
8/3/2017 15:53 – Facebook Post

12:58 p.m


E.H…Eternal Harmony.



Something did happen last night.

I did not move but Steven Morris of Bed 4-003 did.
4 3..

Recall my Equation for Energy is E=C Me 4/3..
Which I proved here because I was moved through those Rooms and beds.
5B… Bed 5-19

1;02 p.m.
I paused here because before even opening up my page, I knew I would be at 1002 Face Book Friends.
Which is 102…J.B..
James Bond.007…. 43… 7… OO.. Two Full Circle.
Represented by Jose Anthony Roque Room 5B. Bed 5-16
And Kasien Thompson Room 5B Bed 5-17…
E.P… Pure Energy…
E.Q…Equation Quantum…
Expression Pure is the Equation.

I was in 5B.. Bed 5-19… E.S…but was not allowed to stay there until I finished I answered the Challenge by the Unseen Realm by Humans, to Prove it without even being informed.
But as I stated over 5.4 years ago that I was already aware that I was in a Royal Court.

Link Geoff LaCour who I met at Cielo in 2004 Through Micheal James. I was at the Door- a Role I had never played for the Well Known Promoter of the Night Life World M.J… Yes.

Recall how, where I was moved to, 5B to 3A, to 4B, to 5A, To 4B… 5 3 4 5 4…/ 4 5 4 3 5…
Letters B A B A B..B… Add Brenda Booth…
Meaning that Jose and Kasien ( 10 11) where used to see if my Equation was True and if I had done this myself.. Which would be impossible unless Energy of Existence which moves through everything was echoing its Source.
Because I had no control of which room I am place.

I had stated this from the beginning, that the Whole World and especially New York and then the Shelter System was a representation of the Universal Matrix. U.M.. Universal Mind to some, which I had challenged saying that it is Music.
The Challenge began in 2010 when Marina Burini contacted a Man telling him about who I was and what I had done and he called the Creator- The Universal Mind.

Please recall the Intel from Brenda Booth E-spirit.. 48 and 42…
Jose Roque is 48… Sacred Portal 48 is Beautiful Death as Transformation. I was 48 and in a way I still am, since Time was stopped since I entered the system D.O.S.. Operating System of this Computer Matrix to find myself set up to prove that it is Conversation -Sharing- Information which is the literal Equation which Manifested Infinity 8…Harmony.. 4- 8’s…
-I had entered the system to mu outrage in 2015 spent 2 months Bed 49, where I met Kieth Grant bed 53 which was the Intel he gave me that I had to reach after confirming that I was in a simulation of a Black Hole instead of the Tunnel of True Love ( The Human and Universal Sub Conscious where I had come to navigate the play of accessing all Creation 6th Sense to activate the Circuit Board in this Play) before, being taken from there by Jonn Blackwell, J.B (J.D) and his wife D.O.S. I spent 9 months there… 2-9…
Then I spent 2 months again at B.R.C Bed 007…And I have spent 9 months here + two weeks extra…
That is 2-9/ 2-9… Is it not…

Brenda was born 6-29-61..
Kasien Thompson 11-29..63..
And I had to pass through the portal of Nenad M. Djurdjevic Bergamo Italy.. B.I..2 9…
In 1992 is when I went home in Paris age 25…Dec. And when as a Human Being I got the evidence of what I already knew as an Eternal Source of the Portal home to Eternity existed as a what one might associate as a Moon or that Galaxy Nasa classified as Galaxy I.C 1101… But nothing comes close to what it really is, is Extase.. Feelings Sensational… Super Nova!

Oh, and recall that after spending 9 months at Jonn and Donnas at 18 Mountain View, I spent 2 months at Erik Ebrights in Miami who summoned me to come to his Aid, and to pass through the code of Ohio where he is from, and the three generations of Computer Programmers… Father M.I.T studied the same as me in University- Urban and Regional Planing.. minor Architecture.

All this is already documented in actuality here on my page, so summaries are simply to bring every one up to par.
Erik E-Bright planted the code 6983 in my computer… Which I still use..

Nnamdi my brother as my past self evolving with SUM Of Everything was born 69.
Jose was born 69… making him 48.
I have an Uncle also called Nnamdi born 1963…
The Gap is 6… Represented by myself.

