
8/2/2017 21:27 – Facebook Post

7:35 p.m.


8-2-2017… 37…( 5 3 7…/ 7 3 5) * See the Time… 10..Ten U.S.D.. With the code 280 Given to me by Brenda Boothe ( D.o.B… 6-29.. B.O.D.I… B.O.D.Y…)

8 2 1 O…


8 21…O… Harmony 21 letter U.. Universe “You: Full Circle O.E..
*See the Play with Kasien Thompson and what happened to him at age 21…1984..
Linked to Jamel.. meaning “Beauty Handsome” born 7- 17- 1984…
*See my Date of Birth listed on my page as 1984 for the last 7-8 years…

820/ 280… Encoded Equation Complete… Brenda Boothe. BB
Big Brothers Watching You.. George Orwell “1984”

821/ 281… Completed yesterday with Lisa Natalie Johnson and with Kasien Thompson…witnessed and played out by Emeka and Jamel Kamel Camel Carmeil.. Car is the Body Miel means Honey… Milky Way.. Creamy Dreamy Way Wave…
The Body is made of Milky and Honey… Creme Rises to the Top
Bee;s Distribute.. See meaning of the name Kasien…”He who Distributes…

821 H.B A… Handsome Beauty Adonis… Alexander Alpha
A.B.H…Alexis Beautiful Harmony…

821O/ 28 1O.
83 /101…
83/38…Full Circle Complete..
101 Clients Delta Manor…
831…Harmony Sacred Portal 31..Resurrection Erection Building Erecting True Clarity T.C..The point 33…
31 Vertebra in the Spinal Column…
Equation completed.

84… 1984… Equation completed full circle..
Emeka Jamel Kasien Thompson…
and Emeka Kolo Kasien Thompson.. E.K.K.T.. Twin Sons..
Kasien and Jose… Neigbhors… J.K… 10 11…/ 11 01…11 10..
Emeka Jose… Former Nieghbors
E.K.J.J…Add Jamel.. J… E.K..J J J…
Kasien has another family member born 11-30…
E.K..10 10 10… 30… E.K.. 1O1O1O..

The Binary number 101010 means..

*”10/10/10. In binary, that’s 42. And 42 is The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. Or at least, that’s what Douglas Adams says.”

Douglas Adams.. D.A.. 4 1..
Is the Author of the Hitchhikers Guide to the Universe
The Novel written in which the question is asked by two little girls to the ‘Great Computer in the Sky” ( Great Computer.. G.C..E… 7 3 5..*See the Time Code of this Post)
They ask “What is the Meaning of Existence”
At which after they are asked to come back after Eons and are given the response.. 42.. The Number 42…

As you are aware, that when Brenda Boothe gave me the Ten U.S.D marked with the number 280.. Her E-Spirit also bought my tobacco American Spirits ( Wine Red as Dionisio Bacchus D.B.. 4 2…Gone of Wine..

*”Dionysus (/da?.??na?s?s/; Greek: ???????? Dionysos) is the god of the grape harvest, winemaking and wine, of ritual madness, fertility, theatre and religious ecstasy in ancient Greek religion and myth”

She also gave me the codes numbers through her E-Spirit of 42 and 48…
Which I linked to my Sacred Portals.. Taroh…
Sacred Portal 42 Is OHM.. Power of the Waves of Existence Energy but beyond simply Sound.. MUSIC.. But an inner Music of 6th Sense.
4 2..= 6.
48 is my sacred portal Beautiful Death- As Transformation rather than the End…
Beautiful Death B.D.. 2 4..
2 4/ 4 2… 6 6 Is 1… Add is 12..L..Luke “Light Bringer” 36 -9..

Brenda bought my Tobacco at the place where I have been buying my Tobacco for the last 9 months + called Day and Night.. D N… Day A.ND/ D.N.A/ Night… D & N..4 Links to 14.1+4=5.. D.N.E.

8:24 p.m.
( Yes that means in Perfect Timing.. I have Linked to the PT.. The Full Circle and the Point within and of the Full Circle.”

Day and Night would thus be 24..One Day which contains as 69/96..Ying Yang.. 69- 15..letter O.. O.N.E..Day.. 12 12.. Day and Night make one Day.. 12 12.. 24..Hours..
48 Hours is Two Days.. Two People… J.K..10 11/ 11 01…
Who are 111..Three Add Robert ( Ace) and who are all 1..

8;28 p.m.

24 is 42 seen through its R.. Reflection.
But if there is no duality then 24 is simply 24 No matter how you read it..
And 24.. is simply 6..
Jose formerly of bed 5-4.. linked to Kasien who is 54..who occuply beds 5-16, 5-17.. E.P.. E.Q
The Completion of Earth Planet.. Expression Perfection..
E.P.. 5 16= 21… Of the Equation E.Q.. Expression Quantum..
Quintessential… for Transformation of Physical Mass.
5 17.. 22… Thus.. 21 22… 43…
This is my Equation for Energy E=C.Me 4/3…
Which I have already proven.

And you may recall, that the first bed assigned to me here at Delta manor is the same room which Jose and Kasien occupy.
That is in October 2016…10-2016… J..P.T.. A O..P.T.
Bed 5-19… The last bed…in the entire Delta Manor…
5 19.. = 24.

But as you recall, I was not allowed to sleep there, but was the same day reassigned to bed 3002… 32…Years old 1984…
In Room 3A.. 3 as the Solar Plexus… and 3rd Planet from the Sun. 3 as in 33.. And the 6 dollars remaining as of this moment in my wallet.
After buying two refills of coffee for 54 cents…
Yes.. Kasien’s code age ( Line of Immortals we have no age)..
54 54.Two… 108… J.H…Jamel Harmony… 18.. R..

