there was something else in his response.. a nervousness of his Spirit… as if he was not even aware..

The play of the Dead…

I had passed through Yonathan’s home recall.. I had called it Death… Recall the Yukio Mishiman Poem that was on the Table.. Recall his mother Seble and the code Y.E.S.. Played out.. And his testifying in his dreams to the others and having seen Lights U.F.O’S.. Recall his mother saying speaking about He Who Knows whom as a girl she would ask questions and how she described him as someone in a Library a Room with Light.. ( Like the Matrix story..) and how she saw these Beautiful Beings in her dreams…

And recall how they left as Face Book Friends though I knew Yonathan Kahn Yonathan came with another name…


See the Code of Eretria…490.. 49.. Existential Death… That is the Sacred portal..

Recall my first sacred portal drawn by Drew.. Making then 156 of the Black Blue eyed boy from the Omo Valley…

And yet it is not a Scared Portal because the Sacred Portals only work from the one who Draws it.. Emodied.

I told Nenad M. Djurdjevic that he was in Existential Deaths realm… He became my face book friend when he was in Ethiopia. I already knew and fought for him but everyone seems to think that they know better than I..

I smile…

Today 25 52… 7 7… 14.. 5… 25 25… 50… 52 52.. 104.. 14.. 5…

Check the Alignment and you can see who challenged the Beautiful Truth and lines who opened up the portal to the Dead…

Abe means Rose… I rose…

It is not the Falashas the Black Jews… The Jews.. The Hebrew Story… Israel 1948… Death… 6 million Jews…?

6-22-1992…. Fact Victorious 1992… And 6 Months to the day I moved to the Light….

22.. 2 USD..

2 cents..

Whose 2 Cents are you all using…/

Even that belongs to the E..

The E has and have no desire to be the God of the Dead or taking the responsibility of that which they wish others to do for them.


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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