Sacred Portal to Eternal Life is 43..”Door of Life”-Eternal Life.
Which I accessed in 19 92…
84 is the Date I returned with Billy Hung ( B.H..2 8) with Rav Singh from Forte Lauderdale Florida in 2012, after he 2 8, came on a Fact Finding mission to see if my Art and Science of Reading the matrix which had so startled him a light bulb he said literally went off in his mind after our first conversation which led him to call me even publicly God
We returned in that Date, and the moment we entered the City of New York Billy Hung ( American Chinese Taiwanese.. A.C.T) had revelation right in the car which we all witnessed.. And which he said transported him to a different realm and led him to sponsor my work for a year.. And would have continued if he had not become corrupted by the Play.. The Cruelty of the Play.

1984 is the Equation played out with Myself Jamel and Kasien Thompson who gave incontestable evidence of what he could never have known I had been proving for 5.4 years on Face Book in a pre set up play which I was guided by my brother appearing to me in the parallel universe people call the sleep state.Asking me to go on Face Book… to my shock.
And to leave the place I was staying the next day which was his birth day.. April 5th 1969… 4-5-69…5-4-69/96..
Notice how Jose and Kasien J.K.. 10 11../ 11 01/ 11 10 Both link to my Brother Twin self… Age 54..5-4… Year 1969..
Date 5 15.. E O… ( E O Is the Symbol in mathematics of Eternity.)
Kasien.. 11-29.. One day after Mine…
11 28…
All three of us Room 5B… 5 5 5…
See Lisa Natalie Johnson code and her expression that it is Complete and done..
5-15..11 29..11 28….
E.O…11 11 22 98…4 (1) V…Victorious 5th Dimension..I.H..Welcome Home to Infinity Harmony Immortal Individuals Eternal Adonis Men.. Y chromosome is Male.

5 15 11 11 29 28…. 5 11 11…E.K..K…2 2.. B B..9 8… I.H..
Emeka Kolo Kemal ( Jemal Kasien) Beauty Beautiful Brenda Booth… 98 I.H.. Diamond Hearing.. D.H.. 48…Brenda gave me the 48 code, Lisa Natalie Johnson gave the code 5 5 5…D.H..
* Sacred Portal 98 / 89..Is Diamond Hearing
Music to my Ears….”

When I got back last night, I saw Kasien Thompson first, then I saw Steven Morris… S.M.. bed 4-003, I noticed that he was staring at me, and for a moment, I wanted to snap “What is it?”
Our play had revealed his Truth as a Lie “Sado Masochist” linked to Shqiponja Mesarea S.M.. Who left the play on Face Book. Their Sado Masochism lies in that they believe that they can veil their true expression under a True and Sincere veneer of agreement, words and seeming passivity…

2:09 P.M.

Human do that alot… Which makes then unstable, untrustworthy because they are in perfect harmony but they take no responsibility for their truth, that they trust love adore are loyal as long as you please them or have power.. And they do not take responsibility for all the effort made for them. All the pain they caused others to make them rise.
I told Flor who did not tell me until a couple of weeks ago that she was really Shqiponja Mesarea the whole Time.
She was testing me.
I suspected of course, but I waited for her to reveal it hersel, she kept the ruse going on for ages…
Incredible, she was testing me by setting me up, just like this play set up. Which Kasien Thompson gave such evidence that this is not Real Life. That we are on a Stage acting our parts.

And then his flesh had risen two or three occasions signfying he said, there recognition of my telling the truth.
He then confirmed it two three times with tears of Joy then private grief when I expressed my wrath at what these Evil Witches had put our Line through…
The Suffering we rose above beyond words.. The set up the cruelty which they took such pleasure in…
And then through his own Science of Astrology and Wisdom and his own Individual experience of the Sagittarius Centaur.. Horse Men E-Spirits

It was only this morning that I saw that Steven Morris was no longer in Bed 4-003… Has he left the building, been transfered, I did not bother to ask.
I just know that he is gone.
And this morning all I could see was the code of James Bond and 10 2 Every where…
Even at lunch a man was sitting across from me with the T-Shirt 007.
Meaning the Unseen, and the Seen ( you the General Public) have finally agreed that this World is not Real Life.
And the Witches of Ancestry and the Warlocks – Architects of the Matrix and the World Wide Web.. Beliving that because of their understanding of Nature and Logic that they could keep the entire World under a Spell Hypnotic Spell.. For 5000 years and back to the Beginning of their Time when the First encountered the Beautiful Ones… First Contact and instead of Feeling Love…
They Expressed Jealousy and instead of fighting it..
They gave into it and gave into it so deeply that they became these great abominations who would go so far to keep power.