Yesterday night when I returned to the sight of the play of the Evolution Awakening- assigned as Delta Manor in this Matrix Script representing the Underworld.
8:40 p.m.
*Meaning that I am in Harmony with 19 84…

That I had already said my Good Bye, but this Criminally Evil Universal Script ( to me and the personally at least) had manifested through Brenda Booth arriving at the last moment, when I was ready to walk away after 5.4 Months of proving everyday, posting my Awareness Expression and codes of the Riddles Of Existence which I had not only solved, linked proved demonstrated but which I had also proved that Humanity are on a World Stage.. That this Reality and Life is not Actual Life…

But Brenda had arrived just as I was completed 2 days ago, with the intel ( unknown to her) of adding 48 hours.

That is about to be up…
Or actually.. A man just walked in right at this moment with a T Shirt with the Words written “Pastime”
He just left… P.AS..T I.M.E..
* He just got up and left.. when I acknowledged and wrote this code…Yes, as I have been proving Humanity are being moved by their E-Spirits.. without even being aware.
Something which was all played out yesterday…

Beginning with Ms Lilian… and her giving me 15 usd.. letter O. and the code of wishing me to include the code of her Daughter Alexis and Sons 11 and 9 of Quincy and Cameron..
Code L A..E.Q..C… A is E.
And that is what played out yesterday…

With Kasien Thompson and Jamel…
Kasien is bed 5-017… E.O..Q..
Jose is born 5-15-69… E.O..F.

Alexis means “Defender of Man” and is the person here who the first day, convinced me to stay- she is the Night time Director of this Shelter of ‘Mental’ Health.
Her first cousin in Dee.. 4 55..Whose daughter is 8 born 7-28 Same day as my Sister…

Quincy means Latin Meaning: The name Quincy is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Quincy is: Born fifth.

That was the literal Code which Kasien gave me yesterday and I knew it was correct after the testimony he gave me of passing through the portals of The Family undercover as the Egyptian Animal Spirit ( A.S.. American Spirits.. Day & Night) world of the Matter as Flesh potential..
Also of Persia.. also of the Invisible Man.. which he lived.

Cameron is a given name in the English language. … In the Scottish Highlands the surname is thought to be derived from the Gaelic cam sròn, meaning “crooked nose” or “crooked river”;

Which really means “River Bend”- River is the Stream of Consciousness… Crooked Nose.. Really means the Knowing.. Bending Light.. When Light Enters a Prisim a Pyramid..
Which is where Kasien was taken too in a visiob true of him being buried in a coffin Family walking away..
Then Beings dressed as Ancient Egyptians wearing Animal Heads.. Yes, Recall the Vision of Jonn Blackwell at 18 Mountain View- they person who took me from B.R.C and bed 49 Room B and which I returned 9 months to the day +One on the day of his Wife Donna O ‘Sullivan;s ( D.O.S.. D.S ) Fathers Birthday…
4-19… His name was Robert…

The Play yesterday began with me returning alone, pissed quiet back to my undercover role in this hellish place in all realms iof Existential Death by Society but which is really the Cross Over portal.. Beautiful Death.. through Transformation ( hence my rage at what wads done)..
He expressed the entire process of the Pyramid and what takes place.
How he was taken to a place where his body was discarded and he was then pure Spirit Energy thrown into a Vat of Boiling water at which he had at first felt fear and Hollered… But realized that it was a cleansing process.
He was then taken through a maze.. where he was led to a stage..
And that is where we were.. In the caged Terrace with First
Ace. who is Robert.. He was the first to approach me as I sat…
Amazed that Will Woods sharing that which I did not know, that I had half a million Views of my Face Book Viedo of my Time on Face Book all the images as stories I had posted.

471878 .. But that was a code.. Intel…
47../ 74…
18.. Letter R.. / 81..
78/ 87… Nasa Classification Milky Way is M.W 87.

See my Sacred Portal 87.

So it started with me.. E.. Then Robert.. “Famed Bright Shinning of Light”

Then Kasien seated alone with a Wire which we had to cross over..
Then Jamel…Jamel called me over and for the first time I was given the Weed to smoke. Which then activated me to a release of Energy. Which I was too tired to hold back which made me Dance and Move in a manner which Kasien had described in his Astral Projection experience of how the “A-Liens’ were showing him how to move, motion.. programing.

Jamel had identified this. and my body bowed to him.
And I then was forced compelled to explain and express what was really happening to me. Which caused Kasien Thompson who said he had thought that I was crazy.. To Fully understand..
“I feel I am becoming in one with my body.. Tunned.. But the way he had stated it at first was in such a perfect expression of his being “Kassim” being given the illusion of being “Divided” from himself, but which was really the Distribution of himself as Fractals of Light… Fractaling As Emeka Eze.. F A ..E E..
and then merging back into one.. 1..
Jamel The 7-1/ 1-7 Colors of Light..
7 Stages of Man…
See Kasien Thompson page.. “The World is but a Stage and we are All Actors playing our parts” It reads.
And How Literal his Expression he did not realize until yesterday…

Quincy is 11 years old… K.. which links to Kasien and Jamel.. 1984…

Cameron is 9… 9 is I…
9 months Delta Manor…
Jamel.. 33 years old.. 33..
I am born 11 28.. meaning I would still be 32…
T.L.. 20 12… 32… 5.. E.
And My Family have been enacting out My Original Story which was corrupted, and they were doing this as I had stated for 5.4..months almost 5.5… To become Independent.. Individuals..As I.E.. Infinite Eternal and now Embodied with Bodies Eternal of theirOwn…

Okay.. I had better stop, I feek the rage of this play rising in me again…
It went to Far.. way too far…

But I obeyed:Father The Creator… I gave 48 Hours..
And was taken for granted as usual…

9:27 p.m.



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