Recall the Thin thin woman I met before I was “Sent” to the Shelter who I called Death.
I met her on 80 Spring Street with Fabián Verdejo
i believe it was this Fabian ( Meaning The Bean… 54 The Bean Cafe)…
She had tempted me with giving me my Life back but went beserk when I told her that this world is not Real.. That this Life is not Real..
Born of Woman through the Womb… Born to Die…

And so, I knew when 43 as who as S.M was in my Bed. I knew who had usurped my role. I knew who had challenged my Eternal Truth and I knew who had punished me for daring to declare that I am the Source, The Creator..And that he is a Man.

But they already knew, because they began to punish me from the moment I came into this World.
My Mother..’Emeka you have been fighting since you came out of my Womb.. ” Beginning with my Bio Father…
I was cursed set up before I even knew who I was…
Before I was able to qualify and prove first my own I.D.

The First Volume ( written Third) of the Volumes dealing with my Child is called “Does Anyone Know my Name?’
I suspected who I was by my Memories and the things which were happening around me, and the manifestations and the way people treated me at first…
But I had to know for sure, and I was more interested in seeking my Family of the E of the 5th Dimension.
And so, it was only when my past caught up with me, Nnamdi.. Chukwu-emeka Okolo.. Kolo… C.O..C.K… C.OC.K… Sure…
Yes.. that is my younger brother… so Cock Sure.. Cocky as in both ways.. Penis Cock Sure.. Confident.. Insolent?
No Beautiful Pride…
And his twin aspect Nnoni Promise Life.. Existence Ma’at.. Drama of the Play of Life ( though I think she and he overdid it this time) is Cheeky.. Cheek…
As in Cheeky and Ass Cheeks…
See Sacred Portal 38/ 83… I leave on her Beautiful Behind.. B B..
See todays date…

Me.. I am Balls… B-ALLS… Dick as in Private Dick.. Detective.. See Eddie Murphy 48 hiurs.. Yes to figure out the Traitor…
“It was Chandra line.. not Larry…When Brenda gave the last code, Chandra showed up, and I recall saying I might me leaving in 48 hours..
He comment was no, we still have use of you, I am not ready to release you yet… Na.. I do not feel it..” She has given nothing to aid me except a Dollar I demanded of her to test and hold her… in my spell.
And I had told the Nurse here called Cheryl… and Dee whose daughter is 7-28…
I noted each of their responses…
And today Dee did not mention it until I said I am still here.. Her response was “Its Still Early”

When I went to see the Nurse Cheryl…I could see her glee and she could not help but say..’I See your are still here”
And for the first time today I noticed that she has Body Odor.
She Stank,

I have 2;15 in my pocket… B.O… B.F..
I had been able to give Lisa Natalie Johnson a 5 usd..
I knew it was a code, that I could give some one her, she who had been so generous 5.. I knew that it was now 5 5 5 5…And 5..
20… 4 5.. 54..20..
I had worn her Oil Serenity yesterday, and when I came to this Cafe, I saw the 71 year old or is it 69 year old Rosevelt was sitting in the cafe…
There was no other seat apart from infront of him, and he was delighted…

I immediately noticed that he was reading a Book called Serenity…
I marked it and he came out from undercover and I saw a boyish smile which made me see my own smile as a boy which made people nick name me Sunshine.

“I am almost there… ”

No, I said.. You are there…

Serena Williams..
Venus Williams..

The Jamaican Twins who we had known in Winnipeg Canada, the only other “Black Family” we had encountered in the entire City for a long while…
And then to our amazement this family came to Nigeria in 1976 and to the exact same city and the same University Housing unit…

Brenda Boothe is Back.. So that completes the Line of 5 linked to Kasien Thompson Kemal her Son… Means Perfection..
Jose Anthony Roque… her Husband Peter. means Rock…Solid…
She Crossed her Family over…

Anyway, the Jamaican Twins were really Half Jamaican and Half Igbo… Their mother was Beautiful but not as my Mother and their father was bold but not angry like my father.
I remember knowing the profond connection existed with this family, the coincidence was to great.
There were Five Girls.. The Twins Cathy and Carol were my age or between my Age and My sisters… then Patricia who perhaps was my age.. then Two others one who looked like Nnamdi and was his age… and another Booms Age..
Beautiful Beautiful girls.
And we even started a Summer School with them and I preformed on stage infront of the Entire University community with Patricia playing my Wife…
Patrick Okolo
Patricia Kane…

Anyway Cathy and Carol Emereuwa.. Meaning “The Making of the World”…C.E.C.E…P.E…
They were Tennis Stars as Serena and Venus Williams…
Lisa Natalie Johnson Kelvin met them…Lisa informed me when they were just starting out..
He is a Tennis Coach etc…
My sister and I played Tennis…
But we excelled in Table Tennis which my bio Father Loved.

Serenity is the one of the Tatoos on my Shoulder…
A Phoenix Eagle.. and the Words in Japanese Characters…
I chose 4 words… Truth Love Serenity and Harmony..
But only had time to put two and cound not remember which ones I put on…
Serenity is Truth..
Truth is Love.
Love is Harmony…

The Two is Serenity Harmony… the Two are the 4 and the 4 like the 4 seasons are really 2..
4 2… 2 4…
66…6….12..3…36…18..9…3… 93…12..27…39…
3993… I.C.C.I…C.I.I.C…I F I…24…6..F….. C I I C…C I C…6…
66… Fiction Fact…
You see it all completes at 1…3 9/93…
1 Full Circle…
On Page 9 yesterdays New York times…
Page 9..

“After War, Going Out of the Way to Find Peace”

Vetrans of the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan I.A.
seek Serenity in Nature ..
“Here at 13,00 feet walking through the 3,100 mile hike along the Continental Divide ( Kasien Thompson Kasien does not mean Divide it means Distribute.. and Sernity is not found in Nature, it is found in Naturalness.. Beautiful Pride.. 31 Vertebra… 13 is M… 1000 IN Roman Numerals it is Resurrection 1-12+1… 1-1… Full Circle of a Year…13/31…. Full Circle.. 31/13… 4 4…. Bed 4-04… My bed. 4 8…16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44…Full Circle… It completed at 8.
31..Beautiful Past Beauty TheTrue Warriors of the Past had Honor.. Not P.T. S.D…
PT… S.D… Perfect Timing Serenity Divine…
PT.. Sex Desire… which was another article on page 5 wasThe Art of Talking about Sex and Death…”

There is no Death Sex and Desire is the name of the 3rd Volume of Sacred Portals…
Ascension… See sacred portal 29…Valkyrie transporting Weary Warriors from the Battle Ground of Lies and back to Bliss..

3:38 P.M.

Obviously, some Group have been Plagiarizing my Work and claiming It to be their own, while they set up a play to gain and gain and a way that no one would ever find the Truth out.

Please see the posts which Jean Ann Dortch liked yesterday..
Code J.A.D… 10 1..4… Delta Manor… Where this play was set up… to find the Truth.
1 O 1 4/ 4 1 O A… D.A… “Elugua Elu A SacredPortal 41” O.A..my Hat given to me by Delta Manor 25 Dec 2016…O.A.115
She liked post 4:43 of sacred Portal 25… @ 8:56 p.m

then @ 9:04 p.m… 94… I.D… She commented as well as liked 4;43 pm post .. Date AUG.29…2016…7;27 p.m

and May 13th Post 2016… 1;29 am post..
“615 F.A.E…

I had 2;15 usd with me…@ 9;04 p.m

She Liked 4 .. and two more a.m.

The One Sacred Portal she liked is S.P 25… Y..

And the ones she Likes as I.D… Emeka Kolo See my Wrath at the Witches Landing… 3:53 p.m… Full Circle

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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